Stromdings uses an ATMEGA328 microcontroller and four MCP3304 analog-digital converters to measure the power on up to 16 circuits using current transformers. Measurements are transmitted via WiFi to a home assistant server using mqtt.
- Measure up to 16 ports
- Up to 16A (3.6kW @ 230V) per port
- Non-invasive installation using 'clip on' current transformer clamps
- +/- 2 Watt accuracy
- Transmit measurements via WiFi using MQTT
Stromdings is an Arduino project, developed in VSCode using the PlatrormIO extension. It runs on an 16MHz ATMega328P microcontroller.
Requirements to the microcontroller:
- Analog port with hardware pinchange interrupt
- Two serial ports or support for software serial interface
- Serial peripheral interface (SPI)
- i2c bus
Used third party libraries:
- Software serial: AltSoftSerial (forked)
- WiFi (ESP8266): WiFiEspAT (forked)
- i2c LCD (16x2): hd44780
- MQTT: pubsubclient (forked)
- ATMega328P microcontroller
- MCP3304 analog-digital converters
- YHDC SCT-013 100A current transformers (1:2000 turns)
- 220 Ohm shunt resistors for measurements up to 16A (3.6kW @ 230V) per port
- ESP-01 WiFi module using ESP8266 chip
- LCD Display with 16x2 characters via i2c
- Rotary encoder to select displayed info on the LCD
Schematics and PCB was designed using the EasyEDA online editor. Schematics, PCB Design and final Gerber-Files are available in the 'doc' folder.
- PCB: D1 orientation wrong
- PCB: add reset button
- PCB: Power cycle possibility for ESP-01
- PCB: Optimize 2.5V ref voltage track routing
- PCB: Check debounce cap necessity for rotary