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Dev: Testing, Continuous Integration

David Klingenberg edited this page Dec 1, 2017 · 4 revisions

Unit Testing Angular 2 Application

Executing tests

To execute tests, use karma start command.

Testing services

Using Jasmine spy, controlling method calls

Jasmine spy can be used to control if some method is getting called, how many times it has been called, which argument were passed and so on. It can even fake response from method call.

To create spy on existing object, call spyOn(object, 'method'). Now you can use spy instead of original object instance.

Mocking dependencies

Jasmine can be used to mock dependencies. It uses spies again, but when there is no existing object instance, it needs to create spy object using jasmine.createSpyObj. First argument is name of created object and second argument is string array of method names.

Usage might look like this:

let migrationIssuesSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('MigrationIssuesService', [

Mocking backend

When you want to mock backend, you need to add this:

 provide: Http,
 useFactory: (backend: ConnectionBackend, defaultOptions: BaseRequestOptions) => {
     return new Http(backend, defaultOptions);
 deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions]

To TestBed.configureTestingModule providers. It will create Http object with MockBackend which won't do actual Http requests, but call Observable instead.

In tested method you can use inject() to get MockBackend instance. MockBackend.connections.subscribe subscribes to Observable which creates new event for each HTTP request. To create mock response, call connection.mockRespond method. For most use cases providing JSON data is enough, so creating new Response(new ResponseOptions({ body: {// this is JSON response, it can be any valid JSON} }) will create response.

See example below:

it('Should make a POST request on backend with path', async(inject([FileService, MockBackend],
  (service: FileService, mockBackend: MockBackend) => {

    mockBackend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
        expect(connection.request.url).toEqual(Constants.REST_BASE + '/file/pathExists');
        connection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({
            body: true

        .then(result => {
        }, error => {
            expect(false).toBeTruthy("Service call failed due to: " + error);

Full example here:

If you need to create mock backend which will handle multiple requests with different responses, add if-else statements into code and check request properties.


async() block is used to create new zone.js environment for asynchronous code. For testing asynchronous code, instead of providing () => { // test code here } callback to it() method, use async(() => { // test code here }) wrapper.

Or use (and this is probably better, since it is universal) done parameter. Example:

it(done, () => {
  let x = 0;
  setTimeout(() => {
     done(); // here call done after finishing async action
  }, 100);

Testing components

For testing components I recommend to mock service dependencies.


Angular 2 testing guide

Jasmine testing framework

Screenshots of Jasmine test results:

End to end (e2e) integration tests

DOM e2e tests

Execute mvn test -pl tests/e2e

  • if you want to see, what is going on, edit file tests/e2e/src/main/npm/protractor.conf.js and remove --headless, --disable-gpu parameters from exports.config.capabilities.chromeOptions.args array.

Visual Regression Tests

Visual regression tests are executed in similar manner as e2e tests, they just require additional -DvisualRegression maven parameter. So to execute them, run mvn test -pl tests/e2e -DvisualRegression.


  1. First, reference screenshots need to be made (or updated). To do that, run npm run e2e-capture-reference (you will probably have to update parameters, copy file protractor-params.template.js to protractor-params.js and update parameters (URL, username, password, file path to some file which will be used for registering an application).

  2. Then you can run actual visual regression tests and if they fail, see screenshots/diff directory to diff images. I recommend manually starting them before making new publicly available build. I don't think it is good idea to have them in PR builder task, since they tend to have lot of false negatives and manual control of screenshots is required.