- Filter
- from
- in
- where
- Order
- orderby
- descending
- ascending
- Projecting
- select
- Join
- join
- in
- on
- Group
- group
- by
- into
- Aggregate
- Aggregate
- Others
- equals
- let
- Most userful
- from * in * where * select *
var innerJoinQuery =
from category in categories
join prod in products on category.ID equals prod.CategoryID
select new { ProductName = prod.Name, Category = category.Name };
var earlyBirdQuery =
from sentence in strings
let words = sentence.Split(' ')
from word in words
let w = word.ToLower() //How to use "let"
where w[0] == 'a' || w[0] == 'e'
|| w[0] == 'i' || w[0] == 'o'
|| w[0] == 'u'
select word;
Requirement: Get ranks of student by credit and score.
- Linq to CSV
- Linq to XML
- xdocument
- xdocument & xmldocument
- xnamespace
- xdocument
- Linq to EF