A port of reselect to ReSwift. This is a proof of concept, still has a long way to go!
You can install Reswelect via CocoaPods by adding it to your Podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Reswelect'
And run pod install
You can install Reswelect via Carthage by adding the following line to your Cartfile:
github "wpK/Reswelect"
Define your state. Because of the memoization feature, your state must conform to the Hashable protocol:
struct Item: Hashable {
let name: String
let value: Double
var hashValue: Int {
var hash = 17
hash = hash * 23 + name.hashValue
hash = hash * 23 + value.hashValue
return hash
func ==(lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool {
return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.value == rhs.value
struct Shop: Hashable {
let taxPercent: Double
let items: [Item]
var hashValue: Int {
var hash = 17
hash = hash * 23 + taxPercent.hashValue
// TODO: Add items
return hash
func ==(lhs: Shop, rhs: Shop) -> Bool {
return lhs.taxPercent == rhs.taxPercent && lhs.items == rhs.items
struct AppState: Hashable {
let shop: Shop
var hashValue: Int {
var hash = 17
hash = hash * 23 + shop.hashValue
return hash
func ==(lhs: AppState, rhs: AppState) -> Bool {
return lhs.shop == rhs.shop
A few selectors
let shopItemsSelector = { (state: AppState) in return state.shop.items }
let taxPercentSelector = { (state: AppState) in return state.shop.taxPercent }
let subtotalSelector = Reswelect.createSelector(shopItemsSelector, { (items: [Item]) in
return items.reduce(0, combine: {$0 + $1.value})
let taxSelector = Reswelect.createSelector(subtotalSelector, taxPercentSelector, { (subtotal, taxPercent) in
return subtotal * (taxPercent / 100)
let totalSelector = Reswelect.createSelector(subtotalSelector, taxSelector, { (subtotal, tax) in
return subtotal + tax
Using the selectors:
let exampleState = AppState(
shop: Shop(
taxPercent: 8,
items: [
Item(name: "apple", value: 1.20),
Item(name: "orange", value: 0.95)
print(subtotalSelector(exampleState)) // 2.15
print(taxSelector(exampleState)) // 0.172
print(totalSelector(exampleState)) // 2.322