The very first run is pretty long
- Docker pull
- Docker run
- Init mariadb
- Install vscode extension
- Db migration
The second run is near instant if container is still existing (even down)
The very very basic is not explained here. The Microsoft tutorial is quite well made. Thanks Microsoft.
First, vscode use docker-compose to up 2 new containers. One for development, second for mariadb. DB is setted by using both docker-compose, and a file contained in .dev/initmaria. this file is run the very first run as explained in doc here :
Then, vscode is installing requested extension, from .devcontainer/devcontainer.json. It also run the migrations files from postCreateCommand property.
there is a known bug remote container using docker-compose instead of dockerfile.
Container is started, stopped (because there is nothing todo), then vscode try to connect. It fail for sure.
To prevent it, the line command: sleep infinity is used.
By using extension Rest Client you can try to POST and GET the todos with files from http directory.
this repository is not made to demonstrate very well c# design. The only target is the use of remote-container extension with a ready to use LOCAL/DEV environment.