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Pipeline to demultiplex using snakemake

April 2020
Wouter de Steenhuijsen Piters


Disclaimer: this is very much work in progress and by no means a finished pipeline

This small pipeline serves as a test-case to explore the possibilities of snakemake to develop consistent pipelines to use in our research group.

Aim of the pipeline is to convert large multiplexed fastq-files, containing barcodes in the headers, into demultiplexed (per-sample) .fastq.gz-files, which can be readily used in a soon to be written DADA2-pipeline in R.


Step 1: create directories and clone this repository

  1. Create a project-directory (e.g. myproject) and within that directory create another directory to create the demultiplexed data in (e.g. demux; can be any name). cd into that folder. E.g.:
mkdir -p myproject/demux
cd myproject/demux
  1. Clone this repository in the directory you just cd'ed into:
git clone

Cloning the repository will download a few files and create directories (among others config/, examples/ and workflow [including envs/ and scripts/]).

Step 2: add mapping files

Add mapping files for each run into the folder mapping_files. These mapping files are formatted in the same way as the mapping files that were created to run the QIIME1-pipeline we previously used. They should minimally include two columns with sample-IDs (#SampleID) and barcodes (BarcodeSequence). Others columns, like LinkerPrimerSequence , Description or others, are optional. Please find an example of a mapping file in examples.

Alternatively, another location can be chosen for these mapping files, which should be adjusted in the config/congfig.yaml-file.

Step 3: create run_sheet.csv

In order for this pipeline to work, we need a run_sheet.csv-file within the config-folder. This file is used as a pointer to the raw sequence-files that should be demultiplexed. The file consists of a three tab-separated columns entitled run_ids (i.e. run14), read (i.e. f or r) and full_paths (i.e. /hpc/dla_mm/bogaert/raw/run14/run14_f.fastq. See examples for an example run_sheet.csv.

Note: if no run_sheet.csv-file is provided prior to initiating the pipeline, a script will be run on a specified raw-directory (which can be adjusted in the config.yaml-file), where it searches for run_id and accompanying forward (runxx_f.fastq) and reverse runxx_r.fastq) read files. This may only work with a consistent naming scheme.

Step 4: prepare to run the pipeline

  1. First initiate an interactive session using srun:
srun --time="00:30:00" --pty bash

Adjust --time= for a longer session.

  1. Activate the snakemake-environment (named snakemake):
conda activate snakemake

Note that this environment should be available for group members (installed here: hpc/dla_mm/bogaert/miniconda3/envs/snakemake). If this is not the case, the following command can be used to install the needed conda-environment:

conda env create -f workflow/envs/snakemake.yaml
  1. Install conda environments within the project folder (necessary to run snakemake):
snakemake -n --use-conda --create-envs-only

This will create two conda-environments according to the workflow/envs-files (qc and sabre).

  1. (Dry)run snakemake:

First dryrun snakemake to see whether all files needed are present:

snakemake -np

Note the following command can be used to run the pipeline in an interactive session, yet this is only advised when working with small files:

snakemake --use-conda --cores 1

Step 5: run snakemake on cluster

Set up a Snakemake SLURM profile as described here. If needed adjust the time/memory allocated per rule in the Snakefile adjusting the resources.

snakemake --profile slurm


The following tree structure gives an overview of the files that are created after running the pipeline.

└── config
    └── sample_sheet.csv
    ├── demux_overview.csv
    ├── demux_runxx.log
    └── demux_runyy.log
    ├── demux
    │   ├── sample1_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── sample1_R2_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── sample2_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   └── sample2_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── demux_mapping
    │   ├── demux_mapping_runxx.txt
    │   └── demux_mapping_runyy.txt
    └── qc
        ├── fastqc_input
        │   ├── runxx_f_fastqc.html
        │   ├──
        │   ├── runxx_r_fastqc.html
        │   └──
        └── multiqc_input
            └── multiqc.html

These files include:

  1. config/sample_sheet.csv; file that can be used in a subsequent pipeline (e.g. DADA2) as a pointer towards the files in the data/demux-directory.
  2. logs/demux_overview; file providing an overview of all successfully demultiplexed files (including sample-IDs, barcodes and number of read-pairs).
  3. data/demux/-directory, containing per-sample .fastq.gz-files.
  4. qc-directory, containing multiqc.html, with quality measures per run.


... [ work in progress]


I would like to acknowledge Mark Kroon (RIVM) for his help in setting up this pipeline.


Small pipeline to demultiplex fastq-files.






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