Demonstrates how to play Lottie animations in WPF or Avalonia using Xiejiang.SKLottie.
Nuget Packages:
- LottieLoader: All the code is from, I removed the UWP-related part, only kept the part that reads Lottie Json as LottieComposition object. Can run on .net core 3.1+
- Xiejiang.SKLottie: Draw the content in the LottieComposition with SkiaSharp.
- Xiejiang.SKLottie.Views.Wpf. Use SkiaSharp.Views.Wpf to present Lottie content in WPF.
Currently in preview, there are many features of Lottie that are not yet supported. I have selected about 255 animations at, of which about 193 can be played correctly. There are also some known performance issues, but they are not currently prioritized.
Thanks for the great project CommunityToolkit/Lottie-Windows.