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eyaml rotate keys

William W. Kimball, Jr., MBA, MSIS edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Introduction
  2. EYAML Compatibility Alert
  3. Self-Help Documentation


The eyaml-rotate-keys command-line tool fits a narrow, special use-case: to rotate the encryption of secret values in YAML data files. Using two pairs of encryption keys -- the old and new sets -- all encrypted data is decrypted and re-encrypted, writing each updated file over the original. Backups of the original files can be made.

This page explores the various command-line arguments understood by eyaml-rotate-keys. For real-world examples of using it, please check eyaml-rotate-keys Examples.

EYAML Compatibility Alert

The maintainers of the hiera-eyaml project have released version 3.x and it is not backward compatible with encryption certificates generated for hiera-eyaml version 2.x. This has nothing to do with YAML Path and is alerted here only as a courtesy to YAML Path users. If you upgrade your installation of hiera-eyaml without first updating your encryption certificates and using a tool like eyaml-rotate-keys (provided here) to re-encrypt your data with the replacement certificates, hiera-eyaml 3.x will fail to decrypt your data! This is not a problem with YAML Path. hiera-eyaml certificate compatibility is well outside the purview of YAML Path and its tools.

Self-Help Documentation

When the --help (-h) flag is passed into eyaml-rotate-keys, it produces this output:

usage: eyaml-rotate-keys [-h] [-V] [-d | -v | -q] [-b] [-x EYAML]
                         -i OLDPRIVATEKEY -c OLDPUBLICKEY
                         -r NEWPRIVATEKEY -u NEWPUBLICKEY
                         YAML_FILE [YAML_FILE ...]

Rotates the encryption keys used for all EYAML values within a set of YAML
files, decrypting with old keys and re-encrypting using replacement keys.

positional arguments:
  YAML_FILE             one or more YAML files containing EYAML values

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -d, --debug           output debugging details
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -q, --quiet           suppress all output except errors
  -b, --backup          save a backup of each modified YAML_FILE with an extra
                        .bak file-extension
  -x EYAML, --eyaml EYAML
                        the eyaml binary to use when it isn't on the PATH

  All key arguments are required

                        the new EYAML private key
                        the new EYAML public key
                        the old EYAML private key
                        the old EYAML public key

Any YAML_FILEs lacking EYAML values will not be modified (or backed up, even
when -b/--backup is specified).
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