Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Aelia Tax by Country and Aelia Prices by Country
Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Visual Composer grid
Enhancement: Automatic disable of lazyload on BuddyPress profile & group creation/edition pages
New filter: rocket_varnish_purge_request_host. Filters the host value passed in the request headers of a Varnish purge request
Fix: Remove trailing slash for the CDN domain value(s)
Fix: Delete gzipped cache file for date URLs when a purge is done
Fix: Return the correct URL when qTranslate-X is active
Fix: Prevent deletion attempt of index.html/.mobile-active when a purge is done on an NGINX server
Fix: Follow the correct white label format for export/import settings
Fix: Remove mention to WP Mobile Detector (plugin no longer exists) and add mention to Easy Social Share Buttons
Fix: Prevent PHP warning if opcache functions exist but access is restricted by opcache.restrict_api directive
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