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Deploy TensorFlow models trained with Python using C, C++, Java and JavaScript.

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Deploy TensorFlow models trained with Python using Java, JavaScript, C and C++.

Four models:

  • simple_graph: Python -> Java / JavaScript / C / C++
  • resnet_v2_50: Python -> Java / JavaScript / C++
  • big_gan_512: Python -> C
  • mobilenet_v2: Python -> Android

Develop using TensorFlow Python API and save frozen model:

  1. Get ImageNet classnames (for Android only):
    wget -P /tmp/assets
  2. Create virtualenv and install dependencies:
    virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.6 ./venv && source ./venv/bin/activate
    pip install opencv-python tensorflow tensorflow_hub
  3. Train and save frozen model (TFLite model for Android):
    $ python

Deploy using TensorFlow C++ API:

C++ API:

  1. Build OpenCV from source: (-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/opencv-3.4/install) and add install directory to path: PATH="$PATH:/tmp/opencv-3.4/install"
  2. Install Bazel:
  3. Clone TensorFlow GitHub repository:
  4. Place BUILD and main.cpp files in tensorflow/cc/project directory
  5. Add the following to main repository WORKSPACE file:
    name = "opencv",
    path = "/tmp/opencv-3.4/install",
    build_file = "opencv.BUILD")
  1. Place opencv.BUILD in the same directory as main repository WORKSPACE file with the following:
    name = "opencv",
    srcs = glob(["lib/*.so*"]),
    hdrs = glob([ "include/opencv2/**/*.h", "include/opencv2/**/*.hpp", ]), 
    includes = ["include"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"], 
    linkstatic = 1)

Then project can depend on @opencv//:opencv to link in the .so's under lib/ and reference the headers under include/.

  1. Build from repository workspace:
    $ bazel build --jobs 6 --ram_utilization_factor 50 //tensorflow/cc/project:main
  2. Run from repository workspace:
    $ ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/cc/project/main

Deploy using TensorFlow Java API:

Java API:

  1. Install Maven:
  2. Create Maven project and place pom.xml in workspace directory and in src/main/java directory
  3. Build from workspace directory creating Jar file:
    $ mvn install
  4. Run from workspace directory:
    java -cp target/resnet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:~/.m2/repository/org/tensorflow/libtensorflow/1.12.0/libtensorflow-1.12.0.jar:~/.m2/repository/org/tensorflow/libtensorflow_jni/1.12.0/libtensorflow_jni-1.12.0.jar:~/.m2/repository/org/openpnp/opencv/3.4.2-1/opencv-3.4.2-1.jar Main
    For GPU use package tensorflow_jni_gpu instead of tensorflow_jni and also chenge Maven pom.xml file.

Deploy using TensorFlow C API:

Write C++ program which uses TensorFlow C API. Project can be build without Bazel and outside TensorFlow project.
C API functions headers:

  1. Build OpenCV from source: (-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/opencv-3.4/install) and add install directory to path: PATH="$PATH:/tmp/opencv-3.4/install"
  2. Download TensorFlow C library:
  3. Extract TensorFlow C library:
sudo mkdir /tmp/tf-1.12
sudo tar -xz libtensorflow-cpu-linux-x86_64-1.12.0.tar.gz -C /tmp/tf-1.12
  1. Configure linker environmental variables:
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/tmp/tf-1.12/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/tmp/tf-1.12/lib
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/tmp/opencv-3.4/install/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/tmp/opencv-3.4/install/lib
  1. Build project:
    g++ -I/tmp/tf-1.12/include -L/tmp/tf-1.12/lib main.cpp -I/tmp/opencv-3.4/install/include -L/tmp/opencv-3.4/install/lib -ltensorflow -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -o main
  2. Run executable:

Deploy using TensorFlow.js:


Option 1 - via yarn (simple_graph)
  1. Install Yarn (and Node.js): If using Ubuntu 18 first remove cmdtree: sudo apt remove cmdtree.
  2. Install tfjs-converter:
  3. Install http-server:
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm install http-server -g
  1. Convert existing TensorFlow model to TensorFlow.js Web format:
tensorflowjs_converter \
    --input_format=tf_saved_model \
    --output_node_names='y' \
    --saved_model_tags=serve \
    /tmp/python/saved_model \
  1. For loadFrozenModel function to work with local files, those files needs to be served by a server:
    http-server -c1 --cors /tmp/javascript/model -p 8081
    Add origin=* to URL queries parameters to solve missing CORS 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header.

  2. Start a local development HTTP server which watches the filesystem for changes:

yarn watch
  1. Generate dist/ folder which contains the build artifacts and can be used for deployment:
yarn build
  1. Use GPU package for for higher performance: yarn add @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu
Option 2- via script tags (resnet_v2_50)
  1. Build opencv.js:

  2. Place opencv.js file in the same directory as index.html and index.js (or upload it on the internet)

  3. Install tfjs-converter:

  4. Convert saved model to tfjs format:

tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=tf_saved_model \
--output_node_names='probabilities, predictions_renamed' \
--saved_model_tags=serve \
/tmp/resnet_v2_50/python/saved_model \
  1. Copy imagenet_names.txt to /tmp/resnet_v2_50/javascript/model

  2. For javascript to work with local files, those files needs to be served by a server: http-server -c1 --cors /tmp/javascript/model -p 8080

  3. Run index.html in the browser

Note that when deploying model with tfhub module on remote computer, data from /tmp/tfhub_modules (or directory set with TFHUB_CACHE_DIR) must be copied under exactly the same absolute path in remote computer. It can't be done with manipulating TFHUB_CACHE_DIR env because tfhub directory absolute path is hardcoded inside model when it's saved.

Deploy using TFLite Android API::

  1. Install Android Studio through Ubuntu Software
  2. Install Android SDK: Tools -> SDK Manager -> Android SDK -> SDK Tools
  3. Install emulator and create virtual device (optional): Tools -> AVD Manager
  4. Install Android OpenCV:
  • Download OpenCV for Android: wget && unzip download -d /tmp

  • Import OpenCV module: File -> New -> Import Module add /tmp/OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/java and resolve automatically using Android Studio (first sync project, then do refactor)

  • Add OpenCV module to project: File -> Project Structure -> app Dependencies -> add OpenCV module with + mark

  • Copy libs to Android app: cp -r /tmp/OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/libs {app_dir}//app/src/main mv {app_dir}//app/src/main/libs {app_dir}//app/src/main/jniLibs

  • Change build.gradle(Module:openCV) so it uses the same compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion as build.gradle(Module:app)

  1. Install Android TensorFlow:
  • Add implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.0-nightly' to dependencies in build.gradle(Module:app) and sync project
  1. Copy assets (ImageNetLabels.txt and model.tflite) to Android app: cp -r /tmp/assets {app_dir}/app/src/main

  2. Set mobile into developer state and load application

  3. Add camera persmissions: Device settings -> Applications -> App -> Permissions -> turn on Camera (or use Dexter to ask from application)


Deploy TensorFlow models trained with Python using C, C++, Java and JavaScript.







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