Generate HTML Form to send to iPay88 API
Use require_once or include_once for iPay88.php file. ###Example: require_once 'iPay88.php';
Create new object ###Example: $obj = new iPay88;
Send Parameter & Print Output ###Example: echo $obj->setMerchantKey('') ->setMerchantCode('') ->setPaymentId('') ->setRefNo('A00') ->setAmount('1.00') ->setCurrency('MYR') ->setProdDesc('Untung la Sangat') ->setUserName('Wan Zul') ->setUserEmail('[email protected]') ->setUserContact('0145356443') ->setRemark('') ->setLang('UTF-8') ->setResponseURL('') ->setBackendURL('') ->prepare() ->process();
Use require_once or include_once for iPay88.php file. ###Example: require_once 'iPay88Callback.php';
Create new object and pass your merchant key in the object constructor ###Example: $obj = new iPay88Callback('ABC');
For ResponseURL, call method as example below: ###Example: $obj->verifySignature()->getData();
For BackendURL, call method as example below: ###Example: $obj->verifySignature()->requeryStatus()->getData();
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