yao plugin for getting system infomation.
the default plugin folder path is <YAO_EXTENSION_ROOT>/plugins/
, the default value for YAO_EXTENSION_ROOT is the app folder, you can change the YAO_EXTENSION_ROOT in the .env file.
refer to :
make build
mv psutil.so to yaoapp/plugins
plugin test
# cpu
yao run plugins.psutil.cpu
# disk
yao run plugins.psutil.disk
# docker
yao run plugins.psutil.docker
# host
yao run plugins.psutil.host
# load
yao run plugins.psutil.load
# dashboard
yao run plugins.psutil.dashboard
# mem
yao run plugins.psutil.mem
# mem2 all the numbers converted to string format dispaly
yao run plugins.psutil.mem2
# net every thing related to net
yao run plugins.psutil.net
# net2 only the tcp and udp connection
yao run plugins.psutil.net2
# process
yao run plugins.psutil.process
# ssh sessions
yao run plugins.psutil.ssh_session
# windows serivces only for windows system
yao run plugins.psutil.winservices