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Sajjad Hossain edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 14 revisions

#Pour a glass (Init & Install) To make things simpler, we'll use Robo for all of our task management needs. Lets install it! Install all dependancies through composer, if you run in to any issues please see the wiki.

For all instances of <tag> replace it with the tag for the test suite. For example, for my tests in features/getSaucey the tag is saucey.

  1. From the root of the project, run:

     curl -sS | php
  2. Then run:

     php composer.phar install
  3. From here, robo takes control, run:

     bin/robo init
  4. For testing with Selenium locally:

     bin/robo saucey:tipsy '<tag> <browser>'

    or, if you want to test with PhantomJS (Headless/Lightweight)

     bin/robo saucey:tipsy '<tag>'

    **Note: Not all tests will work with PhantomJS, i.e. @alert

  5. For testing against the cloud, you have to do three things (see drunk). Set up SauceLabs to use your account:

     vendor/sauce/connect/bin/sauce_connect user_name access_key


     vendor/sauce_config user_name access_key

    then, run:

     bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> <environment> <browser>'


  1. Run the Winery Test Suite with:

     bin/robo winery:test

    Notice this opens report/saucey_report_winery_test.html

  2. Additionally, you can just open the winery via:

     bin/robo winery

    Then, go to

    Be sure to checkout the Browser-Based Inspector @

##Shots! (examples) ###Local w/ Selenium - Tipsy

  1. Given you've installed via init, install & bin/robo init from above...

  2. Run local examples via:

     bin/robo saucey:tipsy 'form firefox'


     bin/robo saucey:tipsy 'web chrome'


     bin/robo saucey:tipsy 'api'


     bin/robo saucey:tipsy 'shell'
  3. Robo should be running the test suite, upon completion it should open a newly generated report.

  4. reports/saucey_report.html should be opened, you should see a bunch of tests that look like:

Feature: SOAP & REST API Functionality

  As a tester
  I want to make sure api features are up and running
  So that I can automate continuous integration and regression tests using it

    @api @get
    Scenario: Make and validate a GET request
      Given send a GET request to "/comments?postId=1&id=1"
      Then  the response code should be 200
      And the response should contain json:
            "postId": 1,
            "id": 1,
            "name": "id labore ex et quam laborum",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "body": "laudantium enim quasi est quidem magnam voluptate ipsam eos\ntempora quo necessitatibus\ndolor quam autem quasi\nreiciendis et nam sapiente accusantium"

###Cloud w/ SauceLabs - Drunk

  1. Given you've installed via init, install & bin/robo init from above...

  2. To point saucey to SauceLabs, you'd need your user_name and access_key. Sign up and register for a free SauceLabs account.

  3. Get your username and api-key. Should be available via /account. Copy the info into your clipboard.

  4. Open the behat.yml file with your favorite IDE and replace all instances of username:api-key with your username (used to log in) and api-key. Save.

  5. Run a sanity suite via:

     bin/robo saucey:drunk 'web mac chrome'
  6. Then, go to and view your running/completed tests. Navigate through and download meta-data, screenshots and video recordings of the entire suite.

####localhost testing on the cloud To test something on a localhost in the cloud, you can open a tunnel with sauce connect. With your username and api-key/access_key from the steps above, run:

vendor/bin/sauce_config user_name access_key

To start the connect tunnel:


###Mobile & Tablet ####For iOS:

bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> ios_phone'

bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> ios_tablet'

bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> ios_tablet_landscape'

####For Android:

bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> android_phone'

bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> android_tablet'

bin/robo saucey:drunk '<tag> android_tablet_landscape'


On Mac OS X, (with the exception of LAMP for Windows) saucey requires the below dependancies. For now, the Pour a glass section above should cover all dependancies. However, if there are errors thrown upon running php composer.phar install or php composer.phar update in terminal you can reference the sources below. They should also be maintained.

  1. XCode & Developer Tools
  2. Java JDK, see documentation
  3. cURL
  4. WAMP Windows Only
  5. PHP just incase, should be covered by composer.