Warning: This project is not thoroughly tested, use at your own risk
- Executable "fat" jar archive
- Platform specific packages with JPackage (JDK 14 or higher required)
- use local toolset to codesign and notarize apple packages for gatekeeper
plugins {
id 'com.xcporter.jpkg' version '0.0.7'
Creates jar file with runtime classpath dependencies included.
This task is not added to a project unless mainClassName
is defined in
the project, or a value is supplied for mainClass
in the configuration block.
Apply last tag from git repo (plus beginning of current commit hash if different than tagged commit) to project version
Run jpackage command for current platform
unzips, signs libraries, then rezips results of executableJar
Builds and signs mac app image from signed jar file.
Builds and signs dmg from the results of signedAppImage
Submits to apple notarization server and staples if successful. Because this task waits
for the apple server before stapling, it may be idle for more than an hour. For this reason
I've left it independent of execution order, so you must manually make sure the signedDmg
task has already run.
Secrets must be entered in build file or specified via a .env file and the env()
No package tasks will be created for your project unless a mainClassName
is specified
at the project level, or else mainClass
in the jpkg configuration closure is specified.
Additionally signingIdentity
must be present for codesigning tasks to be available, and
, password
, and appBundle
must be listed to notarize.
//default values
jpkg {
// When true, jpkg looks for a git repo
// and takes the version from the most recent tag it finds
// (similar to git describe --tags)
useVersionFromGit = false
// override file name for artifacts
packageName: String = null
// needed for all tasks; can be set here or at project level
mainClass: String = null
packageName = "YourAppName"
vendor = "Your Name"
copyright = "2021"
description = "Your App Description"
runtimeImage = "path/to/custom/jre"
// global menu-group; applies only to windows and linux
menuGroup = "Your Group"
// print all commands for outside utilities
verbose: Boolean = false
// print all commands and pass verbose flag to all utilities
deeplyVerbose: Boolean = false
// Platform level configuration
// each can specify custom type, icon, or name per platform
// to configure type use function type() which accepts a string
// that's also a valid jpackage argument, otherwise platform defaults are:
// mac : dmg
// windows : msi
// linux : deb
mac {
name = "Mac Package Name (how it appears in menu bar)"
icon = "path to icon"
// code sign and notarization configuration
signingIdentity = "Your dev certificate identity"
bundleName = "mac-package-identifier for notarization"
// A function env() is available to parse in secrets stored in a file
// named '.env' stored in the project root, one per line with the form
// 'USERNAME=*********'
userName = env('USERNAME')
password: env('PASSWORD')
windows {
winDirChooser: Boolean = true
winPerUser: Boolean = false
winMenu: Boolean = true
menuGroup: String? = null
shortcut: Boolean? = true
linux {
menuGroup: String? = null
shortcut: Boolean? = true
maintainer: String? = null
packageDependencies: MutableList<String>? = null
release: String? = null
category: String? = null
Note: When working with the resourcesDir
parameter, perhaps for the purpose of customizing a mac disk image, filenames must match the project name,
following the format laid out in jpackage docs: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/jpackage/packaging-tool-user-guide.pdf