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Spring Boot 2.0 metrics with Actuator, Prometheus and Grafana example



How to...

implement metrics in Spring Boot and export to Prometheus and Grafana?

1. Create new Spring Boot application

or use exist one

2. Add dependencies to your project


3. Expose metrics and prometheus endpoints in


4. Use prepared metrics by Spring creators or create custom metrics for your app

Inject MeterRegistry, create and manage your application set of meters. Example:

    fun setCounter(meterRegistry: MeterRegistry) {
        //counters -> increment value
        messageCounter = meterRegistry.counter("service.message.counter")
        operationCounter = meterRegistry.counter("service.message.long.operation.counter")

        //gauges -> shows the current value of a meter.
        lastMessageLength = meterRegistry.gauge("service.message.last.message.length", AtomicInteger())!!
        //shows collection size (queue message, cache size etc...). In real app the collection implementation used should be thread safe.
        messages = meterRegistry.gaugeCollectionSize("service.message.message.size", emptyList(), mutableListOf())!!

        //timer -> measures the time taken for short tasks and the count of these tasks.
        timer = meterRegistry.timer("")

        //other meters...

5. Run you application

For example:

./gradlew bootRun

6. Check your working metrics (JSON format)

curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics

7. Check your working metrics (Prometheus format)

curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus
# HELP jvm_gc_memory_promoted_bytes_total Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC
# TYPE jvm_gc_memory_promoted_bytes_total counter
jvm_gc_memory_promoted_bytes_total 24576.0

8. Check your custom metrics (Prometheus format)

curl -s http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus |grep service_message
# HELP service_message_last_message_length  
# TYPE service_message_last_message_length gauge
service_message_last_message_length 18.0
# HELP service_message_message_size  
# TYPE service_message_message_size gauge
service_message_message_size 4.0
# HELP service_message_long_operation_run_timer_seconds  
# TYPE service_message_long_operation_run_timer_seconds summary
service_message_long_operation_run_timer_seconds_count 74.0
service_message_long_operation_run_timer_seconds_sum 265.597506794
service_message_long_operation_run_timer_seconds_max 6.9341843

9. Add Spring Boot app scrape config to prometheus.yml

More info

  - job_name: 'spring-boot-example-metric'
    # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds.
    scrape_interval: 5s

    metrics_path: '/actuator/prometheus' # path to spring boot metrics

      - targets: ['spring-boot-example-metric:8080'] # host and port

10. Open Prometheus dashboard

and check Spring Boot endpoint status (menu: Status/Targets)


11. Add dashboard for system or custom metric

(menu: Graph)


12. Open Grafana dashboard

and add Prometheus data source


13. Create new dashboard for system or custom metric


or use already created. For example: JVM (Micrometer) Dashboard

Working example


Build Status


Docker and docker-compose


  • kotlin
  • gradle
  • spring boot 2.0 (mvc, actuator)
  • docker and docker-compose (I'm using Linux)
  • prometheus
  • grafana


    git clone

How to build and run

1. Compile project and build docker images

    cd kotlin-spring-boot-prometheus-grafana-example/

2. Check docker images

docker images    
REPOSITORY                                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
eu.wojciechzurek/spring-boot-example-metric   0.0.1               3499dee25307        About an hour ago   123MB
eu.wojciechzurek/spring-boot-example-metric   latest              3499dee25307        About an hour ago   123MB
eu.wojciechzurek/custom-prometheus            0.0.1               17aaa34718de        About an hour ago   112MB
eu.wojciechzurek/custom-prometheus            latest              17aaa34718de        About an hour ago   112MB
grafana/grafana                               latest              18cae91912fc        5 days ago          301MB

3. Run docker-compose

cd kotlin-spring-boot-prometheus-grafana-example/
docker-compose up

4. Check docker containers status

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                      NAMES
449f44b8a1d5        eu.wojciechzurek/custom-prometheus:latest            "/bin/prometheus --c…"   41 minutes ago      Up 41 minutes>9090/tcp                     kotlinspringbootprometheusgrafanaexample_prometheus_1
348e2b0150be        grafana/grafana                                      "/"                41 minutes ago      Up 41 minutes>3000/tcp                     kotlinspringbootprometheusgrafanaexample_grafana_1
ab91021df26b        eu.wojciechzurek/spring-boot-example-metric:latest   "java -Djava.securit…"   41 minutes ago      Up 41 minutes>8080/tcp                     spring-boot-example-metric

5. Services URL

6. Open Grafana dashboard

and add Prometheus type, direct access source (HTTP URL: http://localhost:9000/)

7. Test app and check metrics

curl http://localhost:8080/message
Hello Spring World%                               

8. Optional upload example dashboard

Go to: http://localhost:3000/dashboard/import and import grafana-spring-boot-example.json