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EVM Opcodes

Opcode costs are drawn from the Yellow Paper, the Jello Paper, and the geth implementation. This is intended to be an accessible reference, but it is informal and does not address opcode semantics. If you want to be certain of correctness and aware of every edge case, I would suggest using the Jello Paper or a client implementation. If you are looking for an informal reference with more information about opcode semantics, try

For operations with dynamic gas costs, see


  • a, b => a + b indicates that the ADD opcode takes two items off the stack (a and b) and places the sum of these two values on the stack. The leftmost item (a) is the top of the stack.
  • All stack descriptions elide subsequent items that may be on the stack. It can be assumed that unspecified stack elements do not influence the semantics of an operation, except when a stack overflow would result.
  • The maximum stack size is 1024 items, and all stack items are 32 bytes.
  • a // b indicates flooring division. The result of division by 0 in the EVM is 0.
  • All arithmetic operations are modulo 2**256.
  • Including the designated INVALID opcode, the EVM currently implements 141 opcodes, 65 of which are duplicates indicating the number of operands (PUSHn, DUPn, SWAPn, LOGn).

Hex Name Gas Stack Mem / Storage Notes
top, bottom
00 STOP 0
01 ADD 3 a, b => a + b (u)int256 addition modulo 2**256
02 MUL 5 a, b => a * b (u)int256 multiplication modulo 2**256
03 SUB 3 a, b => a - b (u)int256 addition modulo 2**256
04 DIV 5 a, b => a // b uint256 division
05 SDIV 5 a, b => a // b int256 division
06 MOD 5 a, b => a % b uint256 modulus
07 SMOD 5 a, b => a % b int256 modulus
08 ADDMOD 8 a, b, N => (a + b) % N (u)int256 addition modulo N
09 MULMOD 8 a, b, N => (a * b) % N (u)int256 multiplication modulo N
0A EXP A1 a, b => a ** b uint256 exponentiation modulo 2**256
0B SIGNEXTEND 5 b, x => SIGNEXTEND(x, b) sign extend x from (b+1) bytes to 32 bytes
0C-0F invalid
10 LT 3 a, b => a < b uint256 less-than
11 GT 3 a, b => a > b uint256 greater-than
12 SLT 3 a, b => a < b int256 less-than
13 SGT 3 a, b => a > b int256 greater-than
14 EQ 3 a, b => a == b (u)int256 equality
15 ISZERO 3 a => a == 0 (u)int256 iszero
16 AND 3 a, b => a && b bitwise AND
17 OR 3 a, b => a || b bitwise OR
18 XOR 3 a, b => a ^ b bitwise XOR
19 NOT 3 a => ~a bitwise NOT
1A BYTE 3 i, x => (x >> (248 - i * 8)) && 0xFF ith byte of (u)int256 x, from the left
1B SHL 3 shift, val => val << shift shift left
1C SHR 3 shift, val => val >> shift logical shift right
1D SAR 3 shift, val => val >> shift arithmetic shift right
1E-1F invalid
20 SHA3 A2 ost, len => keccak256(mem[ost:ost+len]) keccak256
21-2F invalid
30 ADDRESS 2 . => address(this) address of executing contract
31 BALANCE A5 addr => addr.balance balance, in wei
32 ORIGIN 2 . => tx.origin address that originated the tx
33 CALLER 2 . => msg.sender address of msg sender
34 CALLVALUE 2 . => msg.value msg value, in wei
35 CALLDATALOAD 3 idx =>[idx:idx+32] read word from msg data at index idx
36 CALLDATASIZE 2 . => len( length of msg data, in bytes
37 CALLDATACOPY A3 dstOst, ost, len => . mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] :=[ost:ost+len copy msg data
38 CODESIZE 2 . => len(this.code) length of executing contract's code, in bytes
39 CODECOPY A3 dstOst, ost, len => . mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] := this.code[ost:ost+len]
3A GASPRICE 2 . => tx.gasprice gas price of tx, in wei per unit gas **
3B EXTCODESIZE A5 addr => len(addr.code) size of code at addr, in bytes
3C EXTCODECOPY A4 addr, dstOst, ost, len => . mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] := addr.code[ost:ost+len] copy code from addr
3D RETURNDATASIZE 2 . => size size of returned data from last external call, in bytes
3E RETURNDATACOPY A3 dstOst, ost, len => . mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] := returndata[ost:ost+len] copy returned data from last external call
3F EXTCODEHASH A5 addr => hash hash = addr.exists ? keccak256(addr.code) : 0
40 BLOCKHASH 20 blockNum => blockHash(blockNum)
41 COINBASE 2 . => block.coinbase address of miner of current block
42 TIMESTAMP 2 . => block.timestamp timestamp of current block
43 NUMBER 2 . => block.number number of current block
44 DIFFICULTY 2 . => block.difficulty difficulty of current block
45 GASLIMIT 2 . => block.gaslimit gas limit of current block
46 CHAINID 2 . => chain_id push current chain id onto stack
47 SELFBALANCE 5 . => address(this).balance balance of executing contract, in wei
48 BASEFEE 2 . => block.basefee base fee of current block
49-4F invalid
50 POP 2 _anon => . remove item from top of stack and discard it
51 MLOAD 3* ost => mem[ost:ost+32] read word from memory at offset ost
52 MSTORE 3* ost, val => . mem[ost:ost+32] := val write a word to memory
53 MSTORE8 3* ost, val => . mem[ost] := val && 0xFF write a single byte to memory
54 SLOAD A6 key => storage[key] read word from storage
55 SSTORE A7 key, val => . storage[key] := val write word to storage
56 JUMP 8 dst => . $pc := dst
57 JUMPI 10 dst, condition => . $pc := condition ? dst : $pc + 1
58 PC 2 . => $pc program counter
59 MSIZE 2 . => len(mem) size of memory in current execution context, in bytes
5A GAS 2 . => gasRemaining
5B JUMPDEST 1 mark valid jump destination
5C-5F invalid
60 PUSH1 3 . => uint8 push 1-byte value onto stack
61 PUSH2 3 . => uint16 push 2-byte value onto stack
62 PUSH3 3 . => uint24 push 3-byte value onto stack
63 PUSH4 3 . => uint32 push 4-byte value onto stack
64 PUSH5 3 . => uint40 push 5-byte value onto stack
65 PUSH6 3 . => uint48 push 6-byte value onto stack
66 PUSH7 3 . => uint56 push 7-byte value onto stack
67 PUSH8 3 . => uint64 push 8-byte value onto stack
68 PUSH9 3 . => uint72 push 9-byte value onto stack
69 PUSH10 3 . => uint80 push 10-byte value onto stack
6A PUSH11 3 . => uint88 push 11-byte value onto stack
6B PUSH12 3 . => uint96 push 12-byte value onto stack
6C PUSH13 3 . => uint104 push 13-byte value onto stack
6D PUSH14 3 . => uint112 push 14-byte value onto stack
6E PUSH15 3 . => uint120 push 15-byte value onto stack
6F PUSH16 3 . => uint128 push 16-byte value onto stack
70 PUSH17 3 . => uint136 push 17-byte value onto stack
71 PUSH18 3 . => uint144 push 18-byte value onto stack
72 PUSH19 3 . => uint152 push 19-byte value onto stack
73 PUSH20 3 . => uint160 push 20-byte value onto stack
74 PUSH21 3 . => uint168 push 21-byte value onto stack
75 PUSH22 3 . => uint176 push 22-byte value onto stack
76 PUSH23 3 . => uint184 push 23-byte value onto stack
77 PUSH24 3 . => uint192 push 24-byte value onto stack
78 PUSH25 3 . => uint200 push 25-byte value onto stack
79 PUSH26 3 . => uint208 push 26-byte value onto stack
7A PUSH27 3 . => uint216 push 27-byte value onto stack
7B PUSH28 3 . => uint224 push 28-byte value onto stack
7C PUSH29 3 . => uint232 push 29-byte value onto stack
7D PUSH30 3 . => uint240 push 30-byte value onto stack
7E PUSH31 3 . => uint248 push 31-byte value onto stack
7F PUSH32 3 . => uint256 push 32-byte value onto stack
80 DUP1 3 a => a, a clone 1st value on stack
81 DUP2 3 _, a => a, _, a clone 2nd value on stack
82 DUP3 3 _, _, a => a, _, _, a clone 3rd value on stack
83 DUP4 3 _, _, _, a => a, _, _, _, a clone 4th value on stack
84 DUP5 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 5th value on stack
85 DUP6 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 6th value on stack
86 DUP7 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 7th value on stack
87 DUP8 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 8th value on stack
88 DUP9 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 9th value on stack
89 DUP10 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 10th value on stack
8A DUP11 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 11th value on stack
8B DUP12 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 12th value on stack
8C DUP13 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 13th value on stack
8D DUP14 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 14th value on stack
8E DUP15 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 15th value on stack
8F DUP16 3 ..., a => a, ..., a clone 16th value on stack
90 SWAP1 3 a, b => b, a
91 SWAP2 3 a, _, b => b, _, a
92 SWAP3 3 a, _, _, b => b, _, _, a
93 SWAP4 3 a, _, _, _, b => b, _, _, _, a
94 SWAP5 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
95 SWAP6 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
96 SWAP7 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
97 SWAP8 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
98 SWAP9 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
99 SWAP10 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
9A SWAP11 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
9B SWAP12 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
9C SWAP13 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
9D SWAP14 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
9E SWAP15 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
9F SWAP16 3 a, ..., b => b, ..., a
A0 LOG0 A8 ost, len => . LOG0(memory[ost:ost+len])
A1 LOG1 A8 ost, len, topic0 => . LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0)
A2 LOG2 A8 ost, len, topic0, topic1 => . LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0, topic1)
A3 LOG3 A8 ost, len, topic0, topic1, topic2 => . LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0, topic1, topic2)
A4 LOG4 A8 ost, len, topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3 => . LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3)
A5-EF invalid
F0 CREATE A9 val, ost, len => addr addr = keccak256(rlp_encode([address(this), this.nonce]))
F1 CALL AA gas, addr, val, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen => success mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] := returndata
F2 CALLCODE AA gas, addr, val, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen => success mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] = returndata same as DELEGATECALL, but does not propagate original msg.sender and msg.value
F3 RETURN 0* ost, len => . return mem[ost:ost+len]
F4 DELEGATECALL AA gas, addr, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen
=> success
mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] := returndata
F5 CREATE2 A9 val, ost, len, salt => addr addr = keccak256(0xff ++ address(this) ++ salt ++ keccak256(mem[ost:ost+len]))[12:]
F6-F9 invalid
FA STATICCALL AA gas, addr, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen => success mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] := returndata
FB-FC invalid
FD REVERT 0* ost, len => . revert(mem[ost:ost+len])
FE INVALID AF designated invalid opcode - EIP-141


A quick reference for EVM opcodes







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