This is a collection of python scripts that supports interfacing with the slack app API to post to channels as a bot. The primary use case (and inspiration) for this was to post an RSS feed as threaded replies to a single post, rather than posting many messages each day. Although, it has some flexibility and can act as an interface to any of the Slack API methods.
- setting up your slack app
- configuring python and .cfg files
- about these scripts
- integrating RSS feeds (or other feeds)
- configuring crontab
- example uses
This section will describe how to setup a slack app in your workspace so that it works with these python scripts.
- Create App
- Add Bot Token Scopes
- channels:history
- channels:read
- chat:write
- incoming-webhook
- Install app in workspace and add to channel
- Save the bot User OAuth Access Token
- in the channel run @botname to add the bot to the channel