In this versions there is some output changes & fixes that can break your code.
Now all arguments inside brackets are parsed as separate strings in the list.
For example:
file_format = (TYPE=JSON NULL_IF=('field')
this was parsed like 'NULL_IF': "('field')",
now it will be: 'NULL_IF': ["'field'"], -
Added separate tokens for EQ
and IN (previously they was parsed as IDs also - for internal info, for contributors. -
Some check statements in columns now parsed validly, also IN statements parsed as normal lists.
So this statement include_exclude_ind CHAR(1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT chk_metalistcombo_logicalopr
CHECK (include_exclude_ind IN ('I', 'E')),
will produce this output:
{'check': {'constraint_name': 'chk_metalistcombo_logicalopr',
'statement': {'in_statement': {'in': ["'I'", "'E'"],
'name': 'include_exclude_ind'}}},
- DEFAULT word now is not arriving in key 'default' (it was before in some cases)
New Features
- Added Athena output mode and initial support - #272