npm install -g bower npm install -g grunt-cli
room:create -> host a new game room:join -> join game with password (room:leave) -> no leave? use disconnect instead? room:leave calls disconnect? play:card -> play a card --play:bid -> bidding (for some games) --(play:select) -> for some other feedback to server (e.g. select player/trump suit) play:ready -> ready 2 start/ready to play next trick/round
room:list -> list all available rooms game:list -> list all available games room:waiting -> wait 4 ppl 2 join room:start -> load template game:state -> bid, play, viewing result, waiting 4 ppl (game:wait4ready) -> wait for play:ready from client
id -> referencing purpose; auto increment name -> room name password -> room password; blank => public room capacity -> set by host; not exceeding max/min of game (should be move into game object?) members -> [,..] game -> gameObj's internalName gameObj -> object
name internalName capacity // dupe with room.cap minCapacity maxCapacity currentRound round[] deck[] hand[][] trump currentTrick trick[][] points[] bid[]
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