Fjord is an open source Tweaking Utility which is used to optimize windows machine to reach its maximum performance. It allows users to apply advanced tweaks through a minimalistic graphical user interface. Fjord can be used on any windows system, from low-end machines all the way up to top of the line gaming pc's. My goal when creating Fjord was to fix performance issues when running CPU and GPU intesive tasks such as gaming, editing, machine learning, crypto mining and etc through a clean and minimalistic user interface so that it can be widely accessable.
Firsly clone the directory using git .
git clone
Then cd into the directory.
cd Tweaking-Utility
Then using the package manager pip to install the required dependencies.
pip install requirements.txt
To use Fjord without it being compiled, go into to the directory which you have cloned Fjord and open a terminal in that directory and run this command.
Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes please open an issue to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. If you come across any bugs please open an issue and clearly state what the problem is and if applicable attach the log file or screenshot it. If you would like to see certain features or functions added to Fjord please messeage me on discord or twitter.