Small wrapper for Smooch API. If you are missing some endpoint (probably quite a few) please make a pull request. I have had to connect to Smooch so I have written only what I needed.
I needed only JWT token authorization, so only this is supported for now.
To install it, just add
-e git://
to your requirements.txt
In case of any trouble, feel free to open new issue or pull request here.
from smooch import Smooch
api = Smooch("KEY_ID", "SECRET")
user_id = "b6518"
r = api.precreate_user(user_id)
print r.json()
# {u'appUser': {u'credentialRequired': False, u'userId': u'b6518', u'conversationStarted': False, u'signedUpAt': u'2015-12-24T15:15:47.990Z', u'_id': u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a', u'properties': {}}}
r = api.init_user(user_id, "device-webapp-{0}".format(user_id))
print r.json()
# {u'app': {u'apnEnabled': False, u'hasIcon': False}, u'appUser': {u'credentialRequired': False, u'userId': u'b6518', u'conversationStarted': False, u'signedUpAt': u'2015-12-24T15:15:47.990Z', u'_id': u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a', u'properties': {}}}
r = api.update_user(user_id, {"credentialRequired": True, "properties": {"number": "213123"}})
print r.json()
# {u'appUser': {u'credentialRequired': False, u'userId': u'b6518', u'conversationStarted': False, u'signedUpAt': u'2015-12-24T15:15:47.990Z', u'_id': u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a', u'properties': {u'number': u'213123'}}}
r = api.post_message(user_id, "Is Smooch any good?", False)
print r.json()
# {u'conversation': {u'appMakers': [], u'redirectFrom': [], u'appUsers': [u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a'], u'messages': [{u'received': 1450970238.297, u'name': u'Dependable Horse', u'text': u'Is Smooch any good?', u'actions': [], u'authorId': u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a', u'role': u'appUser', u'_id': u'567c0c7eb6211a2a0057abbf'}], u'appMakerEmails': [], u'__v': 0, u'appId': u'567a845cb81a6d2400ff4b89', u'_id': u'0a6a01de64f930d952345f94', u'createdAt': u'2015-12-24T15:17:18.306Z'}, u'message': {u'received': 1450970238.297, u'name': u'Dependable Horse', u'text': u'Is Smooch any good?', u'actions': [], u'authorId': u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a', u'role': u'appUser', u'_id': u'567c0c7eb6211a2a0057abbf'}}
r = api.post_message(user_id, "Yes!!!", True)
print r.json()
#{u'conversation': {u'appMakers': [u'6mFFwXZ3YRu2eaC060PRSb'], u'redirectFrom': [], u'slack': {u'channelId': u'C0HABHM3L'}, u'appUsers': [u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a'], u'messages': [{u'received': 1450970238.297, u'name': u'Dependable Horse', u'text': u'Is Smooch any good?', u'actions': [], u'authorId': u'3954ac92f5f38913af55819a', u'role': u'appUser', u'_id': u'567c0c7eb6211a2a0057abbf'}, {u'received': 1450970258.23, u'avatarUrl': u'', u'text': u'Yes!!!', u'actions': [], u'authorId': u'6mFFwXZ3YRu2eaC060PRSb', u'role': u'appMaker', u'_id': u'567c0c92282bcf2a00ca9403'}], u'appMakerEmails': [], u'__v': 1, u'appId': u'567a845cb81a6d2400ff4b89', u'_id': u'0a6a01de64f930d952345f94', u'createdAt': u'2015-12-24T15:17:18.306Z'}, u'message': {u'received': 1450970258.23, u'avatarUrl': u'', u'text': u'Yes!!!', u'actions': [], u'authorId': u'6mFFwXZ3YRu2eaC060PRSb', u'role': u'appMaker', u'_id': u'567c0c92282bcf2a00ca9403'}}
webhook_id, webhook_secret = api.ensure_webhook_exist("message:appMaker", "")
print webhook_id
# 567c0db1282bcf2a00ca95ea
print webhook_secret
# a0f9e5eb89179f14baea600a8721257c58478a40
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '__test.jpg')
r = api.post_media(user_id, file_path, False)
print r.text
r = api.delete_webhook("5693d6a7d4465b2a008ef204")
r = api.delete_all_webhooks()
When Smooch API returns error, the class will raise Smooch.APIError
containing response from server
In case you want to authorize users using userId in your frontend app, you have to authenticate their userId to make sure they cannot pretend they are someone else. In this case in your authorization response you need to return JWT token for user. To generate one you can use this function:
from smooch import Smooch
jwt_token = Smooch.jwt_for_user("KEY_ID", "SECRET", "userId")
from smooch import Smooch
api = Smooch("KEY_ID", "SECRET")
jwt_token = api.user_jwt("userId")