MongoDB, Expressjs, React/Redux, Nodejs
MERN is a fullstack implementation in MongoDB, Expressjs, React/Redux, Nodejs.
MERN stack is the idea of using Javascript/Node for fullstack web development.
$ git clone
$ cd react
$ npm i
$ cd ../backend
$ npm i
- MongoDB
- Node
- npm
- Nodemon
notice, you need front-end and server runs concurrently in different terminal session, in order to make them talk to each other
$ cd react // go to client folder
$ npm i // npm install pacakges
$ npm start // run it locally
First you need to run Mongo
$ sudo mongod //'sudo' needs if you have some trobles with access
Next open new terminal and continue
$ cd backend // go to server folder
$ npm i // npm install pacakges
$ nodemon server // run it locally
Client-side | Server-side |
axios: ^0.19.0 | body-parser: ^1.19.0 |
bootstrap: ^4.3.1 | cors: ^2.8.1 |
prop-types: ^15.7.2 | express: ^4.17.1 |
react: ^16.8.6 | mongoose: ^5.6.1 |
react-dom: ^16.8.6 | |
react-redux: ^7.1.0 | |
react-router-dom: ^5.0.1 | |
redux: ^4.0.1 | |
redux-thunk: ^2.3.0 | |
redux-devtools-extension: ^2.13.8 | |
react - scripts: ^3.0.1 |