An example of a simple, queryable knowledge graph implemented using neo4j with a node command line interface implemented in TypeScript.
Note: Based on a python example created by Roberto Pieraccini (
Note: A nice tool for viewing and live-editing neo4j graphs is called Graph Editor and is available at
Create an empty graph using the Neo4j Desktop app (
To create the animals graph, copy the contents of docs/animals.cypher
into the neo4j browser cypher/query field. (http://localhost:7474/browser/)
Verify the nodes/relationships with this cypher/query: match (n) return n
neo4j-knowledge-graph can be used with either node-nlp or Microsoft's LUIS NLU.
By default, node-nlp is used to parse utterances (text input) for intents and entites.
To use LUIS, create a LUIS app ( and configure it by importing docs/luis-knowledge-graph.json
Copy data/config-example.json
to data/config.json
and fill out the fields for Neo4j and LUIS (optional).
"luis": {
"endpoint": "",
"appId": "",
"subscriptionKey": ""
"neo4j": {
"url": "bolt://localhost:7687",
"user": "neo4j",
"password": ""
yarn start
yarn start
yarn debug
? Ask a do-you-like question or say "[user] likes [something]".
do you like penguins
do you like bats
do you like mammals
yarn test-luis-controller --help
Usage: yarn test-luis-controller [options]
An application testing LUIS requests
-V, --version output the version number
-q, --query <query> The query to test
-h, --help output usage information
yarn test-neo4j --help
Usage: yarn test-neo4j [options]
An application testing for dialogflow requests
-V, --version output the version number
-q, --query <query> The query to test
-c, --context <context>
-h, --help output usage information
node ./dist/testNeo4jController.js --help
Usage: testNeo4jController [options]
An application for testing neo4j cyphers
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --cypher <cypher> Specify the cypher to test
--d3 Parse results with D3Helper
-h, --help output usage information
yarn test-dialog-manager --help
Usage: yarn test-dialog-manager [options]
An application for testing the DialogManager class
-V, --version output the version number
-q, --query <query> The query to test
-c, --context <context>
-n, --nlu <nlu> luis, dialogflow, dialogflowV1
-h, --help output usage information