The HttpRequest class is based on the ‘net/http’ and ‘net/ftp’ libraries, so the return type is Net::HTTPResponse or Net::FTP when you call get or post or other methods by or HttpRequest.ftp
you can call like HttpRequest.get(options), the options parameter is a hash, support following keys: :url => String, the url you want to request :parameters => String or Hash, parameters will send to the url :redirect => Boolean, whether support redirect to, default is true :redirect_limits => Fixnum, maximal times for redirect if enabled :ssl_port => Fixnum, ssl port, default is 443 :headers => Hash, you can add some custom http headers :files => for upload files :ajax or :xhr => send request looks like AJAX calling (since 1.0.5) # proxy settings :proxy_addr => String, proxy address :proxy_port => Fixnum, proxy port :proxy_user => String, proxy username :proxy_pass => String, proxy password
include http_request.rb first
require '/path/to/http_request.rb' or install it `gem install http_request.rb`, then `require 'http_request'`
puts HttpRequest.get('').body puts HttpRequest.get('').body
get with query string, 4 are same
puts HttpRequest.get('').body puts HttpRequest.get('', :parameters => 'hl=en&q=ruby&start=0&sa=N').body puts HttpRequest.get(:url => '', :parameters => 'hl=en&q=ruby&start=0&sa=N').body puts HttpRequest.get({:url => '', :parameters => 'hl=en&q=ruby&start=0&sa=N'}).body puts HttpRequest.get({:url => '', :parameters => {:hl => 'en', :q => 'ruby', :start => 0, :sa => 'N'}}).body
post with some parameters
puts HttpRequest.get('http://localhost/test.php', :parameters => 'from=http_request.rb').body puts HttpRequest.get(:url => 'http://localhost/test.php', :parameters => {:name => 'Ruby', :time => 'Now'}).body
also support other http methods, such as put, delete, trace, options, move etc.
HttpRequest.put(:url => '', :parameters => 'some=vars') HttpRequest.delete('') HttpRequest.trace('')
basic authorization
HttpRequest.get('http://admin:[email protected]/secret/get/file')
proxy support
HttpRequest.get(:url => '', :proxy_addr => 'your.proxy.address', :proxy_port => 80) HttpRequest.get(:url => '', :proxy_addr => 'your.proxy.address', :proxy_port => 80, :proxy_user => 'admin', :proxy_pass => '123123')
fetch headers
HttpRequest.get('').each {|k, v| print "#{k} : #{v}" }
fetch cookies
hr = HttpRequest.get('') hr.cookies.each {|k, v| puts "#{k} => #{v}" }
add cookies into header
HttpRequest.get(:url => '', :cookies => {:login => 'Yes', :userid => 101}) HttpRequest.get(:url => '', :cookies => 'login=Yes; userId=101')
fetch cookies and add cookies
hr = HttpRequest.get('') hr ='', :cookies => hr.cookies) hr = HttpRequest.get('', :cookies => hr.cookies)
store cookies with cookie jar (since v1.1.13)
# default :cookie_jar is "default" hr1 ='http://hostname/request-cookies', :cookie_jar => 'user1') hr2 ='http://hostname/request-cookies', :cookie_jar => 'user2') hr1 ='http://hostname/send-cookies', :cookie_jar => 'user1', :cookies => hr1.cookies) hr2 ='http://hostname/send-cookies', :cookie_jar => 'user2', :cookies => hr2.cookies)
upload file by post method :url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', :files => { :file_name => 'test.txt', # original file name, default is rand name such as 0cdex_0 :field_name => 'user_file', # input field name, default is "files[]" :content_type => 'text/plain', # content type, default is application/octet-stream :file_content => 'Have a nice day!' # file content } )
upload more than 1 file
files = [ {:file_name => 'a.txt', :file_content => 'just for test'}, {:file_name => 'b.csv', :file_content => "a,b,c\nd,e,f"} ] :url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', :files => files )
upload files with parameters :url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', :parameters => {:name => 'zhou', :age => '?'}, :files => [{:file_content => 'so easy:-)'}] ) :url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', :parameters => 'target=php&client=ruby', :files => [{:file_content => 'so easy:-)'}] )
want to upload a binary file such as photo? :url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', :parameters => {:title => 'Nice photo', :description => 'some description here.'}, :files => [{:file_name => 'nice.jpg', :field_name => 'photo', :file_content =>'/path/to/nice.jpg')}] )
upload file by put method, more can check
HttpRequest.put( :url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', :parameters => 'file content here' )
You need to do like “chmod +x http_request.rb” first. Usage: ./http_request.rb method url [parameters]
get a file and print the content
$./http_request.rb get $./http_request.rb get ''
get but just print header
$./http_request.rb get_only_header
get header and content
$./http_request.rb get_with_header
download and save as a file
$./http_request.rb > rmagick.tar.bz2
$./http_request.rb post http://localhost/test.php 'name=Ruby&time=Now'
such as “get_only_header” and “get_with_header”, post and other http methods also can do such as “post_only_header”, “put_with_header” etc.
download and save to
ftp = HttpRequest.ftp(:get, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/path/to/hello.mp3', :to => '/tmp/hello.mp3') # get as string (since v1.0.2) puts HttpRequest.ftp(:get_as_string, 'ftp://user:pass@localhost/path/to/file.txt')
upload from local
ftp = HttpRequest.ftp(:put, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/path/to/hello.mp3', :from => '/tmp/hello.mp3')
get server info
puts HttpRequest.ftp(:status, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/')
create a new directory (only for last directory)
HttpRequest.ftp(:mkdir, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/path/to/newdir') HttpRequest.ftp(:mkdir, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/newdir')
remove a directory (only for last directory)
HttpRequest.ftp(:mkdir, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/path/to/willbe_removed_dir')
list files
puts HttpRequest.ftp(:list, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/')
list files as array
HttpRequest.ftp(:nlst, :url => '', :username => 'user', :password => 'pass').each {|f| puts f }
anonymous login
puts HttpRequest.ftp(:status, :url => '')
working as the “net/ftp” style, need set :close to false
ftp = HttpRequest.ftp(:status, :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/', :close => false) puts ftp.response # get status from the ftp server ftp.chdir('/musics') ftp.getbinaryfile('test.ogg', '/tmp/test.ogg') ftp.close
download multiple files from a directory
ftp = HttpRequest.ftp('nlst', :url => 'ftp://user:[email protected]/mp3/', :close => false) ftp.response.each {|f| puts "downloading....#{f}" ftp.get(f, '/tmp/downloads/' + File.basename(f)) } ftp.close
HttpRequest.get('') {|http| puts http.body http.each_header {|k, v| puts "#{k} => #{v}" } http.cookies.each {|k, v| puts "#{k} => #{v}" } } HttpRequest.ftp(:get, {"ftp://user:pass@localhost/", :to => '/path/to/'}) {|ftp| puts ftp.chdir('soft') ftp.getbinaryfile('ruby.exe', '/path/to/local/ruby.exe'); }
HttpRequest.get('').code_4xx? # true HttpRequest.get('').code_404? # true HttpRequest.get('').code_404? # false HttpRequest.head('').code_2xx? # true HttpRequest.head('').code_200? # true supported methods: code_1xx? code_2xx? code_3xx? code_4xx? code_5xx? code_101? code_200? ... or status_1xx? statux_2xx? ...
# return true if can access to the website with socket connection even it is a 500 or 404 page, otherwise, return false HttpRequest.available?('')
xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <items> <item id="it1">item one</item> <item id="it2">item two</item> </items>' => 'http://localhost/xml.php', :parameters = xml)
bug fixing, testing and testing...