little-g programming language
Much more advanced programming language than VASM. Littleg attempts to evaluate sophisitcated expressions, objects, strings, characters, enum types, native support for large decimal numbers and a default 64 bit byte instruction type.
The project is far from complete - however colourized particles are now compiled, classes contain particle subsets.
Next steps will be (in no particular order):
General clean up and refactoring and optimization of Particle classes
To evaluate complex expressions to a single value
Add error handling
Add built-in distributed library importation, removing the requirement for package managers such as maven or pip.
Add native support for streams of all types
Add an interactive debugger
Set allow for watch addresses
Attach suitable logging facilities
Stack (push/pop) management for function invocation.
New object instantiation
Native support for high performance collections
Function/object/native visibility attributes
Function/object/native annotation
Self compilation as proof of the language being turing complete.
Automatic Garbage collection for unreferenced memory on pop operations.