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🐳 Dockerized Zabbix - server, web, proxy, java gateway, snmpd with additional extensions


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Managed by Monitoring Artist: DevOps / Docker / Kubernetes / AWS ECS / Zabbix / Zenoss / Terraform / Monitoring

Dockbix XXL

Dockbix XXL is a Dockerized Zabbix preconfigured for easy Docker monitoring. This Docker image contains standard Zabbix + additional XXL community extensions. Routine tasks are included: auto-import of Zabbix DB, auto-import of Docker monitoring templates, autoregistration rule for Dockbix agent XXL, ...

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Free test Dockbix instance

Test Dockbix for free in your browser. You need only free Docker ID, and you will be able to start full containerized Dockbix XXL for 4 hours for free. You may also test latest dev version (compiled from the trunk svn branch): Docker Playground Docker Playground

Dockbix on Docker Playground

Overview of Monitoring Artist (dockerized) monitoring ecosystem:

Compiled Zabbix (server, proxy, agent, java gateway, snmpd daemon) with almost all features (MySQL support, Java, SNMP, Curl, Ipmi, SSH, fping) and Zabbix web UI based on CentOS 7, Supervisor, Nginx, PHP 7. Image requires external MySQL/MariaDB database (you can run MySQL/MariaDB as a Docker container). Integrated XXL extensions: Searcher, Grapher, Zapix, template auto import, API command/script execution (some extensions must be explicitly enabled - see env variables section).

Dockbix XXL Zabbix searcher Dockbix XXL Zapix Dockbix XXL Grapher

Quick start

# Create data container with persistent storage in the /var/lib/mysql folder
docker run -d -v /var/lib/mysql --name dockbix-db-storage busybox:latest

# Start DB for Dockbix - default 1GB innodb_buffer_pool_size is used
docker run \
    -d \
    --name dockbix-db \
    -v /backups:/backups \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    --volumes-from dockbix-db-storage \
    --env="MARIADB_USER=zabbix" \
    --env="MARIADB_PASS=my_password" \

# Start Dockbix linked to the started DB
docker run \
    -d \
    --name dockbix \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 10051:10051 \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    --link dockbix-db:dockbix.db \
    --env="ZS_DBHost=dockbix.db" \
    --env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
    --env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \
    --env="XXL_zapix=true" \
    --env="XXL_grapher=true" \
# Wait ~30 seconds for Zabbix initialization
# Zabbix web will be available on the port 80, Zabbix server on the port 10051
# Default credentials: Admin/zabbix

Examples of admin tasks

## Backup of DB Zabbix - configuration data only, no item history/trends
docker exec \
    -ti dockbix-db \
    /zabbix-backup/zabbix-mariadb-dump -u zabbix -p my_password -o /backups

## Full compressed backup of Zabbix DB
docker exec \
    -ti dockbix-db \
    bash -c "\
    mysqldump -u zabbix -pmy_password zabbix | \
    bzip2 -cq9 > /backups/zabbix_db_dump_$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S).sql.bz2"

## DB data restore
# Remove Dockbix container
docker rm -f dockbix
# Restore DB data from the dump (all your current data will be dropped!!!)
docker exec -i dockbix-db sh -c 'bunzip2 -dc /backups/zabbix_db_dump_2017-28-09-02.57.46.sql.bz2 | mysql -uzabbix -p --password=my_password zabbix'
# Run Dockbix container again
docker run ...

### Start Dockbix with the Java gateway and Java pollers
docker run \
    -d \
    --name dockbix \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 10051:10051 \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    --link dockbix-db:dockbix.db \
    --env="ZS_DBHost=dockbix.db" \
    --env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
    --env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \
    --env="XXL_zapix=true" \
    --env="XXL_grapher=true" \
    --env="ZJ_enabled=true" \
    --env="ZS_StartJavaPollers=3" \

## HTTPS; for more complex setup overwrite /etc/nginx/hosts.d/ssl-nginx.conf
docker run \
    -d \
    --name dockbix \
    -p 443:443 \
    -p 10051:10051 \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /<PATH_TO_SSL_CERT>/<CERT_FILE>:/etc/nginx/ssl/dummy.crt:ro \
    -v /<PATH_TO_SSL_KEY>/<KEY_FILE>:/etc/nginx/ssl/dummy.key:ro \
    --link dockbix-db:dockbix.db \
    --env="ZS_DBHost=dockbix.db" \
    --env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
    --env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \
    --env="XXL_zapix=true" \
    --env="XXL_grapher=true" \

## SNMP Trapper
docker run \
    -d \
    --name dockbix \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 10051:10051 \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    --link dockbix-db:dockbix.db \
    --env="SNMPTRAP_enabled=true" \
    --env="ZS_DBHost=dockbix.db" \
    --env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
    --env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \
    --env="ZS_StartSNMPTrapper=1" \
    --env="XXL_zapix=true" \
    --env="XXL_grapher=true" \

Up and Running with Docker Compose

docker-compose up -d

Dockbix/Zabbix database as a Docker container

To be able to connect to the database we would need one to be running first. The easiest way to do that is to use another docker image. For this purpose you can use monitoringartist/zabbix-db-mariadb image as database.

For more information about monitoringartist/zabbix-db-mariadb see README of zabbix-db-mariadb.


docker run \
	-d \
	--name dockbix-db \
	-p 3306:3306 \
	-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
	--env="MARIADB_USER=zabbix" \
	--env="MARIADB_PASS=my_password" \

Remember to use the same DB credentials when deploying Dockbix image.

Environmental variables

Available variables related to XXL features:

Variable Default value Description
XXL_searcher true enable/disable integrated Zabbix searcher project
XXL_zapix false enable/disable integrated Zapix project
XXL_grapher false enable/disable integrated Grapher project
XXL_api true enable/disable auto import of templates (.xml), API curl commands (.curl) or API scripts (.sh) located in path /etc/zabbix/api/<custom_folder>
XXL_apiuser Admin username used for API commands
XXL_apipass zabbix password used for API commands
XXL_analytics true enable/disable collecting of statistics via Google Analytics
XXL_updatechecker true enable/disable check of the latest Docker image - checks are executed in the user browser once per day

Use environment variables to config Zabbix server and Zabbix web UI (PHP). You can add any Zabbix config variables, just add correct variable prefix (ZS_ for Zabbix Server, ZP_ for Zabbix Proxy) and set a variable value. Use numeric suffix (_<NUM>) for multiple config parameters. Example: you need to increase CacheSize and load two modules for Zabbix server:


If you don't specify env variable confuguration and variable is not listes in the default container variables, then default Zabbix config values are used. Default container variables:

Variable Default value in the container
PHP_date_timezone UTC
PHP_max_execution_time 300
PHP_max_input_time 300
PHP_memory_limit 128M
PHP_error_reporting E_ALL
ZS_LogType console
ZS_PidFile /var/run/
ZS_User zabbix
ZS_DBHost zabbix.db
ZS_DBName zabbix
ZS_DBUser zabbix
ZS_DBPassword zabbix
ZS_DBPort 3306
ZS_PidFile /tmp/
ZS_AlertScriptsPath /usr/local/share/zabbix/alertscripts
ZS_ExternalScripts /usr/local/share/zabbix/externalscripts
ZS_SSLCertLocation /usr/local/share/zabbix/ssl/certs
ZS_SSLKeyLocation /usr/local/share/zabbix/ssl/keys
ZS_LoadModulePath /usr/lib/zabbix/modules
ZS_JavaGatewayPort 10052
ZW_ZBX_SERVER localhost
ZJ_LogLevel error
ZP_LogType console
ZP_DBHost zabbixproxy.db
ZP_DBName zabbix
ZP_DBUser zabbix
ZP_DBPassword zabbix
ZP_DBPort 3306
ZP_User zabbix

Note: Japanese users might want to set env variable ZBX_GRAPH_FONT_NAME=ipagp to support japanese font in graphs.

Configuration from the volume

Zabbix config files can be also used. Environment configs will be overridden by values from the config files in this case. You need only to add /etc/custom-config/ volume:

-v /host/custom-config/:/etc/custom-config/

Available config file names:

File name Description
php-zabbix.ini PHP configuration file
zabbix_server.conf Zabbix server configuration file
zabbix_proxy.conf Zabbix proxy configuration file
logback.xml Zabbix Java gateway log configuration file

Zabbix role environment variables:

Variable Default value in the container Description
ZS_enabled true Enable Zabbix Server
ZA_enabled true Enable Zabbix Agent
ZW_enabled true Enable Zabbix Web UI (Nginx/PHP 7)
ZP_enabled false Enable Zabbix Proxy
ZJ_enabled false Enable Zabbix Java Gateway
SNMPTRAP_enabled false Enable SNMP trap process (port 162)

All Zabbix server components are enabled by default except SNMP traps processing. However, some users want to run dedicated Zabbix component per container. Typical use case is Zabbix web UI. Thanks to role environment variables are users able to execute many web UI containers, which helps to scale Zabbix as a service.

XXL API features

If env variable XXL_api is true (default value), then bootstrap script will try to find recursively any .xml, .api, .sh in /etc/zabbix/api. For example mount folder with your XML templates and script will try to import all your templates:

-v /myhosttemplatefolder/:/etc/zabbix/api/mytemplates
  • XML files: All *.xml file are processed as Zabbix XML template and script tries to import them by using Zabbix API. Default additional imported templates are basic Docker templates.

  • Api files: All *.api files are processed as data commands for Zabbix API. Standard curl command is used for execution. Request id <ID> and auth token <AUTH_TOKEN> are replaced automatically. Example API command, which is used to enable Zabbix server host:

  • Sh files: All *.sh* files are processed as scripts and they are intended for user custom API scripting. Env variables XXL_apiuser, XXL_apipass should be used for API authentication.

  • SQL files: All *.sql* files are processed as SQL commands on Zabbix DB. It's useful for features, which are not available through Zabbix API, such as regular expression definition, etc.

HTTPS web interface

Example: set up nginx - customize default.conf and then use volume to mount custom nginx configuration (for example -v /etc/https-zabbix-nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/hosts.d/default.conf) + mount also certificates used in your custom nginx conf file.

Docker container troubleshooting

Use docker command to see if all required containers are up and running:

$ docker ps

Check logs of Dockbix container:

$ docker logs dockbix

Sometimes you might just want to review how things are deployed inside a running container, you can do this by executing a bash shell through docker's exec command:

docker exec -ti zabbix /bin/bash

Run specific Zabbix version, e.g. 3.4.0 - just specify 3.4.0 tag for image:

	docker run \
		-d \
		--name zabbix \
		-p 80:80 \
		-p 10051:10051 \
		-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
		--link zabbix-db:zabbix.db \
		--env="ZS_DBHost=zabbix.db" \
		--env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
		--env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \

PostgreSQL version

Unfortunately, this project has only MySQL support due to specific XXL SQL API feature. You can use forked repo with PostgreSQL support

Support / issues

This project supports only issues related to this Docker image. Visit help or advice regarding Zabbix for problem with Zabbix configuration.

Legacy images

This GitHub project has been used to build previous Docker images. Use of prior images is strongly discouraged for production use. Please migrate them to the Docker image monitoringartist/dockbix-xxl. Don't forget to backup your DB data before any migration.

  • monitoringartist/zabbix-xxl - full compatibility with the image monitoringartist/dockbix-xxl; migration: just change name of the used image
  • monitoringartist/zabbix-server-3.0 - full compatibility with the image monitoringartist/dockbix-xxl; migration: just change name of the used image
  • monitoringartist/zabbix-2.4 - not compatible with the image monitoringartist/dockbix-xxl; migration: read readme and create new container config


Devops Monitoring Expert, who loves monitoring systems and cutting/bleeding edge technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, ECS, AWS, Google GCP, Terraform, Lambda, Zabbix, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Prometheus, Sysdig,...


Professional devops / monitoring / consulting services:

Monitoring Artist


🐳 Dockerized Zabbix - server, web, proxy, java gateway, snmpd with additional extensions







No packages published


  • JavaScript 55.6%
  • Shell 18.9%
  • PHP 10.8%
  • Dockerfile 8.8%
  • CSS 5.1%
  • Python 0.5%
  • PLpgSQL 0.3%