- Supports the basic functionalities of a stopwatch, such as start, stop, continue, and reset.
- Can be minimized to a small window.
- Supports light and dark mode; it can be toggled according to preference.
- The application won't show up in taskbar when it is minimized (this is due to overrideredirect of customtkinter/tkinter).
- Not 100% accurate stopwatch functionality. SimpleStopwatch might be slightly (± 0.2 seconds) faster or slower when compared to another stopwatch. This is noticeable during longer periods of time.
- customtkinter
- ctypes
- time
- Difficulty in loading digital clock font because of customtkinter's limitations, decided to not use other fonts for now.
- Getting the title bar to stay in dark mode, when switching from minimized to maximized version, the title bar changes color. (fixed!)
- Application lags when stopwatch is started, because of time.sleep(). (fixed!)
- Changing the icon in the taskbar and getting the icon to stay (and not disappear) when changing from light mode to dark mode (and vice versa).
- Reference 1 (Remove titlebar and mouse drag during minimized version)
- Reference 2 (Load stopwatch time effect)
- Reference 3 (Help solve the issue of application freezing because of time.sleep() (from Reference 2). The application now uses after() from customtkinter)
- Reference 4 (Change title bar color for light and dark modes)
- Comment by @M9-SD at Reference 4 (at end of title bar) ("window.withdraw()" and ("window.deiconify()")
- Reference 5 (Center tkinter window on the screen)
- Reference 6 (Set icon in taskbar)
- Comment by Alex Zeleznyak at Reference 6 (add time.sleep() to stop icon from blinking and disappearing)