MsiDump, MsiDumpCab - expand Windows Installer Package (.msi) files
MsiDumpCab [msiFile]
MsiDump command [options] msiFile [path_to_extract]
commands (use one of them):
-list list msiFile
-extract extract files
-help this help secreen
options for -list:
-format:nfspvl list num, file, size, path, version, lang (DEFAULT:nfsp)
options for -extract:
-full_path:yes|no extract files with full path (DEFAULT:yes)
Legacy Usage:
MsiDump msiFile - list
MsiDump msiFile extractPath - extract
MsiDump msiFile extractPath -f - extract -full_path:no,
MsiDump is the command line version of the tool;
while MsiDumpCab provides a WinZip-like user interface.