This project provides a Spark IoT Automator for Dataview. Deployment can either be done by providing the automator with an API key and device id, or just an API key (TODO). Support for allowing dataview to handle access tokens is still being considered.
This automator depends on spyrk ( for Python 3.x
In order to provide secure communications between the RPC consumer and the RPC server, TLS is utilized. You must create a X.509 Server certificate for this to work.
openssl genrsa -out server.pem 4096 openssl req -new -x509 -key server.pem -out cert.pem -days 730
Once you have generated the private key and certificate, copy the certificate (cert.pem) to the machine the RPC consumer is operating from.
$ openssl rand -hex 32 493152a14843198555759262f1bd767235789aebdcc5f1b1f8f2cd3a965c8c7a
When you launch the automator script, be sure that the RPCSERVER_TOKEN environment variable is set.
Be sure that you have generated the X.509 Server Certificate and exported the RPCSERVER_TOKEN environment variable. For connectivity you'll also need to set SPARK_ACCESS_TOKEN and SPARK_DEVICE_ID, then:
$ python3 --tlscert cert.pem --tlskey server.pem
curl --cacert cert.pem \ -H "Authorization: Token $RPCSERVER_TOKEN" https://localhost:8080/rpc \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call_function", "params": ["YOUR_SPARKIO_COMMAND", ["PARAMS"]], "id": 1}'