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Witnesses made visible in FCS (dotnet#9510)
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Co-authored-by: Don Syme <[email protected]>
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2 people authored and nosami committed Feb 22, 2021
1 parent 7a62a20 commit d84b3d6
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Showing 13 changed files with 2,799 additions and 2,314 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/AttributeChecking.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ type AttribInfo =
| FSAttribInfo of TcGlobals * Attrib
| ILAttribInfo of TcGlobals * Import.ImportMap * ILScopeRef * ILAttribute * range

member x.Range =
match x with
| FSAttribInfo(_, attrib) -> attrib.Range
| ILAttribInfo (_, _, _, _, m) -> m

member x.TyconRef =
match x with
| FSAttribInfo(_g, Attrib(tcref, _, _, _, _, _, _)) -> tcref
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/MethodCalls.fs
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Expand Up @@ -1864,13 +1864,21 @@ let GenWitnessExpr amap g m (traitInfo: TraitConstraintInfo) argExprs =
let argTypes =
minfo.GetParamTypes(amap, m, methArgTys)
|> List.concat

// do not apply coercion to the 'receiver' argument
let receiverArgOpt, argExprs =
if minfo.IsInstance then
match argExprs with
| h :: t -> Some h, t
| argExprs -> None, argExprs
else None, argExprs

// For methods taking no arguments, 'argExprs' will be a single unit expression here
let argExprs =
match argTypes, argExprs with
| [], [_] -> []
| _ -> argExprs

let convertedArgs = (argExprs, argTypes) ||> List.map2 (fun expr expectedTy -> mkCoerceIfNeeded g expectedTy (tyOfExpr g expr) expr)
match receiverArgOpt with
| Some r -> r :: convertedArgs
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/TypedTree.fs
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Expand Up @@ -4115,6 +4115,8 @@ type Attrib =

member x.TyconRef = (let (Attrib(tcref, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = x in tcref)

member x.Range = (let (Attrib(_, _, _, _, _, _, m)) = x in m)

override x.ToString() = "attrib" + x.TyconRef.ToString()

/// We keep both source expression and evaluated expression around to help intellisense and signature printing
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/fsharp/TypedTreeOps.fs
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Expand Up @@ -4237,9 +4237,12 @@ let ComputeRemappingFromInferredSignatureToExplicitSignature g mty msigty =
/// At TMDefRec nodes abstract (virtual) vslots are effectively binders, even
/// though they are tucked away inside the tycon. This helper function extracts the
/// virtual slots to aid with finding this babies.
let abstractSlotValsOfTycons (tycons: Tycon list) =
let abstractSlotValRefsOfTycons (tycons: Tycon list) =
|> List.collect (fun tycon -> if tycon.IsFSharpObjectModelTycon then tycon.FSharpObjectModelTypeInfo.fsobjmodel_vslots else [])

let abstractSlotValsOfTycons (tycons: Tycon list) =
abstractSlotValRefsOfTycons tycons
|> (fun v -> v.Deref)

let rec accEntityRemapFromModuleOrNamespace msigty x acc =
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/TypedTreeOps.fsi
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Expand Up @@ -1043,6 +1043,8 @@ module SimplifyTypes =

val superOfTycon : TcGlobals -> Tycon -> TType

val abstractSlotValRefsOfTycons : Tycon list -> ValRef list

val abstractSlotValsOfTycons : Tycon list -> Val list

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104 changes: 82 additions & 22 deletions src/fsharp/symbols/Exprs.fs
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ namespace FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.Library
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Lib
open FSharp.Compiler.Infos
open FSharp.Compiler.QuotationTranslator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,13 +36,26 @@ module ExprTranslationImpl =
isinstVals: ValMap<TType * Expr>

substVals: ValMap<Expr>

/// Indicates that we disable generation of witnesses
suppressWitnesses: bool

/// All witnesses in scope and their mapping to lambda variables.
// Note: this uses an immutable HashMap/Dictionary with an IEqualityComparer that captures TcGlobals, see
// the point where the empty initial object is created.
witnessesInScope: TraitWitnessInfoHashMap<int>


static member Empty =
static member Empty g =
{ vs=ValMap<_>.Empty
tyvs = Map.empty ;
tyvs = Map.empty
isinstVals = ValMap<_>.Empty
substVals = ValMap<_>.Empty }
substVals = ValMap<_>.Empty
suppressWitnesses = false
witnessesInScope = EmptyTraitWitnessInfoHashMap g

member env.BindTypar (v: Typar, gp) =
{ env with tyvs = env.tyvs.Add(v.Stamp, gp ) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +95,7 @@ type E =
| IfThenElse of FSharpExpr * FSharpExpr * FSharpExpr
| DecisionTree of FSharpExpr * (FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue list * FSharpExpr) list
| DecisionTreeSuccess of int * FSharpExpr list
| Call of FSharpExpr option * FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpType list * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list
| Call of FSharpExpr option * FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpType list * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list * FSharpExpr list
| NewObject of FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list
| LetRec of ( FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpExpr) list * FSharpExpr
| Let of (FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpExpr) * FSharpExpr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +131,7 @@ type E =
| ILFieldGet of FSharpExpr option * FSharpType * string
| ILFieldSet of FSharpExpr option * FSharpType * string * FSharpExpr
| ILAsm of string * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list
| WitnessArg of int

/// Used to represent the information at an object expression member
and [<Sealed>] FSharpObjectExprOverride(sgn: FSharpAbstractSignature, gps: FSharpGenericParameter list, args: FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue list list, body: FSharpExpr) =
Expand All @@ -128,10 +143,11 @@ and [<Sealed>] FSharpObjectExprOverride(sgn: FSharpAbstractSignature, gps: FSha
/// The type of expressions provided through the compiler API.
and [<Sealed>] FSharpExpr (cenv, f: (unit -> FSharpExpr) option, e: E, m: range, ty) =

let mutable e = match f with None -> e | Some _ -> Unchecked.defaultof<E>
member x.Range = m
member x.Type = FSharpType(cenv, ty)
member x.cenv = cenv
member x.E = match f with None -> e | Some f -> f().E
member x.E = match box e with null -> (e <- f.Value().E); e | _ -> e
override x.ToString() = sprintf "%+A" x.E

member x.ImmediateSubExpressions =
Expand All @@ -150,7 +166,7 @@ and [<Sealed>] FSharpExpr (cenv, f: (unit -> FSharpExpr) option, e: E, m: range,
| E.NewUnionCase (_unionType, _unionCase, es) -> es
| E.NewTuple (_tupleType, es) -> es
| E.TupleGet (_tupleType, _itemIndex, tupleExpr) -> [tupleExpr]
| E.Call (objOpt, _b, _c, _d, es) -> (match objOpt with None -> es | Some x -> x :: es)
| E.Call (objOpt, _b, _c, _d, ws, es) -> (match objOpt with None -> ws @ es | Some x -> x :: ws @ es)
| E.NewObject (_a, _b, c) -> c
| E.FSharpFieldGet (objOpt, _b, _c) -> (match objOpt with None -> [] | Some x -> [x])
| E.FSharpFieldSet (objOpt, _b, _c, d) -> (match objOpt with None -> [d] | Some x -> [x;d])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +203,7 @@ and [<Sealed>] FSharpExpr (cenv, f: (unit -> FSharpExpr) option, e: E, m: range,
| E.UnionCaseSet (obj, _unionType, _unionCase, _unionField, valueExpr) -> [ yield obj; yield valueExpr ]
| E.TraitCall (_sourceTypes, _traitName, _memberFlags, _paramTypes, _retTypes, args) -> args
| E.Unused -> [] // unexpected

| E.WitnessArg _n -> []

/// The implementation of the conversion operation
module FSharpExprConvert =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,19 +425,19 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
let (numEnclTypeArgs, _, isNewObj, _valUseFlags, _isSelfInit, takesInstanceArg, _isPropGet, _isPropSet) =
GetMemberCallInfo cenv.g (vref, vFlags)

let isMember, curriedArgInfos =
let isMember, tps, curriedArgInfos =

match vref.MemberInfo with
| Some _ when not vref.IsExtensionMember ->
// This is an application of a member method
// We only count one argument block for these.
let _tps, curriedArgInfos, _, _ = GetTypeOfMemberInFSharpForm cenv.g vref
true, curriedArgInfos
let tps, curriedArgInfos, _, _ = GetTypeOfMemberInFSharpForm cenv.g vref
true, tps, curriedArgInfos
| _ ->
// This is an application of a module value or extension member
let arities = arityOfVal vref.Deref
let _tps, curriedArgInfos, _, _ = GetTopValTypeInFSharpForm cenv.g arities vref.Type m
false, curriedArgInfos
let tps, curriedArgInfos, _, _ = GetTopValTypeInFSharpForm cenv.g arities vref.Type m
false, tps, curriedArgInfos

// Compute the object arguments as they appear in a compiled call
// Strip off the object argument, if any. The curriedArgInfos are already adjusted to compiled member form
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,12 +483,35 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
if isMember then
let callArgs = (objArgs :: untupledCurriedArgs) |> List.concat
let enclTyArgs, methTyArgs = List.splitAfter numEnclTypeArgs tyargs
let witnessArgsR = GetWitnessArgs cenv env vref m tps tyargs
// tailcall
ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (isNewObj, FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, vref), enclTyArgs, methTyArgs, callArgs) contf2
ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (isNewObj, FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, vref), enclTyArgs, methTyArgs, witnessArgsR, callArgs) contf2
let v = FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, vref)
let witnessArgsR = GetWitnessArgs cenv env vref m vref.Typars tyargs
// tailcall
ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (false, v, [], tyargs, List.concat untupledCurriedArgs) contf2
ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (false, v, [], tyargs, witnessArgsR, List.concat untupledCurriedArgs) contf2

and GetWitnessArgs cenv (env: ExprTranslationEnv) (vref: ValRef) m tps tyargs : FSharpExpr list =
let g = cenv.g
if cenv.g.langVersion.SupportsFeature(Features.LanguageFeature.WitnessPassing) && not env.suppressWitnesses then
let witnessExprs =
match ConstraintSolver.CodegenWitnessesForTyparInst cenv.tcValF g cenv.amap m tps tyargs with
// There is a case where optimized code makes expressions that do a shift-left on the 'char'
// type. There is no witness for this case. This is due to the code
// let inline HashChar (x:char) = (# "or" (# "shl" x 16 : int #) x : int #)
// in FSharp.Core.
| ErrorResult _ when vref.LogicalName = "op_LeftShift" && tyargs.Length = 1 -> []
| res -> CommitOperationResult res
let env = { env with suppressWitnesses = true }
witnessExprs |> (fun arg ->
match arg with
| Choice1Of2 traitInfo ->
ConvWitnessInfo cenv env m traitInfo
| Choice2Of2 arg ->
ConvExpr cenv env arg)

and ConvExprPrim (cenv: SymbolEnv) (env: ExprTranslationEnv) expr =
// Eliminate integer 'for' loops
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,7 +593,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
let vslR = ( (ConvVal cenv)) tmvs
let sgn = FSharpAbstractSignature(cenv, slotsig)
let tpsR = [ for tp in tps -> FSharpGenericParameter(cenv, tp) ]
let env = ExprTranslationEnv.Empty.BindTypars ( tps tpsR |> Seq.toList)
let env = env.BindTypars ( tps tpsR |> Seq.toList)
let env = env.BindCurriedVals tmvs
let bodyR = ConvExpr cenv env body
FSharpObjectExprOverride(sgn, tpsR, vslR, bodyR) ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -841,9 +880,29 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
ConvExprPrim cenv env replExpr

| _ -> wfail (sprintf "unhandled construct in AST", m)
| Expr.WitnessArg (traitInfo, _m) ->
ConvWitnessInfoPrim cenv env traitInfo
| _ ->
wfail (sprintf "unhandled construct in AST", expr.Range)

and ConvWitnessInfoPrim _cenv env traitInfo : E =
let witnessInfo = traitInfo.TraitKey
let env = { env with suppressWitnesses = true }
// First check if this is a witness in ReflectedDefinition code
if env.witnessesInScope.ContainsKey witnessInfo then
let witnessArgIdx = env.witnessesInScope.[witnessInfo]
// Otherwise it is a witness in a quotation literal
//failwith "witness not found"

and ConvWitnessInfo cenv env m traitInfo : FSharpExpr =
let g = cenv.g
let witnessInfo = traitInfo.TraitKey
let witnessTy = GenWitnessTy g witnessInfo
let traitInfoR = ConvWitnessInfoPrim cenv env traitInfo
Mk cenv m witnessTy traitInfoR

and ConvLetBind cenv env (bind : Binding) =
match bind.Expr with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,7 +954,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
let enclosingType = generalizedTyconRef tcref

let makeCall minfo =
ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (isNewObj, minfo, enclTypeArgs, methTypeArgs, callArgs) id
ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (isNewObj, minfo, enclTypeArgs, methTypeArgs, [], callArgs) id

let makeFSCall isMember (vr: ValRef) =
let memOrVal =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1079,7 +1138,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
with e ->
failwithf "An IL call to '%s' could not be resolved: %s" (ilMethRef.ToString()) e.Message

and ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (isNewObj, v: FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue, enclTyArgs, methTyArgs, callArgs) contF =
and ConvObjectModelCallLinear cenv env (isNewObj, v: FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue, enclTyArgs, methTyArgs, witnessArgsR: FSharpExpr list, callArgs) contF =
let enclTyArgsR = ConvTypes cenv enclTyArgs
let methTyArgsR = ConvTypes cenv methTyArgs
let obj, callArgs =
Expand All @@ -1095,8 +1154,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
if isNewObj then
E.NewObject(v, enclTyArgsR, callArgsR)
E.Call(objR, v, enclTyArgsR, methTyArgsR, callArgsR))

E.Call(objR, v, enclTyArgsR, methTyArgsR, witnessArgsR, callArgsR))

and ConvExprs cenv env args = (ConvExpr cenv env) args

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1255,7 +1313,7 @@ and FSharpImplementationFileContents(cenv, mimpl) =
let v = FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, mkLocalValRef v)
let gps = v.GenericParameters
let vslR = ( (FSharpExprConvert.ConvVal cenv)) vsl
let env = ExprTranslationEnv.Empty.BindTypars ( tps gps |> Seq.toList)
let env = ExprTranslationEnv.Empty(cenv.g).BindTypars ( tps gps |> Seq.toList)
let env = env.BindCurriedVals vsl
let e = FSharpExprConvert.ConvExprOnDemand cenv env body
FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.MemberOrFunctionOrValue(v, vslR, e)
Expand All @@ -1277,7 +1335,7 @@ and FSharpImplementationFileContents(cenv, mimpl) =
| TMDefLet(bind, _m) ->
[ yield getBind bind ]
| TMDefDo(expr, _m) ->
[ let expr = FSharpExprConvert.ConvExprOnDemand cenv ExprTranslationEnv.Empty expr
[ let expr = FSharpExprConvert.ConvExprOnDemand cenv (ExprTranslationEnv.Empty(cenv.g)) expr
yield FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.InitAction expr ]
| TMDefs mdefs ->
[ for mdef in mdefs do yield! getDecls mdef ]
Expand All @@ -1303,7 +1361,8 @@ module BasicPatterns =
let (|NewUnionCase|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.NewUnionCase (e, tys, es) -> Some (e, tys, es) | _ -> None
let (|NewTuple|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.NewTuple (ty, es) -> Some (ty, es) | _ -> None
let (|TupleGet|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.TupleGet (ty, n, es) -> Some (ty, n, es) | _ -> None
let (|Call|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.Call (a, b, c, d, e) -> Some (a, b, c, d, e) | _ -> None
let (|Call|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.Call (a, b, c, d, _e, f) -> Some (a, b, c, d, f) | _ -> None
let (|CallWithWitnesses|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.Call (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Some (a, b, c, d, e, f) | _ -> None
let (|NewObject|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.NewObject (a, b, c) -> Some (a, b, c) | _ -> None
let (|FSharpFieldGet|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.FSharpFieldGet (a, b, c) -> Some (a, b, c) | _ -> None
let (|AnonRecordGet|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.AnonRecordGet (a, b, c) -> Some (a, b, c) | _ -> None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1335,4 +1394,5 @@ module BasicPatterns =
let (|DecisionTreeSuccess|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.DecisionTreeSuccess (a, b) -> Some (a, b) | _ -> None
let (|UnionCaseSet|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.UnionCaseSet (a, b, c, d, e) -> Some (a, b, c, d, e) | _ -> None
let (|TraitCall|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.TraitCall (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Some (a, b, c, d, e, f) | _ -> None
let (|WitnessArg|_|) (e: FSharpExpr) = match e.E with E.WitnessArg n -> Some n | _ -> None

12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/fsharp/symbols/Exprs.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

namespace FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
namespace rec FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices

open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerImports
open FSharp.Compiler.Range
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type public FSharpAssemblyContents =
member ImplementationFiles: FSharpImplementationFileContents list

/// Represents the definitional contents of a single file or fragment in an assembly, as seen by the F# language
and [<Class>] public FSharpImplementationFileContents =
type public FSharpImplementationFileContents =
internal new : cenv: SymbolEnv * mimpl: TypedImplFile -> FSharpImplementationFileContents

/// The qualified name acts to fully-qualify module specifications and implementations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ and public FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration =
/// Pattern matching is reduced to decision trees and conditional tests. Some other
/// constructs may be represented in reduced form.
and [<Sealed>] public FSharpExpr =
type public FSharpExpr =
/// The range of the expression
member Range : range

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,6 +109,9 @@ module public BasicPatterns =
/// arguments are collapsed to a single collection of arguments, as done in the compiled version of these.
val (|Call|_|) : FSharpExpr -> (FSharpExpr option * FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpType list * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list) option

/// Like Call but also indicates witness arguments
val (|CallWithWitnesses|_|) : FSharpExpr -> (FSharpExpr option * FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpType list * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list * FSharpExpr list) option

/// Matches expressions which are calls to object constructors
val (|NewObject|_|) : FSharpExpr -> (FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list) option

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,3 +222,5 @@ module public BasicPatterns =
/// Matches expressions for an unresolved call to a trait
val (|TraitCall|_|) : FSharpExpr -> (FSharpType list * string * MemberFlags * FSharpType list * FSharpType list * FSharpExpr list) option

/// Indicates a witness argument index from the witness arguments supplied to the enclosing method
val (|WitnessArg|_|) : FSharpExpr -> int option

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