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Use bracket pattern in XMonad.Prompt
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Also deduplicates some code shared by mkXPromptWithReturn and
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mgsloan committed Dec 29, 2018
1 parent dda242a commit 6e137ad
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
Added `sorter` to `XPConfig` used to sort the possible completions by how
well they match the search string (example: `XMonad.Prompt.FuzzyMatch`).

Fixes a potential bug where an error during prompt execution would
leave the window open and keep the keyboard grabbed. See issue

## 0.15

### Breaking Changes
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147 changes: 70 additions & 77 deletions XMonad/Prompt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -361,40 +361,18 @@ getInput = gets command
-- module.
mkXPromptWithReturn :: XPrompt p => p -> XPConfig -> ComplFunction -> (String -> X a) -> X (Maybe a)
mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action = do
XConf { display = d, theRoot = rw } <- ask
s <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
hist <- io readHistory
w <- io $ createWin d rw conf s
io $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask
gc <- io $ createGC d w
io $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
fs <- initXMF (font conf)
numlock <- gets $ X.numberlockMask
let hs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup (showXPrompt t) hist
om = (XPSingleMode compl (XPT t)) --operation mode
st = initState d rw w s om gc fs hs conf numlock
st' <- io $ execStateT runXP st

releaseXMF fs
io $ freeGC d gc
if successful st' then do
prune = take (historySize conf)

io $ writeHistory $ M.insertWith
(\xs ys -> prune . historyFilter conf $ xs ++ ys)
(showXPrompt t)
(prune $ historyFilter conf [command st'])
-- we need to apply historyFilter before as well, since
-- otherwise the filter would not be applied if
-- there is no history
--When alwaysHighlight is True, autocompletion is handled with indexes.
--When it is false, it is handled depending on the prompt buffer's value
let selectedCompletion = case alwaysHighlight (config st') of
False -> command st'
True -> fromMaybe (command st') $ highlightedCompl st'
Just <$> action selectedCompletion
st' <- mkXPromptImplementation (showXPrompt t) conf (XPSingleMode compl (XPT t))
if successful st'
then do
let selectedCompletion =
case alwaysHighlight (config st') of
-- When alwaysHighlight is True, autocompletion is
-- handled with indexes.
False -> command st'
-- When it is false, it is handled depending on the
-- prompt buffer's value.
True -> fromMaybe (command st') $ highlightedCompl st'
Just <$> action selectedCompletion
else return Nothing

-- | Creates a prompt given:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,59 +400,74 @@ mkXPrompt t conf compl action = mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action >> retur
-- that means that this prompt overrides the value `alwaysHighlight` for its configuration to True.
mkXPromptWithModes :: [XPType] -> XPConfig -> X ()
mkXPromptWithModes modes conf = do
let defaultMode = head modes
modeStack = W.Stack { W.focus = defaultMode -- Current mode
, W.up = []
, W.down = tail modes -- Other modes
om = XPMultipleModes modeStack
st' <- mkXPromptImplementation (showXPrompt defaultMode) conf { alwaysHighlight = True } om
if successful st'
then do
case operationMode st' of
XPMultipleModes ms -> let
action = modeAction $ W.focus ms
in action (command st') $ (fromMaybe "" $ highlightedCompl st')
_ -> error "The impossible occurred: This prompt runs with multiple modes but they could not be found." --we are creating a prompt with multiple modes, so its operationMode should have been constructed with XPMultipleMode
else return ()

-- Internal function used to implement 'mkXPromptWithReturn' and
-- 'mkXPromptWithModes'.
mkXPromptImplementation :: String -> XPConfig -> XPOperationMode -> X XPState
mkXPromptImplementation historyKey conf om = do
XConf { display = d, theRoot = rw } <- ask
s <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
s <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
numlock <- gets X.numberlockMask
hist <- io readHistory
w <- io $ createWin d rw conf s
io $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask
gc <- io $ createGC d w
io $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
fs <- initXMF (font conf)
numlock <- gets $ X.numberlockMask
defaultMode = head modes
hs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup (showXPrompt defaultMode) hist
modeStack = W.Stack{ W.focus = defaultMode --current mode
, W.up = []
, W.down = tail modes --other modes
st = initState d rw w s (XPMultipleModes modeStack) gc fs hs conf { alwaysHighlight = True} numlock
st' <- io $ execStateT runXP st

st' <- io $
(createWin d rw conf s)
(destroyWindow d)
(\w ->
(createGC d w)
(freeGC d)
(\gc -> do
selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask
setGraphicsExposures d gc False
let hs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup historyKey hist
st = initState d rw w s om gc fs hs conf numlock
runXP st))
releaseXMF fs
io $ freeGC d gc

if successful st' then do
prune = take (historySize conf)

-- insert into history the buffers value
io $ writeHistory $ M.insertWith
when (successful st') $ do
let prune = take (historySize conf)
io $ writeHistory $
(\xs ys -> prune . historyFilter conf $ xs ++ ys)
(showXPrompt defaultMode)
-- We need to apply historyFilter before as well, since
-- otherwise the filter would not be applied if there is no
-- history
(prune $ historyFilter conf [command st'])
return st'

case operationMode st' of
XPMultipleModes ms -> let
action = modeAction $ W.focus ms
in action (command st') $ (fromMaybe "" $ highlightedCompl st')
_ -> error "The impossible occurred: This prompt runs with multiple modes but they could not be found." --we are creating a prompt with multiple modes, so its operationMode should have been constructed with XPMultipleMode
return ()

runXP :: XP ()
runXP = do
(d,w) <- gets (dpy &&& win)
status <- io $ grabKeyboard d w True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime
when (status == grabSuccess) $ do
runXP :: XPState -> IO XPState
runXP st = do
let d = dpy st
w = win st
st' <- bracket
(grabKeyboard d w True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime)
(\_ -> ungrabKeyboard d currentTime)
(\status ->
flip execStateT st $ do
when (status == grabSuccess) $ do
eventLoop handle
io $ ungrabKeyboard d currentTime
io $ destroyWindow d w
io $ sync d False
sync d False
return st'

type KeyStroke = (KeySym, String)

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