The kubernetes-bundle allows you to deploy the many services of Kubernetes to a cloud environment and get started using the Kubernetes technology quickly.
Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications. Kubernetes uses Docker to run containerized applications.
The Juju system provides provisioning and
orchestration across a variety of clouds and bare metal. A juju bundle
describes collection of services and how they interelate. juju quickstart
allows you to bootstrap a deployment environment and
deploy a bundle.
You will need to
install the Juju client and
as pre-requisites. To deploy the bundle use
which runs on Mac OS (brew install juju-quickstart
) or Ubuntu (apt-get install juju-quickstart
Deploy Kubernetes onto any cloud and orchestrated directly in the Juju
Graphical User Interface using juju quickstart
juju quickstart -i
The command above does few things for you:
- Starts a curses based gui for managing your cloud or MAAS credentials
- Looks for a bootstrapped deployment environment, and bootstraps if required. This will launch a bootstrap node in your chosen deployment environment (machine 0).
- Deploys the Juju GUI to your environment onto the bootstrap node.
- Provisions 4 machines, and deploys the Kubernetes services on top of them (Kubernetes-master, two Kubernetes minions using flannel, and etcd).
- Orchestrates the relations among the services, and exits.
Now you should have a running Kubernetes. Run juju status --format=oneline
to see the address of your kubernetes master.
For further reading on Juju Quickstart
You'll need the Kubernetes command line client, kubectl to interact with the created cluster. The kubectl command is installed on the kubernetes-master charm. If you want to work with the cluster from your computer you will need to install the binary locally (see instructions below).
You can access kubectl by a number ways using juju.
via juju run:
juju run --service kubernetes-master/0 "sudo kubectl get mi"
via juju ssh:
juju ssh kubernetes-master/0 -t "sudo kubectl get mi"
You may also juju ssh kubernetes-master/0
and call kubectl from that
See the kubectl documentation for more details of what can be done with the command line tool.
You can add capacity by adding more Docker units:
juju add-unit docker
Kubernetes currently has several platform specific functionality. For example load balancers and persistence volumes only work with the Google Compute provider at this time.
The Juju integration uses the Kubernetes null provider. This means external load balancers and storage can't be directly driven through Kubernetes config files at this time. We look forward to adding these capabilities to the charms.
The master controls the Kubernetes cluster. It manages for the worker nodes and provides the primary interface for control by the user.
The minions are the servers that perform the work. Minions must communicate with the master and run the workloads that are assigned to them.
Flannel provides individual subnets for each machine in the cluster by creating a software defined networking.
An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.
Etcd persists state for Flannel and Kubernetes. It is a distributed key-value store with an http interface.
Juju has complete documentation with regard to setup, and cloud configuration on it's own documentation site.
Download the Kuberentes release from: and extract the release, you can then just directly use the cli binary at ./kubernetes/platforms/linux/amd64/kubectl
You'll need the address of the kubernetes-master as environment variable :
juju status kubernetes-master/0
Grab the public-address there and export it as KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable :
export KUBERNETES_MASTER=$(juju status --format=oneline kubernetes-master | cut -d' ' -f3):8080
And now you can run kubectl on the command line :
kubectl get mi
See the kubectl documentation for more details of what can be done with the command line tool.
The kubernetes-bundle is open source and available on If you want to get started developing on the bundle you can clone it from github. Often you will need the related charms which are also on github.
mkdir ~/bundles
git clone ~/bundles/kubernetes-bundle
mkdir -p ~/charms/trusty
git clone ~/charms/trusty/kubernetes
git clone ~/charms/trusty/kubernetes-master
juju quickstart specs/develop.yaml
Send us pull requests! We'll send you a cookie if they include tests and docs.
- kubernetes-master charm on Github
- kubernetes charm on GitHub
- etcd charm on GitHub
- Flannel charm on GitHub
- Docker charm on GitHub
More information about the Kubernetes project or check out the Kubernetes Documentation for more details about the Kubernetes concepts and terminology.
Having a problem? Check the Kubernetes issues database for related issues.