(c) Amit Singh, [email protected]
With contributions from Matthias Egger ❤️
This software and related files are licensed under GNU GPL version 2
Please visit the following webpage for more details
or read the accompanying LICENSE file.
Special thanks to Bob Trower for the base64 utility he made
This utility is licensed under the MIT license
please see the b64.c source file for the complete license.
xstress is an SMTP Stress Testing Tool. Essentially xstress creates multiple connections to (your) mail server and sends multiple mails repeatedly over all connections.
xstress understands only SMTP protocol. No authentication mechanism is supported at the moment.
xstress may be used to stress test normal SMTP servers, test Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam softwares that accept or filter SMTP connections and the like.
using xstress you can specify a list of the following objects to be used for sending mails:
1) TO address list
2) FROM address list
3) SUBJECT list
4) list of BODY content files/directories
5) list of ATTACHMENT content files/directories
xstress randomly makes a combination from the available list and sends mails to the configured SMTP server.
If you have Docker, clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/xk0der/xstress.git
And run the following command to test out xstress
$ ./dev-setup
Dev-Setup will create two containers, a test SMPT server using https://maildev.github.io/maildev/
And an xstress container, pre-configured with test server's IP and port
Now run the following command to get inside the xstress docker container
$ docker exec -it xstress-container bash
From inside the container you can now execute ./xstress as needed
$ cd /bin
# ./xstress
Check the mails being sent at
Make sure you the C++ tooling and make tools installed
Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/xk0der/xstress.git
From inside the repo run
# ./build
The above command will create the xtress binary in the bin folder and copy the default xstress.conf file to the bin folder. If the file already exists you'll be aksed if you want to over-write it or not.
The make command also creates the base64 utility used by xstress and copies it to the bin directory
NOTE: base64 utility is required for xstress to send binary attachments properly.
Move to the bin folder and type ./xstress
to invoke the tool.
$ xstress [options]
Here options are one or more of the following:
-v, --ver, --version Display xstress version and exit.
-h, --help Display this help message
-t <value>, --threads <value> Set number of threads to spawn.
Range for value is 1 to 100, inclusive.
-m <value>, --mails <value> Set number of mails to send per thread.
range for value is 0 to 60000, inclusive.
* A Value of 0 for mails means unlimited mail.
-s <IP>, --server <IP> Set the mail server IP
IP is in dotted decimal format
-p <value>, --port <value> Set the mail server port
value is the port number of the mail server
-u <username> You SMTP server username.
--username <username>
-P <password> Password for the username you specified using
--password <password> the -u or --username switch.
* Username and password both have to be provided
for authentication to work. If either is not
specified, authentication will be skipped.
-a <type>, --auth-type <type> Authentication mechanism to use.
* Currently only PLAIN is supported.
--timeout <value> Set connection timeout (in seconds)
values is a non zero positive integer
--conf <filename> Configuration file to use, instead of the
default file 'xstress.conf'. `filename` is the
full path to the alternate configuration file.
-d, --debug If this switch is specified, verbose debug
messages with complete traffic will be printed
on screen.
-l <FQDN>, --helo <FQDN> Which Full Quallified Domain Name should be used
as the HELO/EHLO Hostname. If not specified,
localhost is used (which is not a FQDN but at
least a valid entry).
--logfile <filename> Set alternate log file to use, instead of the
default 'xstress.log' file. `filename` is the
full path to the alternate log file.
Note: command line options always override configuration file settings
By default xstress reads its configuration from the file 'xstress.conf'. This file should be present from where you invoke the xstress program.
A typical configuration file consists of six sections. Out of these the CONFIG section, TO section, SUBJECT section and FROM section are compulsory.
COMMENTS start with the hash (#) sign on the 'first column only'. Blank lines are ignored. The parser is not designed to handle extra spaces so don't play with them.
Var = Value : will NOT work
Var=Val : will work!
Var=Val : will NOT work
TO section
FROM section contains list of email addresses, one per line, to be used
as recipent address and sender address respectively.
SUBJECT section contains list of subject text, one per line, to used for
e-mails being sent by xstress.
BODY section contains list of (text) files or directory. The content of these
files is used as the mail's body text. If a directory is specified, Content
of all the files under that directory is used as body text.
ATTACHMENT Sections contains list of (text) files or directory. The listed
files will be attached to the mails being sent out from xstress. If a
directory is specified, all files present within that directory are used
for attachment.
The file list or directory name can be prfixed by an optinal FILETYPE tag
as follows.
The exclamation sign (!) separates the attachment file-name/directory from
the type.
The following types ares understood by xstress.
1) bin - binary files
eg: MS Word document, compressed archives, MP3 files etc.
** Whenever in doubt use this type
2) plain - Plain text files
eg: Source Code, Text files, scripts etc.
3) html - HTML source
4) image - Image files
Any image file, treated as `bin' but disposition is inline.
CONFIG Section contains variables that configure the mail server to be used,
number of threads and the like. Variables understood by xstress are
described below
SERVER Specify the SMTP Mail Server's IP here.
PORT Specify the SMTP Mail Server's port number here.
This is typically 25.
USERNAME Your SMTP server username.
PASSWORD Password for your username.
* To skip authentication comment out USERNAME or PASSWORD
AUTH_TYPE Authentication mechanism to use. Currently only PLAIN is
HELO Define a Hostname which should be used for the HELO/EHLO
command. You can uncomment this variable which then defaults to
`localhost`. Some servers only accept a Full Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) in the format `hostname.domainname.tld`.
DEBUG set to true if you want debug messages with complete traffic
printed on scree. Default value is false.
THREADS Specify number of threads to spwan. The value can range from
1 to 60000
A thread represents one connection to the Mails Server.
The higher the number of threads, the more mails per second
can be sent by xstress.
MAILS_PER_THREAD Speciy the number of mails to be sent per thread. The value
for this can range from 0 to 60,000.
value of ZERO means unlimited number of mails per thread.
You have to use ^C (control + C) to quit xstress if you use
ZERO for this variable.
REPORT_AFTER Specify the number of mails, after which xstress will print a
message on screen.
A Value of ZERO means print no message.
Message Printed is in the format
Thread:: <id>: T: <num1>, S: <num2>, F: <num3>
id the thread ID
num1 is [T]otal number of mails to be sent for that thread
num2 is count of mails [S]ent succesfully
num3 is count of mails [F]ailed
LOG_FILE Set the log file to be used if you dont want to use the default
log file 'xstress.log'. After xstress finishes, a thread by
thread report is append to this log file.
TIMEOUT Specify connection timeout in seconds after which xstress will
give up.
TIP: If you are specifying ZERO for MAILS_PER_THREAD, put a low
value here, as you would not like xstress to wait for too long
before it sends a new mail. A low value will timeout that
session sooner and xstress will try sending a new mail (taking
corrective action if possible).
If you specify some amount of mails, you may like to put a
large number for TIMEOUT, so that before calling it quit,
xstress will wait to see if the server responds.
The bin
directory contains some example body and attachment files. The default
configuration file xstress.conf lists these files to be used as body and
attachment for the mail.
Body Files:
body1.txt - Plain Text file
body_dir/body2.txt - Plain Text file
Attachment Files:
attach_dir/images_dir/xstress.jpg - Image file
attach_dir/attach1.htm - HTML File