Mercury, the winged messenger
Mercury is a simple email delivery service that pulls pre-rendered email content (both plain and HTML) off an AMQP queue and delivers it via SMTP.
It expects a very simple JSON payload from the queue, where the email body is gzip compressed and base64 encoded. Here is a very simple example:
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected]",
"subject": "Hi :)",
"html_body": "H4sIAAAAAAAE/wAPAPD/PGgxPkhlbGxvITwvaDE+AQAA//9WO9LMDwAAAA==",
"text_body": "H4sIAAAAAAAE/wAGAPn/SGVsbG8hAQAA//9WzCqdBgAAAA=="
Usage of bin/mercury:
-amqpHost string
The address of the AMQP server to consume from. (default "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")
-amqpQueue string
The queue on the AMQP server to consume email messages from. (default "email")
-smtpHost string
The hostname and port of the SMTP server to send through. (default "localhost:25")
-smtpPassword string
The SMTP password for logging into the SMTP server.
-smtpUser string
The SMTP username for logging into the SMTP server.