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Use Cases

Tracy McCormick edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 33 revisions

This page enlists the Use Cases of the CSS project.

Flat File Import

Import/Select Flat File

Create Table Wizard

Schema Edit

On successfully reaching this page, automatically imported the schema from the flat file is shown. However, the user is given an option to edit column names, data type and size. Following are the conventions for data type and size:

data type

The three data types appearing in the flat files from our observation are string, text and integer. For simplicity, the same two data types are provided at this point. As a general rule, any data type can be stored as string or text.


Following the idea to keep it simple and stupid, we have provided three predefined sizes for each data type. The Description for each size is outlined here:

Data Type Size Description
Integer Default INTEGER equivalent for the database.
Medium MEDIUMINT equivalent for the database.
Big BIGINT equivalent for the database.
String Default VARCHAR equivalent column with size 30 characters.
Medium VARCHAR equivalent column with size 50 characters.
Big VARCHAR equivalent column with size 150 characters.
Text Default TEXT equivalent column with size 65,535 characters.
Medium MEDIUMTEXT equivalent column with size 16,777,215 characters.
Big LONGTEXT equivalent column with size 4,294,967,295 characters.

CMS File Import


Access Control
