- Fengkai Wu
- Tested on: Windows 10, i7-4700HQ @ 2.40GHz 4GB, GEFORCE 745M 2048MB
Driving assistance software on autonomous vehicles require real-time and robust awareness of the road situation. The project will focus on the implementation of a real-time algorithm that can be GPU accelerated for obstacle detection on a self-driving car.
The large amount of low-level pixel data can be represented as stixel world. given the fact that man-made environments are mostly presented to be horizontal and vertical. A stixel is a segment of image columns with a width of a few pixels, which can be used to represent the sky, the road and obstacles around. By classifying the stixels in the view, automobiles can be guided to the right direction.
The principle of calculating the stixels is based on a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) probabilistic model, which can be solved using dynamic programming. The recurrence in the algorithm can be parallelized and proves to suit the scheme of GPU computation. See Ref-1 for details.
This project aims to develop a fast real-time obstacle detector using OpenCV and CUDA. The figure below shows the desired result. Figure credit to Ref-1.
Make sure you have Visual Sutdio 2015 and CUDA 8 installed.
Make sure you have opencv and put it in
. -
Navigate to the cloned repository. Generate/build project using CMake:
mkdir build cd build cmake-gui ../
Configure and generate.
CUDA-based-real-time-obstacle-detector.exe left_image right_image camera_config.xml stixelWidth
. -
Example: If you download the dataset from Ref-3, run
CUDA-based-real-time-obstacle-detector.exe images\img_c0_%09d.pgm images\img_c1_%09d.pgm camera.xml 7
Figure 2: Stixels computation under good weather. The above figure is the disaprity image.
- Suppose the input frame streams have same properties, e.g. image resolution and cameral configuration, read the first frame to allocate resources and pre-compute the variables needed.
- On each image frames:
- Compute disparities from the left and right image.
- Reduce the columns by a factor of stixel width by replacing the disparities of consecutive pixels by their average. Transpose the image to have a better access pattern for subsequent tasks.
- Compute the 'look-up tables' to have constant time computation.
- Compute the stixels using dynamic programming and keep track of the stixels by backtracking.
Suppose the height and width of the reduced-disparity image is h x w
, and the disparity range is dmax
. The dynamic programming part is the most time consuming part among the four stages discussed above while computing stixels for each frame. The total amount of work would be O(h x h x w)
. The computation of the Object look-up table is also a main part. It basically compute a cost value based on the disparity using prefix sums. The complexity is O(h x w x dmax)
. The performance focus is on the computation of these two operations.
For the implementation below, the input data has 1024x333
pixels and dmax = 64
. If not sepcified, the stixel width is 7
In the dynamic programming stage, there are repeated read of the cost tables. Shared memory in GPU provides us a customized cache to enable fast data transfer. The computation is on each column is independent of other columns, so we can load many variables into the shared memory. The results are shown below.
Method | Niave | Shared Memory |
time per frame (ms) | 68.145 | 61.817 |
The implementation after this part all load cost table into shared memory
Figure 3: Sequential kernel launch
Streams are "Task-level" parallelism. By default, all kernel are launched on the same stream, which is shown on the figure above. In face, before the dynamic programming stage, the computation of the cost tables are indepedent. Running theses kernel functions in the same stream waste the resources. In this case, five additional streams are created. After some adjustment of the launching sequence, the results are show below.
Figure 4: Parallel kernel lanch
Method | No streams | Use streams |
time per frame (ms) | 61.817 | 59.235 |
The scan tasks in this project are mainly doing prefix sum on each row of cost tables, which are 2D Matrices. So far my implementation is launching w
threads and call thrust::inclusive_scan
to compute the cost tables. The performance is not very good and it turns out that calling thrust
in kernel functions will lead to sequential a scan. Replacing it with a parallel scan in shared memory improve the performance a lot, which is shown below.
Method | Scan in shared memory | Sequential |
time per frame (ms) | 49.767 | 59.235 |
In the dynamic programming stage, the kernel function launch w
blocks and 'h' threads in each block, which corresponds to the dimension of the input data. In addition, computing the prefix sums of the cost tables launch the same number of blocks and threads. So the scan can take place at the very beginning of the dyanmic programming stage. This saves the time of launching kernel functions and the computation also take place in the shared memory. Results are shown below
Method | Scan in separate kernel | Scan on load |
time per frame (ms) | 49.767 | 45.391 |
Shuffle enables threads communicate within a warp in registers. We can use shuffle for scan.
The above figure shows the naive scan. A shuffle scan algorithm can be implemented using __shfl_up
scan each warp using __shufl_up.
write warpsum whithin the warp in shared memory buffer.
scan the buffer using __shufl_up.
add the increment back to all elements in their respective warp
The results are follows
Method | Scan using shuffle | Scan using shared memory |
time per frame (ms) | 36.409 | 45.391 |
Image size: 1024 * 333 pixels, Stixel width: 7 pixels
Figure : Stixels computation under bad weather. The above figure is the original image.
Results shows that under good weather, the detection is pretty well. While in rainy days, the reflection of the the vehicles are also recognized as stixels, which is not very satisfying.
In the project, I have four variables that can be scanned on load. The 'scan on load' method mentioned above actually scans the on-loading data using shared memory and only the scan outside the dynamic programming uses shuffle. When I tried using shuffle scan on the on-loading data, the performance is not improved. Also, when I loaded more data to scan in DP kernel, the performance also decrease, see the table below.
Method | 4 in smem in DP | 4 shfl in DP | 2 smem in DP, 2 shfl outsied |
time per frame (ms) | 37.663 | 37.126 | 36.409 |
If loading more data to shared memory, bank conflicts are more easily to happen. Tried add paddings when loading the data but it does not help.
Hernandez-Juarez, Daniel, et al. "GPU-accelerated real-time stixel computation." Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2017 IEEE Winter Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
Cordts, Marius, et al. "The Stixel world: A medium-level representation of traffic scenes." Image and Vision Computing (2017).
Dataset: 6d-vision