A general purpose web api framework. Its main purposes are:
- Provide a simple, flexible and extensible framework aiming at Go Web API programs.
- Raise the reusability of codes between different projects.
- Identify go routines by Id, making it easy to track a unique request in log.
It's based on Layered Architecture thought:
| | |
| Application | Prepare/Response/Finish |
| | |
| | |
| Domain | Do |
| | |
| | |
| Infrastructure | Db, MQ, Logging, ... |
| | |
Finish is used to call downstream services if Do completes successfully. You can also leave it empty freely.
| Service |
| Finish |
/ \
/ \
+---------------+ +---------------+
| | | |
| Service2 | | Service3 |
| | | |
+---------------+ +---------------+
- 解决通用Web API类型的Go程序架构问题,实现简单,灵活,易于扩展。
- 解决项目间重复编码的问题,提高代码复用性。
- 为go routine标记id,方便log跟踪单个请求。
成员函数 | 层次 | 说明 |
Prepare | 应用层 (Application) |
用于接收客户端请求,并进行身份验证,授权验证,参数检查等,然后对数据进行预处理,封装成领域层对象所需的格式。如果失败,返回失败条件下的响应消息和失败原因。 |
Do | 领域层 (Domain) |
接受Prepare封装好的格式化数据,然后执行领域层逻辑进行业务处理。此函数只关心领域逻辑处理。返回处理结果和失败原因。 |
Response | 应用层 (Application) |
接受Prepare或Do的返回结果数据,将响应消息进行序列化等操作,返回给客户端。 |
Finish | 应用层 (Application) |
在Do操作执行成功时,调用下游服务接口。比如用户支付成功,亚马逊发送下单通知邮件;用户修改送货地址,亚马逊发送地址变更通知邮件等。 |
package typhoon
import (
const (
Err_Success = iota
//--------------------------------service task----------------------------------
// Implement func(ctx *task.Context)
func TrivialTask(ctx *task.Context) {
var count int
if ctx.UserContext != nil {
fmt.Printf("[%d] userctx:%v.\n", ctx.Id, ctx.UserContext.Value("now"))
for {
select {
case <- time.After(time.Second*10):
fmt.Printf("[%d] service task count %d.\n", ctx.Id, count)
if count == 100 {
//--------------------------------command task----------------------------------
// Implement CommandTask interface
type PaymentTask struct {
OrderId int `json:"order_id"`
SrcBankNo string `json:"src_bank_no"`
DstBankNo string `json:"dst_bank_no"`
Amount int `json:"amount"`
type PaymentTaskResp struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Err string `json:"err"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"`
func (ptr *PaymentTaskResp)Response() []byte {
resp, err := json.Marshal(ptr)
if err != nil {
resp := fmt.Sprintf(`{"code":%d, "err":"%s"}`, Err_Json, err)
return []byte(resp)
return resp
func (pt *PaymentTask)Clone() task.CommandTask {
task := new(PaymentTask)
return task
type userContext struct {
start int // us
func (pt *PaymentTask)Prepare(ctx *task.WebContext) (task.TaskResponse, error) {
if ctx.R.Method != "POST" {
return &PaymentTaskResp{
"Invalid Method",
errors.New("Invalid Method")
now := time.Now()
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ctx.R.Body)
fmt.Printf("[%d] get req:%v\n", ctx.Id, string(data))
err := json.Unmarshal(data, pt)
if err != nil {
return &PaymentTaskResp{Err_Json, "json.Unmarshal failed", nil}, err
uctx := &userContext{now.Second()*1000000 + now.Nanosecond()/1000}
ctx.UserContext = context.WithValue(nil, "user_ctx", uctx)
return &PaymentTaskResp{Err_Success, "success", ""}, nil
func (pt *PaymentTask)Do(ctx *task.WebContext)(task.TaskResponse, error) {
fmt.Printf("[%d] handling payment.\n", ctx.Id)
// Do payment business logic.
sleep := time.Duration(rand.Int()%100)
return &PaymentTaskResp{Err_Success, "success", "user data"}, nil
// Finishing works if there is any. Typically, it calls downstream services.
func (pt *PaymentTask)Finish(ctx *task.WebContext, reps task.TaskResponse) {
// add bonus points
// ...
// send payment success mails
// ...
fmt.Printf("[%d] Finish done.\n", ctx.Id)
func (pt *PaymentTask)Response(ctx *task.WebContext, resp task.TaskResponse) {
now := time.Now()
if resp != nil {
data := resp.Response()
fmt.Printf("[%d] write resp :%s.\n", ctx.Id, string(data))
uctx := ctx.UserContext.Value("user_ctx").(*userContext)
now_us := now.Second()*1000000 + now.Nanosecond()/1000
fmt.Printf("[%d] task is done, consume %d us\n", ctx.Id, now_us - uctx.start)
func TestTyphoon_Run(t *testing.T) {
tp := New()
// Add normal service task
// Add web command task
tp.AddRoute("/test", &PaymentTask{})
// start service tasks
// start task immediately
ExecTask(TrivialTask, context.WithValue(nil, "now", time.Now().Unix()))
// wait for web requests
You can send requests using command: curl -d '{"name":"will","age":23, "tel":"112"}'
Output may be like this:
[2] userctx:1509088227.
[1] service task count 0.
[2] service task count 0.
[3] get req:{"order_id":123,"src_bank_no":"6147258369123","dst_bank_no":"7412589631203","amount":1000}
[3] handling payment.
[3] write resp :{"code":0,"err":"success","data":"user data"}.
[3] task is done, consume 11223 us
[3] Finish done.
[4] get req:{"order_id":123,"src_bank_no":"6147258369123","dst_bank_no":"7412589631203","amount":1000}
[4] handling payment.
[4] write resp :{"code":0,"err":"success","data":"user data"}.
[4] task is done, consume 51472 us
[4] Finish done.
[2] service task count 1.
[1] service task count 1.
[1] service task count 2.
[2] service task count 2.