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Will Hopkins edited this page Jul 2, 2023 · 4 revisions


Some of the configuration options can be functions that take a Buffer as a single parameter. This is useful as it allows users to set the values of components dynamically based on the buffer that component is being rendered for.

Buffer = {
  index = integer,
  number = integer,
  type = string,
  is_focused = boolean,
  is_modified = boolean,
  is_readonly = boolean,
  path = string,
  unique_prefix = string,
  filename = string,
  filetype = string,
  pick_letter = char,
  devicon = { icon = string, color = string },
  diagnostics = {
    errors = integer,
    warnings = integer,
    infos = integer,
    hints = integer


index: integer

The buffer's order in the bufferline (1 for the first buffer, 2 for the second one, etc.).

number: integer

The buffer's internal number as reported by :ls

is_focused: boolean

Whether the buffer is currently focused

is_modified: boolean

is_readonly: boolean

is_first: boolean

The buffer is the first visible buffer in the tab bar.

is_last: boolean

The buffer is the last visible buffer in the tab bar.

is_hovered: boolean

The mouse is hovering over the buffer This is a special variable in that it will only be true for the hovered component on render. This is to allow components to respond to hover events individually without managing component state. If you just need the hovered bufnr, you can use require('cokeline.hover').hovered().bufnr.

type: string

The buffer's type as reported by :echo &buftype.

filetype: string

The buffer's filetype as reported by :echo &filetype.

path: string

The buffer's full path

filename: string

The buffer's filename

unique_prefix: string

A unique prefix used to distinguish buffers with the same filename stored in different directories. For example, if we have two files bar/ and baz/, then the first will have bar/ as its unique prefix and the second one will have baz/.

pick_letter: char

The letter that is displayed when picking a buffer to either focus or close it.


This needs the kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons plugin to be installed. The color is in hex format.

devicon.icon: string

An icon representing the buffer's filetype.

devicon.color = '#rrggbb',

The colors of the devicon in hexadecimal format (useful to be passed to a component's fg field (see the Components section).


  • diagnostics.errors: integer
  • diagnostics.warnings: integer
  • diagnostics.infos: integer
  • diagnostics.hints: integer

The values in this table are the ones reported by Neovim's built in LSP interface.


---@param self Buffer
---Deletes the buffer
function Buffer:delete()

---@param self Buffer
---Focuses the buffer
function Buffer:focus()

---@param self Buffer
---@return number
---Returns the number of lines in the buffer
function Buffer:lines()

---@param self Buffer
---@return string[]
---Returns the buffer's lines
function Buffer:text()

---@param buf Buffer
---@return boolean
---Returns true if the buffer is valid
function Buffer:is_valid()

API Reference









  • push(bufnr) Push an item into the history.
  • pop() Pop the last item off of the history.
  • list() Returns the history items as a (copied) list.
  • iter() Returns an iterator over the history items.
  • get(idx) Get the item at history index idx, if any.
  • last() Peek the last item in the history, without removing it.
  • contains(bufnr) Check if the history contains the given bufnr.
  • capacity() Returns the configured capacity.
  • len() Returns the number of items in the history.
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