Friendly IRC bot written in CoffeeScript for Node.js.
- Clone the repository
- Change into the directory
- Install the dependencies with
npm install
Easy as running the command node lib/bot.js
Pickles is quite clever (well not really) and can respond to quite a few triggers.
Pickles will message you privately with commands and what they do when he sees
the trigger pickles: help
Pickles will respond with the weather for now, today and tomorrow when he sees
the trigger weather me :place
Pickles will respond with a random URL to an image when he sees the trigger
image me :term
Pickles will respond with the latest commit from a GitHub repository when he
sees the trigger commit me :user/:project
Pickles will respond with the latest three pull requests when he sees the
trigger what are the pulls on :user/:project
Pickles will respond with a poorly formatted fortune when he sees the trigger
fortune me
Pickles will respond with the channel and how long ago he last saw a person
when he sees the trigger seen :nick
Pickles will respond with a random number based on a dice roll when he sees
the trigger roll me :num
where :num
is an optional number of sides for the
Pickles will respond with the website status when he sees the trigger
is :domain up?
Pickles will respond with the time in a specific location when he sees the
trigger what is the time in :place
Pickles will respond with an IMDb link when he sees the trigger
movie me :movie_or_tv_show
Pickles will respond with that's what she said!
when he sees the following
in messages. (it's|its|it was) (long|short|hard)
- Fork the repository
- Hack on the code
- Send a pull request
- Party