Trigger API has been updated
New triggers API
The main difference is related to the way of relating to the old and new rows in a trigger.
Early each reference was in its own parameter
.Insert<UserBalance>((oldRow, newRow) => new MyEntity { Value = oldRow.Value + newRow.Value }
now the one variable contains all references
.Insert<UserBalance>(tableRefs => new MyEntity { Value = tableRefs .Old.Value + tableRefs.New.Value }
Update Upsert and InsertIfNotExists API
The next updates are related to the changed Upsert and InsertIfNotExists API. Now they consume predicates as the first parameter instead of NewExpression, which sounds more logical.
.Upsert(deletedTransaction => new UserBalance { UserId = deletedTransaction.UserId } ..)
and now
.Upsert((tableRefs, balances) => tableRefs.Old.UserId == balances.UserId, ..)
Configuring trigger prefix
Not the trigger prefixes can be changed via te next static parameter
Laraue.EfCoreTriggers.Common.Constants.AnnotationKey = "MY_PREFIX"