This is a userscript, you can install it with the Tampermonkey browser extension.
- Fill blank album slots with images of what is missing
- Show name, rarity and description of missing stamps
- Links to searches (Shop Wizard, Trading Post, Auction House) and Jellyneo
- Compare your album progress with another user
Modelled after the userscript Stamp album helper by u/Eat_Wooloo_As_Mutton which was made for retail neo.
This repository includes a Caddyfile for convenience. With caddy installed, caddy run
can be used to host the userscript and the stamps database on http://localhost:8080
The script can then be installed from http://localhost:8080/script.user.js
The local storage variable stamp_database
can be set to load the script from localhost instead of the default online URL.
localStorage.setItem("stamp_database", "http://localhost:8080/stamps.json")
Don't forget to clear it to use the default online URL again.
- Add a new entry to
- Increment the minor version in
The information can be retrieved from various places
- Jellyneo (if the album is the identical on retail)
- Stamp albums of users
- Site searches
Below is a script that can be used in the browser console on Jellyneo to retrieve album information.
- Visit the Jellyneo Item DB Page for the album to get info on
- Open the first stamp
- Open a browser console (Ctrl + Shift + I in Firefox)
- Paste the script below and Enter
- Right click the array that is printed to the console and press 'Copy Object'
- Paste it in stamps.json
- Repeat for other stamps
- Format stamps.json
let name = document.querySelector('h1').textContent
let rarity = parseInt(document.querySelector(`[class^='rarity-label']`).previousSibling.textContent.trim().split('r')[1])
let description = document.querySelector("div > p > em").textContent
let img = document.querySelector(`a[href*='images.neopets']`).href.split('/items/')[1]
return [name,rarity,description,img]