About project deployment onnx graph optimization.
Note: Some functions of our program can only be guaranteed to run correctly when onnx opset_version=11, such as opset!=11, please configure the conversion opset, it may be possible to avoid errors but not necessarily.
**Supplement: MobileViT-v2 already supports opset_version >= 11.**Other networks or modules do not currently support higher versions and will be upgraded in the future.
*Support networks name list
Network Name | Paper |
AnnatatedTransformer | The Annotated Transformer (harvard.edu) |
EfficientViT | arxiv.org/pdf/2205.14756.pdf |
Conformer | 2005.08100.pdf (arxiv.org) |
MobileViT-v1 | 2110.02178.pdf (arxiv.org) |
MobileViT-v2 | 2206.02680.pdf (arxiv.org) |
- Supports onnx model version network conversion for opset_version <= 18.**Fixed opset_version==11 is no longer required.
- Built-in onnx model upgrade, configure the target opset_version through args (-v).
- Added support for MobileViT-v1 and MobileViT-v2.