Deprecated, go to
- Two days from Basics to Mid: manual 1,
- One days REST servie and database access: manual 2,
- Running on CN/Kubernetes,
- Working with Kubernetes golang lib, operators, etc: manual 4.
Formats: 5 days, 2 days, 1 day, or 4h.
- packaging
- go mod, go get, go build, go install
- fmt, imports, linter
- vars, consts
- functions
- data types
- for, if, switch
- pointers
- structs
- arrays and slices
- maps
- methods
- interfaces
- goroutines
- channels
- error handling
- (file) io
- unit tests
- Your first web app
- Working with JSON
- Calling external services
- Working with files
- db access
- stdlib
- ide: AC, def/usage, debug
- package/dependency management
- marshall/unmarshall (sed/deser)
- docs
- benchmarking
- calling remote apis
- parsing cli args
- logging
- You will build your own app based on what you learnt during the workshop
- Golang and GraphQL
- Building apps in Golang for CloudNative/Kubernetes - observability and operators
- Golang Warsaw Meetup Workshop
- CloudNative Days in Warsaw
- CloudNative Warsaw Conference
Looking for a Kubernetes, CloudNative, Golang, or Machine Learning training, reach me at [email protected] or LinkedIN.