MADDAPG, it might be more straight to be written as "MA-DDPG", identifying it as the multi-agent version of DDPG. The corresponding ideology was summarized as "decentralized execution, centralized training." No existing implementation open-sourced on GitHub were found utilizing the Stable Baseline 3 (a.k.a. SB3) which wields PyTorch as the AI library. Therefore, we create this project and aim to implement a robust and adaptable version of MADDPG with SB3.
The following modules are required:
- PyTorch, instructions of which can be found here
- MA-GYM (which relies on OpenAI GYM)
pip install gym pip install ma-gym
- Stable-Baseline-3, which can be installed using:
pip install stable-baselines3
utilize the Pong-Duel
environment from ma-gym
which here
serves as the demo. To run it, simply:
python3 ./
Normally, the interaction of will be renderred directly on the screen.
If the traning results is expected to be visualized in a video format,
one may need to edit the
There is a configuration determining the ways the interactions are
to be presented, namely EXE_ENV
. Changing it anything else other
than "TEST"
can instruct the model to save the video frames
as an serialized numpy array file at output/video.npz
For details, you are recommended to go through our Wiki
We appologize that currently only the simplified Chinese version is provided. We promise that the English version will later be prepared as well.
is the core implementation of the algorithm, which encapsulates a TD3 object inside and invoke the corresponding TD3 methods for training and
implements the wrapper for multi-agent environments and the vectorized multi-agent environment which support multiple multi-agent wrapper in the same
implements the actor-critic algorithm for multi-agent settings, which is corresponding to the core of the
customizes the replay buffer for multi-agent
implements a demo based onPong-Duel
environment fromma-gym
- The rest files which are ended with
suffix are unit tests, all based on theunittest
To switch to other environments, this Wiki page might be helpful. Moreoever, since our test cases are based on MA-GYM, it is as well recommended to check the implementation there and to code for your own multi-agent environment based on a similar ideology.
Breifly speaking, you just need to:
- Prepare a environment class;
- Register that class to GYM framework with some name, and finally,
- Replace the value of
with the name which you have registered your env with.