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Fakturoid PHP lib

PHP library for Please see API for more documentation. New account just for testing API and using separate user (created via "Nastavení > Uživatelé a oprávnění") for production usage is highly recommended.

Circle CI


The recommended way to install is through Composer:

composer require fakturoid/fakturoid-php

Library requires PHP 7.4 (or later) and ext-curl and ext-json extensions.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use fakturoid\fakturoid_php\Client;
$f = new Client('..slug..', '[email protected]..', '..api_key..', 'PHPlib <[email protected]>');

// create subject
$response = $f->createSubject(['name' => 'Firma s.r.o.', 'email' => '[email protected]']);
$subject  = $response->getBody();

// create invoice with lines
$lines    = ['name' => 'Big sale', 'quantity' => 1, 'unit_price' => 1000];
$response = $f->createInvoice(['subject_id' => $subject->id, 'lines' => $lines]);
$invoice  = $response->getBody();

// send created invoice
$f->fireInvoice($invoice->id, 'deliver');

// to mark invoice as paid
$f->fireInvoice($invoice->id, 'pay'); // or 'pay_proforma' for paying proforma and 'pay_partial_proforma' for partial proforma

// you can also take advantage of caching (via ETag and Last-Modified headers).
$response     = $f->getInvoice(123);
$status       = $response->getStatusCode();            // 200
$invoice      = $response->getBody();                  // stdClass Object
$etag         = $response->getHeader('ETag');          // 'W/"6e0d839fb2edb9eadcd9ecda2d227c96"'
$lastModified = $response->getHeader('Last-Modified'); // "Wed, 28 Mar 2018 03:11:14 GMT"

$response     = $f->getInvoice(123, ['If-None-Match' => $etag, 'If-Modified-Since' => $lastModified]);
$status       = $response->getStatusCode();            // 304 Not Modified
$invoice      = $response->getBody();                  // null

Downloading an invoice PDF

$invoiceId = 123;
$response = $f->getInvoicePdf($invoiceId);
$data = $response->getBody();
file_put_contents("{$invoiceId}.pdf", $data);

If you call $f->getInvoicePdf() right after creating an invoice, you'll get a status code 204 (No Content) with empty body, this means the invoice PDF hasn't yet been generated and you should try again a second or two later.

More info in API docs.

$invoiceId = 123;

// This is just an example, you may want to do this in a background job and be more defensive.
while (true) {
  $response = $f->getInvoicePdf($invoiceId);

  if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
    $data = $response->getBody();
    file_put_contents("{$invoiceId}.pdf", $data);


Using custom_id

You can use custom_id attribute to store your application record ID into our record. Invoices and subjects can be filtered to find a particular record:

$response = $f->getSubjects(['custom_id' => '10']);
$subjects = $response->getBody();
$subject  = null;

if (count($subjects)) {
    $subject = $subjects[0];

As for subjects, Fakturoid won't let you create two records with the same custom_id so you don't have to worry about multiple results. Also note that the field always returns a string.

Handling errors

Library raises Fakturoid\Exception if server returns code 4xx or 5xx. You can get response code and response body by calling getCode() or getMessage().

try {
    $subject = $f->createSubject(['name' => '', 'email' => '[email protected]']);
} catch (\fakturoid\fakturoid_php\Exception $e) {
    $e->getCode(); // 422
    $e->getMessage(); // '{"errors":{"name":["je povinná položka","je příliš krátký/á/é (min. 2 znaků)"]}}'

Common problems

  • Ensure you have certificates for curl present - either globaly in php.ini or call curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/cacert.pem").
  • In case of problem please contact our invoicing robot on [email protected].


  • To run tests, PHPUnit requires ext-dom extension (typically a php-xml package on Debian) and ext-mbstring extension (php-mbstring package).
  • If you wish to generate code coverage (and have more intelligent stack traces), you will need Xdebug (php-xdebug package), it will hook itself into PHPUnit automatically.


$ brew install composer
# Reload terminal
$ composer install


$ sudo aptitude install php php-curl php-xml php-mbstring php-xdebug composer
$ composer install


Both commands do the same but the second version is a bit faster.

$ composer test
$ vendor/bin/phpunit

Code-Style Check

Both commands do the same but the second version seems to have a more intelliget output.

$ composer lint
$ vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR12 lib


Fakturoid PHP bindings







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