Uses the WeMos D1 board (full size) and a DHT22 thermo-hygrometer sensor. The boards are available all over the internet:
Amazon's choice for the WeMos D1 (is actually D1 R2)
Amazon's choice for the DHT22
Amazon's choice for breadboard jumpers
Connect the DHT22 + to a 3.3V pin
Connect the DHT22 - to a GND pin
Connect the DHT22 data to pin 8 on the D1 board
Create a free account on
Add a new device and record the username, password, and clientID
Substitute it in the proper location in the code
Add the ESP8266 board to the Arduino IDE.
Use the board library esp8266 from
Select the board from Tools/Board/Board Manager
Set the board options to:
Board: WeMos D1 R1 Upload speed: 115200 CPU freq: 80 MHz Flash size: 4M (3M SPIFFS) Upload using: Serial
You'll need these libraries (Tools/Manage Libraries):
WiFi (Built-In) CayenneMQTT DHT sensor library Adafruit Unified Sensor
Enter your wifi SSID & wifiPassword into the code
Push to the device using the Arduino IDE