A simple action bar resource which allows actions to be visually displayed to the player and provides a callback function so actions can be peformed if the event was cancelled or not.
To use, you just need to add a TriggerEvent into your client script where you're wanting the event to happen. Example TriggerEvent call;
TriggerEvent("mythic_progbar:client:progress", {
name = "unique_action_name",
duration = 10000,
label = "Action Label",
useWhileDead = false,
canCancel = true,
controlDisables = {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
animation = {
animDict = "missheistdockssetup1clipboard@idle_a",
anim = "idle_a",
prop = {
model = "prop_paper_bag_small",
}, function(status)
if not status then
-- Do Something If Event Wasn't Cancelled
Most of these flags are fairly self-explanatory, but theres's a few that have several options;
controlDisables - This allows you to disable a few sets of controls, these are broken down into 4 sets that I've found most often I was wanting to disable at some point;
- disableMovement | Standard Character Movement
- disableCarMovement | Vehicle Movement Keys
- disableMouse | Moving mouse thus intern camera around ped
- disableCombat | Weapon firing & Melee attacking
animation - This allows you to define an animation to play while the event occurs. This has several options that can be used and uses a cascading options to determine which to play. Highest priority is a Task, than it'll use AnimDict & Anim, if neither of those exist but the animation list exists in the options it'll default to a hardcoded task.
- task | Highest priority - if defined, this will be the only value used for animation
- animDict & anim & flags | Second highest priority, if task isn't defined it will try to use these values. Flags isn't required, and if it isn't provided will default to 1 (full body uncontrollable)
- empty animation { } | Final fallback, if the animation list is still provided but nothing set (Or no valid names set) it will default to playing the PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN task.
prop - This will spawn the given prop name onto the player peds hand
- model | This will be the model name used to spawn the prop onto the player ped.