My best quality without a doubt is the ability to work in the unknown.
iOS has thousands of frameworks and APIs (not to mention the annual changes that take place or the third-party SDKs) and so I wouldn’t evaluate myself on what I know.
I would rather evaluate myself based on my ability to achieve great accomplishments in an environment where I knew nothing.
- Swift, Objective-C, C, Typescript, Node
- OO design principles
- Extremely hard working (very hands on)
- Automation using Fastlane
- XCode, iTunesConnect, developer portal (profiles, certificates etc)
- Team Leadership
- Very UX focused, utilising animations to support high performance screens
- UI using .xibs, storyboards and manipulating UI in code
- iPhone, iPad, Watch, Mac apps
- Enormously passionate paying attention to the details
🔭 I’m currently working on upskilling myself to be a better engineer and rank among the 1% in the domain
🌱 I’m currently learning Combine, Protocol Witness
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source iOS apps (Fintech, Health, Business and Productivity apps)
🤔 I’m looking to join a team where I can fully express myself and contribute to its growth
📫 How to reach me: Twitter, LinkedIn
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I am hmm...🫣