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Tip: variable names

  • Inner functions (e.g., loop) often have arguments related to outer function

    • It is legal to shadow bindings and re-use variable names, but the compiler will warn you
    • Typical practice is to add ' (prime) to the inner-function's argument
    • Haskell accepts the ' character in variables, except as first character
  • Personally, I find this practice a bit error-prone

    • While learning Haskell, I repeatedly made the error of dropping primes, e.g.:
    factorial n = loop 1 n
        where loop acc n' | n' > 1    = loop (acc * n) (n' - 1) -- bug
                          | otherwise = acc
    • You can avoid the problem by using the longer symbol name for the outer function
    factorial n0 = loop 1 n0
        where loop acc n | n > 1     = loop (acc * n) (n - 1)
                         | otherwise = acc
    • Here accidentally typing "factorial n0 = loop 1 n" causes compile error

Running urldump

$ ghc --make urldump
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( urldump.hs, urldump.o )
Linking urldump ...
$ ./urldump
  • What if you want to run it in GHCI?

$ ghci ./urldump.hs Prelude Main> ~~~~

* No `*` before `Main` means no access to internal symbols (because


Prelude Main> :load *urldump.hs [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( urldump.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main. *Main> withArgs [""] main ~~~~

* Alternate GHCI shortcut:


Prelude Main> :main "" ~~~~

  • Let's say you want to cache result of super-expensive function

    superExpensive val = len $ veryExpensive (val :: Int)
        where len [] = 0
              len (x:xs) = 1 + len xs
    cachedResult = superExpensive 5
    • cachedResult will start as thunk, be executed once, then contain value
  • Let's think about the types

    *Main> :t superExpensive
    superExpensive :: Num a => Int -> a
    *Main> :t cachedResult
    cachedResult :: Integer
    • + and 0 are overloaded, so superExpensive can return any Num you want
    • Why don't we have cachedResult :: (Num a) => a?
    • Recall context restrictions are like hidden arguments... so would make cachedResult into a function, undermining our caching goal!
    • But how is compiler smart enough to save us here?

The DMR continued

  • Answer: in this case, compiler is not actually that smart
    • Heuristic: If it looks like a function, can infer ad hoc polymorphic types
    • If it looks like anything else, no ad hoc polymorphism unless explicitly declared
    • parametric polymorphic types can always be inferred (no hidden arguments)
  • What looks like a function?
    • Has to bind a single symbol (f), rather than a pattern ((x, y), (Just x))
    • Has to have at least one explicit argument (f x = ... ok, f = ... not)
  • How are monomorphic types inferred?
    • If bound symbol used elsewhere in module, infer type from use
    • If still ambiguous and type is of class Num, try Integer then Double (this sequence can be changed with a [default declaration][default])
    • If still ambiguous, compilation fails

The DMR take-away message

  • Think of type restrictions as implicit dictionary arguments

    • Compiler won't saddle non-function with implicit arguments
  • This code will compile

    -- Compiler infers: show1 :: (Show x) => x -> String
    show1 x = show x
  • But neither of these will:

    show2 = show
    show3 = \x -> show x
    • I'd rather you heard it from me than from GHC...
  • Relatively easy to work around DMR

    • Add type signatures to functions--a good idea anyway for top-level bindings, and sometimes necessary for let bindings

      -- No problem, compiler knows you want ad hoc polymorphism
      show2 :: (Show x) => x -> String
      show2 = show


seq revisited

  • Recall seq :: a -> b -> b

    • If seq a b is forced, then first a is forced, then b is forced and returned
  • Consider the following code:

    infiniteLoop = infiniteLoop :: Char   -- loops forever
    seqTest1 = infiniteLoop `seq` "Hello" -- loops forever
    seqTest2 = str `seq` length str       -- returns 6
        where str = infiniteLoop:"Hello"
    • seqTest1 hangs forever, while seqTest2 happily returns 6
  • seq only forces a Val, not the arg fields of the Val

    • seqTest2's seq forces str's constructor (:), but not the head or tail
    • This is known as putting str in Weak Head Normal Form (WHNF)
    • Can't fully evaluate an arbitrary data type (but see Control.DeepSeq)

Semantic effects of strictness

  • Strictness is primarily used for optimization

    • To avoid building up long chains of thunks
    • To save overhead of checking whether thunk evaluated
  • But has semantic effects: A non-strict Int is not just a number

    • Can also throw an exception or loop forever when evaluated
    • Such behavior can be modeled as a special value $\bot$ ("bottom")
    • So the values of Int are ${0,1}^{64} \cup {\bot}$
    • Types that include value $\bot$ are called lifted
  • Note 1: an unboxed type is necessarily unlifted

  • Note 2: !Int not a first-class type, only valid for data fields

    data SMaybe a = SJust !a | SNothing   -- ok, data field
    strictAdd :: !Int -> !Int -> !Int     -- error
    type StrictMaybeInt = Maybe !Int      -- error

newtype semantics

  • What's the semantic difference between these two declarations?

    newtype NTInt = NTInt Int deriving (Show)
    data SInt = SInt !Int deriving (Show)
  • The NTInt constructor is a "fake" compile-time-only construct

    • A case statement deconstructing a newtype compiles to nothing
    newtype NTInt = NTInt Int deriving (Show)
    uNTInt = NTInt undefined
    testNT = case uNTInt of NTInt _ -> True   -- returns True
    data SInt = SInt !Int deriving (Show)
    uSInt = SInt undefined
    testS = case uSInt of SInt _ -> True      -- undefined

The UNPACK pragma

  • newtype almost always better than data when it applies

  • What about a multi-field data type?

    data TwoInts = TwoInts !Int !Int
    • Fields are strict, we know they'll have CONSTRNO ValInfo

    • Why not stick the Int#s directly into the args of a TwoInts Val?

    • GHC provides an UNPACK pragma to do just this

      data TwoInts = TwoInts {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    • Works for any strict field with a single-constructor datatype

  • Unlike newtype, UNPACK is not always a win

    • If you pass field as argument, will need to re-box it
  • -funbox-strict-fields flag unpacks all strict fields

User-managed memory

  • Opaque type Ptr a represents pointers to type a

    • Pointers are not typesafe--allow pointer arithmetic and casting

      nullPtr :: Ptr a
      plusPtr :: Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
      minusPtr :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Int
      castPtr :: Ptr a -> Ptr b
    • Pointer arithmetic is always in units of bytes (unlike in C, where unit is size of the pointed-to object)

  • Class Storable provides raw access to memory using Ptrs

    class Storable a where
        sizeOf :: a -> Int
        alignment :: a -> Int
        peek :: Ptr a -> IO a
        poke :: Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
    • Most basic types (Bool, Int, Char, Ptr a, etc.) are Storable


  • Easiest way to get a valid Ptr is alloca:

    alloca :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
    • Allocates enough space for an object of type a
    • Calls function with a Ptr to the space
    • Reclaims the memory when the function returns (much like C alloca)
    • Can also ask for a specific number of bytes:
    allocaBytes :: Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
  • Foreign module provides handy with utility

    with :: Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
    with val f  =
      alloca $ \ptr -> do
        poke ptr val
        res <- f ptr
        return res

More Storable types

  • Foreign.C contains wrappers for C types

    • CInt, CUInt, CChar, CDouble, CIntPtr etc.
  • Data.Int and Data.Word have all sizes of machine integer

    • Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64 -- signed integers
    • Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64 -- unsigned integers
  • Example: extract all the bytes from a Storable object

    toBytes :: (Storable a) => a -> [Word8]
    toBytes a = unsafePerformIO $
        with a $ \pa -> go (castPtr pa) (pa `plusPtr` sizeOf a)
        where go p e | p < e = do b <- peek p
                                  bs <- go (p `plusPtr` 1) e
                                  return (b:bs)
                     | otherwise = return []
    • unsafePerformIO might be okay here since toBytes pure
    • Notice how plusPtr lets us change from Ptr a to Ptr Word8

malloc and mallocForeignPtr

  • Can also allocate longer-lived memory with malloc

    malloc :: Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
    mallocBytes :: Int -> IO (Ptr a)
    free :: Ptr a -> IO ()
    realloc :: Storable b => Ptr a -> IO (Ptr b)
    reallocBytes :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO (Ptr a)
    • Disadvantage: bad programming can lead to memory leaks/corruption
  • ForeignPtr lets you delegate deallocation to garbage collector

    mallocForeignPtr :: Storable a => IO (ForeignPtr a)
    mallocForeignPtrBytes :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)

Working with ForeignPtrs

  • To use ForeignPtr, must convert it to Ptr

    • Problem: How does GC know ForeignPtr in scope when using Ptr?
    • Solution: use Ptr within function that keeps reference to ForeignPtr
    withForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
  • Can also convert Ptrs to ForeignPtrs

    type FinalizerPtr a = FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
    newForeignPtr :: FinalizerPtr a -> Ptr a
                  -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
    newForeignPtr_ :: Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
    addForeignPtrFinalizer :: FinalizerPtr a -> ForeignPtr a
                           -> IO ()
    • Can add multiple finalizers, will run in reverse order
  • Note use of FunPtr -- this is type wrapper for C function pointer

    • Need foreign function interface to create these
    • finalizerFree symbol conveniently provides function pointer for free
  • Can import foreign functions like this:

    foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h malloc"
        c_malloc :: CSize -> IO (Ptr a)
    foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h free"
        c_free :: Ptr a -> IO ()
    • ccall says use C calling convention (also cplusplus and few others)
    • unsafe promises the C function will not call back into Haskell
    • unafe faster than safe, but gives undefined results if call triggers GC
  • Spec for import string: "[static] [c-header] [&][c-name]"

    • static required only if c-name is dynamic or wrapper
    • c-header is a single .h file with the declaration (ignored by GHC)
    • '&' imports pointer rather than function (required for FunPtrs)

FFI types

  • FFI function arguments must be basic foreign types
    • Char, Int, Double, Float, Bool, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64, Ptr a, FunPtr a, and StablePtr a
    • Also accepts any type or newtype wrappers for basic types (CInt, CChar, etc.)
      [Documentation incorrectly says data CInt, but :i in GHCI reveals truth.]
  • FFI function results can be
    • Any valid argument type
    • () (for functions returning void)
    • IO a where a is either of the above two
  • Place result IO if function has side effects or non-determinism
    • Okay to omit if it is a pure C function:

      foreign import ccall unsafe "arpa/inet.h ntohl"
          ntohl :: Word32 -> Word32
    • Haskell can't check C purity, so omitting IO can cause problems

  • How to access C data structures?

    struct mystruct {
      char *name;
      int value;
    • Might model with opaque placeholder type
    data MyStruct        -- no constructors, just a placeholder
    getValue :: Ptr MyStruct -> IO CInt
    getValue ptr = peek $ ptr `plusPtr` 8  -- assumes char * 8 bytes
  • hsc2hs is pre-processor that lets you compute C values

    #include "myheader.h"
    getValue ptr = peek $ ptr `plusPtr`
                   #{offset struct mystruct, value}
    • Super-simple implementation just uses C macros & printf
    • Find the file template-hsc.h on your system to see defs of # commands
    • Can also define your own macros with #let (like #define w/o parens)

Lazy ByteString implementation

  • Lazy ByteStrings are implemented in terms of strict ones

    data ByteString = Empty
                    | Chunk {-# UNPACK #-} !S.ByteString ByteString
    • Invariant: Chunk's first argument (S.ByteString) never null
    • Basically a linked list of strict ByteStrings
    • Head is strict, tail is not, allowing lazy computation or I/O
  • When to use strict/lazy ByteStrings?

    • Obviously use lazy when you need laziness (e.g., lazy I/O, infinite or cyclical strings, etc.)
    • Lazy also much faster at concatenation (need to build a new list of S.ByteStrings, but not copy the data they contain)
    • Strict makes it much easier to implement things like string search
    • Converting strict to lazy ByteStrings is cheap, reverse is not (so if a library can work efficiently on lazy ByteStrings, good to expose that functionality)

Exceptions in pure code

  • Can throw exceptions in pure code, yet catch them only in IO

    • This is because evaluation order depends on implementation
    • Which error is thrown by (error "one") + (error "two")?
      Can be non-deterministic, which is okay if catch is restricted to the IO Monad
  • In IO, use throwIO (not throw) to make exception sequencing precise

        do x <- throwIO (MyError "one")  -- this exception thrown
           y <- throwIO (MyError "two")  -- this code not reached
  • Beware catch only catches exceptions if code actually evaluated

    pureCatcher :: a -> IO (Maybe a)
    pureCatcher a = (a `seq` return (Just a))
                    `catch` \(SomeException _) -> return Nothing
    *Main> pureCatcher (undefined :: String)
    *Main> pureCatcher (undefined:undefined :: String)
    Just "*** Exception: Prelude.undefined


Type defaulting - a recap

Haskell's usual defaulting rules take each group of constraints (C1 a, C2 a, ..., Cn a) for each type variable a, and defaults the type variable if all of the following conditions hold:

  • The type variable a appears in no other constraints.

  • All the classes Ci are standard.

  • At least one of the classes Ci is numeric.

That's not enough for us lazy programmers!

To reduce the number of types we're forced to specify by hand, ghci relaxes the standard rules (changes in italics):

  • The type variable a appears in no other constraints. Unchanged.

  • All the classes Ci are standard, and all are single-parameter type classes.

  • At least one of the classes Ci is numeric, or is Show, Eq, or Ord.

It also adds another critical step when defaulting:

  • The type () becomes the first of the the standard list of types tried when doing type defaulting.

Peek inside

We can use the verboseCheck function to see all the test data that QuickCheck is generating for us.

t_idempotent xs = 
    sort (sort xs) == sort xs
>> import Test.QuickCheck
>> quickCheck t_idempotent
>> verboseCheck t_idempotent

Notice that we have endless lists of ()?

Our supposedly reassuring test isn't very useful!

>> import Data.Word (Word8)
>> verboseCheck (t_idempotent :: [Word8] -> Bool)

Witness the fitness

Here's an alternative approach:

t_witnessed p a xs = sortBy p (sortBy p xs) == sortBy p xs
  where _witness = a < head xs

What's that _witness variable for?

  • It's a type witness, a value that exists to express a constraint between several types (it "witnesses" the constraint).

  • Thanks to the use of <, this witness forces the type of a and the type of the elements of xs to be the same.

(We prefix the name with an underscore to tell GHC that it's an unused wild card.)

Instantiating our new polymorphic test

We can supply a value for a of the appropriate type to test over:

>> verboseCheck (t_witnessed compare 'a')

Of course, the value of a is never used.

As a result, we don't even need to supply a working value, provided the type of what we supply is correct:

>> verboseCheck (t_witnessed compare (undefined::Double))

Where do random values come from?

To generate random values of some type, we must write an Arbitrary instance for it.

class Arbitrary a where
  arbitrary :: Gen a

Here's an example, making use of the fact that this unknown type Gen is an instance of Monad:

import Control.Monad (liftM2)

data Point = Point Int Int

instance Arbitrary Point where
    arbitrary = liftM2 Point arbitrary arbitrary

Conditional properties

Suppose we want to verify that the sum of two odd integers is always even.

It would be nice if we could express the idea "check this property only if the inputs satisfy these constraints".

In fact, there's a combinator for that: ==>

p_sum_odd1 a b =
    odd a && odd b ==> 
    even (a+b)

This specifies that the property on the right should hold whenever the Bool-valued test on the left succeeds.

QuickCheck will discard inputs for which the test fails.

Correctness by construction

Instead of filtering out data that isn't right for us, it's better to generate only data that is right.

newtype Odd a = Odd a
    deriving (Show)

instance (Integral a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Odd a) where
    arbitrary = do
      a <- arbitrary
      return $! Odd (if even a then a + 1 else a)

It's clear from inspection that the Arbitrary instance for Odd a will only generate odd-valued integers.

Sizing a test

Test data generators have an implicit size parameter, hidden inside the Gen type.

QuickCheck starts by generating small test cases; it increases the size as testing progresses.

The meaning of "size" is specific to the needs of an Arbitrary instance.

  • The Arbitrary instance for lists interprets it as "the maximum length of a list of arbitrary values".

We can find the current size using the sized function, and modify it locally using resize:

sized  :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
resize ::  Int -> Gen a  -> Gen a

Testing a recursive data type

Suppose we have a tree type:

data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
            | Leaf a
              deriving (Show)

Here's an obvious Arbitrary instance:

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
    arbitrary = oneof [
                  liftM Leaf arbitrary
                , liftM2 Node arbitrary arbitrary

The oneof combinator chooses a generator at random.

oneof :: [Gen a] -> Gen a

What's up, Doc?

Potential trouble:

  • This generator may not terminate at all!

  • It's likely to produce huge trees.

We can use the sample function to generate and print some arbitrary data.

sample :: (Show a) => Gen a -> IO ()

This helps us to explore what's going on.

A safer instance

Here's where the sizing mechanism comes to the rescue.

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
    arbitrary = sized tree

tree :: (Arbitrary a) => Int -> Gen (Tree a)
tree 0 = liftM Leaf arbitrary
tree n = oneof [
           liftM  Leaf arbitrary
         , liftM2 Node subtree subtree
  where subtree = tree (n `div` 2)


Bound vs. unbound threads

  • Without -threaded, all Haskell threads run in one OS thread

    • Thread switch is basically just a procedure call, i.e. super-fast
  • -threaded introduces multiple OS-level threads

    • Some Haskell threads are bound to a particular OS thread
    • Unbound Haskell threads share (and migrate between) OS threads
    • unbound haskell threads have same performance as w/o -threaded

What good are OS threads?

  • If an unbound thread blocks, can block whole program
    • Unix runtime tries to avoid blocking syscalls, but can't avoid blocking for things like file system IO and paging
    • With -threaded, GHC ensures safe FFI calls run in separate OS thread
    • unsafe FFI calls from unbound threads can block other threads
  • FFI functions may expect to be called from same thread
    • E.g., foreign code using pthread_getspecific can get confused if called from a migrated unbound thread
  • May want to override scheduler and run on particular CPU


  • [Control.Concurrent.Chan] provides unbounded channels

    • Implemented as two MVars -- for read and and write end of Stream
    data Item a = Item a (Stream a)
    type Stream a = MVar (Item a)
    data Chan a = Chan (MVar (Stream a)) (MVar (Stream a))


The frob merchant's web store

Suppose we're building a web app, where we want to send frobs to customers of our web site.

data Customer = Customer {
      custID :: Int
    , custName :: String
    , custAddress :: Address

newtype Zip = Zip Int

data Address = Address {
      addrStreet :: String
    , addrCity :: String
    , addrState :: String
    , addrZip :: Zip

Oh noes!

A customer has made a mistake in entering their shipping zip code. They've called us up, irate that we've been unable to fulfil their urgent frob order.

So. We need to change their zip code.

Here are our desiderata:

  1. We want to be able to access fields within records.

  2. We want to be able to compose accesses, so that we can inspect fields within records that are themselves fields of records.

  3. We want to be able to update fields within records.

  4. We want to be able to compose updates, so that we can modify fields within records that are themselves fields of records.

With Haskell's record syntax, we get #1 and #2, sort of #3 (if we squint), and definitely not #4.


What we want is a type that behaves something like this:

data Lens rec fld = Lens {
      get :: rec -> fld
    , set :: fld -> rec -> rec

This "bundles together" a record type rec with a field type fld, so that we know:

  • how to get a field out of a record, and

  • how to update a field within a record.

(Why the name "lens"? Because it lets us focus on a field within a record.)

What does a real lens look like?

The following definitions correspond to those in the data-lens package.

NOTE: There are other alternatives, such as data-accessor and fclabels. Some comparisons are available. Semantic editor combinators is another approach.

newtype Lens rec fld = Lens (rec -> Store fld rec)


data Store fld rec = Store (fld -> rec) fld

That's hard to follow, so let's dig in and try to understand. First, we'll get rid of the name Store, to give the tuple:

(fld -> rec, fld)

Then we'll substitute this into the definition of Lens:

newtype Lens rec fld = Lens (rec -> (fld -> rec, fld))

That is, a Lens is:

  • A function that accepts a record type rec as its argument

  • It returns a pair

  • The first element is a setter: give it a field value of type fld, and it will return a new record

  • The second element is the current value of the field

Why the coupling?

Why does a lens give us both the value of a field and a function for setting a new value of that field?

  • Suppose that computing the path to the right place in the record for the getter is expensive.

  • This representation allows the setter to reuse that computation.

The get operator

Here is our getter:

(^.) :: rec -> Lens rec fld -> fld
a ^. (Lens f) = pos (f a)
infixr 9 ^.

-- internal
pos :: Store fld rec -> fld
pos (Store _ s) = s

The set operator

And here is our setter:

(^=) :: Lens rec fld -> fld -> rec -> rec
(Lens f) ^= b = peek b . f
infixr 4 ^=

-- internal
peek :: fld -> Store fld rec -> rec
peek s (Store g _) = g s

Constructing a lens

Given a getter and a setter, we can build a lens:

lens :: (rec -> fld) -> (fld -> rec -> rec) -> Lens rec fld
lens get set = Lens $ \a -> Store (\b -> set b a) (get a)

Alternatively, we can construct a lens from an isomorphism between record and field types:

iso :: (rec -> fld) -> (fld -> rec) -> Lens rec fld
iso f g = Lens (Store g . f)

A lens for points

Consider our venerable Point type:

data Point = Point {
      ptX :: Int
    , ptY :: Int
    } deriving (Show)

We need to define two lenses for this type, one to focus on the x coordinate, and another for y:

x, y :: Lens Point Int
x = lens ptX (\x pt -> pt {ptX = x})
y = lens ptY (\y pt -> pt {ptY = y})

Using our lens on points

The getter:

>> let pt = Point 1 1
>> pt ^. x

The setter:

>> (x ^= 2) pt
Point {ptX = 2, ptY = 1}

Function composition: not gnar enough

By now, we are familiar with (and love) function composition:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)

However, we can make composition more abstract:

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

class Category cat where
  id :: cat a a
  (.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c

Now we can recast function composition as just an instance of this more general Category class:

instance Category (->) where
    id a = a
    f . g = \x -> f (g x)

Category? Composition? Abstraction? Huh?

We care about the Category class because it turns out we can compose lenses!

import Control.Category

instance Category Lens where
    id = Lens (Store id)

    Lens f . Lens g = Lens $ \a -> case g a of
      Store wba b -> case f b of
	Store wcb c -> Store (wba . wcb) c

How do we do this in practice?

Just as we compose two functions to get another function, when we compose two lenses, we get another lens.

Composition of lenses

data Line = Line {
      lnBeg :: Point
    , lnEnd :: Point
    } deriving (Show)

beg, end :: Lens Line Point
beg = lens lnBeg (\b l -> l {lnBeg = b})
end = lens lnEnd (\e l -> l {lnEnd = e})

Access a nested field:

>> let l = Line (Point 1 2) (Point 3 4)
>> l ^. (x . beg)

Modify a nested field:

>> ((y . end) ^= 7) l
Line {lnBeg = Point {ptX = 1, ptY = 2},
      lnEnd = Point {ptX = 3, ptY = 7}}

A map as a lens

Lenses are not restricted to use solely with algebraic data types.

They're just as applicable to container types, for instance:

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)

mapLens :: (Ord k) => k -> Lens (Map k v) (Maybe v)
mapLens k = Lens $ \m ->
            let set Nothing  = Map.delete k m
                set (Just v) = Map.insert k v m
                get          = Map.lookup k m
            in Store set get

Phantom types

Managing mutation

Application writers are often faced with a question like this:

  • I have a big app, and parts of it need their behaviour tweaked by an administrator at runtime.

There are of course many ways to address this sort of problem.

Let's consider one where we use a reference to a piece of config data.

Any piece of code that's executing in the IO monad, if it knows the name of the config reference, can get the current config:

curCfg <- readIORef cfgRef

The trouble is, ill-behaved code could clearly also modify the current configuration, and leave us with a debugging nightmare.

Phantom types to the rescue!

Let's create a new type of mutable reference.

We use a phantom type t to statically track whether a piece of code is allowed to modify the reference or not.

import Data.IORef

newtype Ref t a = Ref (IORef a)

Remember, our use of newtype here means that the Ref type only exists at compile time: it imposes no runtime cost.

Since we are using a phantom type, we don't even need values of our access control types:

data ReadOnly
data ReadWrite

We're already in a good spot! Not only are we creating compiler-enforced access control, but it will have zero runtime cost.

Creating a mutable reference

To create a new reference, we just have to ensure that it has the right type.

newRef :: a -> IO (Ref ReadWrite a)
newRef a = Ref `fmap` newIORef a

Reading and writing a mutable reference

Since we want to be able to read both read-only and read-write references, we don't need to mention the access mode when writing a type signature for readRef.

readRef :: Ref t a -> IO a
readRef (Ref ref) = readIORef ref

Of course, code can only write to a reference if the compiler can statically prove (via the type system) that it has write access.

writeRef :: Ref ReadWrite a -> a -> IO ()
writeRef (Ref ref) v = writeIORef ref v

Converting a reference to read-only

This function allows us to convert any kind of reference into a read-only reference:

readOnly :: Ref t a -> Ref ReadOnly a
readOnly (Ref ref) = Ref ref

In order to prevent clients from promoting a reference from read-only to read-write, we do not provide a function that goes in the opposite direction.

We also use the familiar technique of constructor hiding at the top of our source file:

module Ref
      Ref, -- export type ctor, but not value ctor
      newRef, readOnly,
      readRef, writeRef
    ) where


Love 'em or hate 'em, everybody has to deal with databases.

Here are some typical functions that a low-level database library will provide, for clients that have to modify data concurrently:

begin    :: Connection -> IO Transaction
commit   :: Transaction -> IO ()
rollback :: Transaction -> IO ()

We can create a new transaction with begin, finish an existing one with commit, or cancel one with rollback.

Typically, once a transaction has been committed or rolled back, accessing it afterwards will result in an exception.

Shaky foundations build a shaky house

Clearly, these constructs make it easy to inadvertantly write bad code.

oops conn = do
  txn <- begin conn
  throwIO (AssertionFailed "forgot to roll back!")
  -- also forgot to commit!

We can avoid rollback and commit forgetfulness with a suitable combinator:

withTxn :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a
withTxn conn act = do
  txn <- begin conn
  r <- act `onException` rollback txn
  commit txn
  return r

All right! The code running in act never sees a Transaction value, so it can't leak a committed or rolled back transaction.

But still...

We're not out of the woods yet!

High-performance web apps typically use a dynamically managed pool of database connections.

getConn :: Pool -> IO Connection
returnConn :: Pool -> Connection -> IO ()
~~~~ {.haskell}

It's a major bug if a database connection is not returned to the pool
at the end of a handler.

So we write a combinator to handle this for us:

~~~~ {.haskell}
withConn :: Pool -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
withConn pool act =
  bracket (getConn pool) (returnConn pool) act

Nice and elegant. But correct? Read on!

Connections vs transactions

In a typical database API, once we enter a transaction, we don't need to refer to the handle we got until we either commit or roll back the transaction.

So it was fine for us to write a transaction wrapper like this:

withTxn :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a

On other other hand, if we're talking to a database, we definitely need a connection handle.

query :: Connection -> String -> IO [String]

So we have to pass that handle into our combinator:

withConn :: Pool -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a

Unfortunately, since withConn gives us a connection handle, we can defeat the intention of the combinator (sometimes accidentally).

What is the type of this function?

evil pool = withConn pool return

Phantom types! They'll save us again!

Here, we are using the newtype keyword to associate a phantom type with the IO monad.

newtype DB c a = DB {
      fromDB :: IO a

We're going to run some code in the IO monad, and pass around a little extra bit of type information at compile time.

Let's create a phantom-typed wrapper for our earlier Connection type:

newtype SafeConn c = Safe Connection

Where are these phantom types taking us?

Safe querying

The easiest place to start to understand with a little use of our new code, in the form of a function we'll export to clients.

This is just a wrapper around the query function we saw earlier, making sure that our newtype machinery is in the right places to keep the type checker happy.

safeQuery :: SafeConn c -> String -> DB c [String]
safeQuery (Safe conn) str = DB (query conn str)

Notice that our phantom type c is mentioned in both our uses of SafeConn c and DB c: we're treating it as a token that we have to pass around.

Our library will not be exporting the value constructors for SafeConn or DB to clients. Once again, this newtype machinery is internal to us!

Giving a client a connection from a pool

Here, we'll use our earlier exception-safe withConn combinator. Recall its type:

withConn :: Pool -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a

To make it useful in our new setting, we have to wrap the Connection, and unwrap the DB c that is our act to get an action in the IO monad.

withSafeConn pool act =
  withConn pool $ \conn ->
    fromDB (act (Safe conn))

It's not at all obvious what this is doing for us until we see the type of withSafeConn.


Here's a burly type for you:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

withConnection :: Pool
               -> (forall c. SafeConn c -> DB c a) 
               -> IO a

We've introduced a universal quantifier (that forall) into our type signature. And we've added a LANGUAGE pragma! Whoa!

Relax! Let's not worry about those details just yet. What does our signature seem to want to tell us?

  • We accept a Pool.

  • And an "I have a connection, so I can talk to the database now" action that accepts a SafeConn c, returning a value a in the world of DB c.

Not so scary after all, except for the detail we're ignoring.

Universal quantification to the rescue!

Let's start with the obviously bothersome part of the type signature.

(forall c. SafeConn c -> DB c a)

This is the same universal quantification we've seen before, meaning:

  • Our "I can haz connection" action must work over all types c.

  • The scope of c extends only to the rightmost parenthesis here.

Putting it back into context:

withConnection :: Pool
               -> (forall c. SafeConn c -> DB c a) 
               -> IO a

The type variable a is mentioned in a place where c is not in scope, so although a is also universally quantified, it cannot be related to c.

Wait, wait. What, exactly, got rescued?

withConnection :: Pool
               -> (forall c. SafeConn c -> DB c a) 
               -> IO a

Because SafeConn c shares the same phantom type as DB c, and the quantified c type cannot escape to the outer IO, there is no way for a SafeConn c value to escape, either!

In other words, we have ensured that a user of withConnection cannot either accidentally allow or force a connection to escape from the place where we've deemed them legal to use.

Random numbers

Purely functional random numbers

Haskell supplies a random package that we can use in a purely functional setting.

class Random a where
    random :: RandomGen g => g -> (a, g)

class RandomGen g where
    next   :: g -> (Int, g)
    split  :: g -> (g, g)


The RandomGen class is a building block: it specifies an interface for a generator that can generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random Ints.

There is one default instance of this class:

data StdGen {- opaque -}

instance RandomGen StdGen


The Random class specifies how to generate a pseudo-random value of some type, given the random numbers generated by a Gen instance.

Quite a few common types have Random instances.

  • For Int, the instance will generate any representable value.

  • For Double, the instance will generate a value in the range $[0,1]$.

Generators are pure

Since we want to use a PRNG in pure code, we obviously can't modify the state of a PRNG when we generate a new value.

This is why next and random return a new state for the PRNG every time we generate a new pseudo-random value.

Throwing darts at the board

Here's how we can generate a guess at $x^2 + y^2$:

guess :: (RandomGen g) => (Double,g) -> (Double,g)
guess (_,g) = (z, g'')
    where z        = x^2 + y^2
          (x, g')  = random g
          (y, g'') = random g'

Note that we have to hand back the final state of the PRNG along with our result!

If we handed back g or g' instead, our numbers would either be all identical or disastrously correlated (every x would just be a repeat of the previous y).

Global state

We can use the getStdGen function to get a handy global PRNG state:

getStdGen :: IO StdGen

This does not modify the state, though. If we use getStdGen twice in succession, we'll get the same result each time.

To be safe, we should update the global PRNG state with the final PRNG state returned by our pure code:

setStdGen :: StdGen -> IO ()

Ugh - let's split!

Calling getStdGen and setStdGen from ghci is a pain, so let's write a combinator to help us.

Remember that split method from earlier?

class RandomGen g where
    split  :: g -> (g, g)

This "forks" the PRNG, creating two children with different states.

The hope is that the states will be different enough that pseudo-random values generated from each will not be obviously correlated.

withGen :: (StdGen -> a) -> IO a
withGen f = do
  g <- getStdGen
  let (g',g'') = split g
  setStdGen g'
  return (f g'')

Living in ghci

Now we can use our guess function reasonably easily.

>> let f = fst `fmap` withGen (guess . ((,) undefined))
>> f
>> f

Let's iterate

Here's a useful function from the Prelude:

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)

Obviously that list is infinite.

Let's use iterate and guess, and as much other Prelude machinery as we can think of, to write a function that can approximate $\pi$.

By the way, in case you don't recognize this technique, it's a famous example of the family of Monte Carlo methods.


Simple programming task: count lines

  • Here's a Unix command to count lines in include files

    find /usr/include -type f -print | xargs cat | wc -l
  • Let's implement the same thing in Haskell

    • Examples will require the following imports

      import Control.Exception
      import Control.Monad
      import qualified Data.ByteString.Strict as S
      import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
      import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
      import System.FilePath
      import System.Posix
      import System.IO.Unsafe    -- for understanding, not recommended

Solution overview

  • We need a function to lists all files under a directory recursively

    recDir :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
    • We'll consider how to implement this function shortly
  • We need a function to read the contents of a list of files

    readFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO L.ByteString
    readFiles [] = return L.empty
    readFiles (f:fs) = liftM2 L.append (L.readFile f)
                       (readFiles fs)
  • Can count newlines with Data.ByteString.Lazy.count

    • Actually use .Char8 version to truncate '\n' to a Word8
    countLines :: FilePath -> IO ()
    countLines dir =
        recDir dir >>= readFiles >>= print . L8.count '\n'

Let's try this:

*Main> countLines "/etc/rc.d"
*Main> countLines "/usr/include"
*** Exception: /usr/include/dovecot/master-service-settings.h: 
openBinaryFile: resource exhausted (Too many open files)
  • Oops, what happened? Let's investigate with using lsof utility

    *Main> x <- readFiles ["/etc/motd", "/etc/resolv.conf"]
    *Main> :!lsof -c ghc
    ghc   4008   dm   7r   REG  8,3     0 2752575 /etc/motd
    ghc   4008   dm   8r   REG  8,3   152 2752562 /etc/resolv.conf
    *Main> L.length x
    *Main> :!lsof -c ghc
    • Lazy I/O in L.readFile causes files to be opened but not read
    • L.length, a supposedly pure function, causes files to be read and closed!
    • If we call L.readFile a lot without forcing I/O, run out of file descriptors
  • One fix: delay file opens with unsafeInterleaveIO

    readFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO L.ByteString
    readFiles [] = return L.empty
    readFiles (f:fs) = liftM2 L.append (L.readFile f)
                       (unsafeInterleaveIO $ readFiles fs)
    • Now doesn't open next file until previous one closed

      *Main> x <- recDir "/etc/rc.d" >>= readFiles
      *Main> :!lsof -c ghc
      ghc  10180   dm   8r   REG  8,3   894 2754867 /etc/rc.d/healthd
      *Main> L.index x 10000
      *Main> :!lsof -c ghc
      ghc  10180   dm   8r   REG  8,3   779 2753245 /etc/rc.d/sshd

The iteratee abstraction [Kiselyov]

  • Let's introduce some terminology
    • We call a data source such as cat an enumerator
    • A data sink such as wc is an iteratee
    • Idea: enumerator iterates over data by folding data through the iteratee
  • Iteratee concept introduced by [Kiselyov]
  • Currently three implementations of the ideas on hackage
    • iterIO - newest implementation, written by me, easiest to learn/use
    • enumerator - second implementation, possibly most widely used
    • iteratee - oldest implementation, fastest, hardest to understand
  • Today's lecture patterned after iterIO

Representing iteratees

  • Let's think about pipeline stage wc in command cat file | wc -l?

  • It consumes input, takes actions that are a function of the input

    • If input is not EOF, goes back and consumes more input
    • On EOF, causes I/O side-effects (writes line to stdout)
    • Finally returns an exit value
    • Could also conceivably fail
  • Coding Haskell equivalent:

    data Chunk = Chunk { chunkData :: !L.ByteString
                       , chunkAtEOF :: !Bool } deriving (Show)
    newtype Iter a = Iter { runIter :: Chunk -> Result a }
    data Result a = Done { rResult :: a, rResidual :: Chunk }
                  | NeedInput !(Iter a)
                  | NeedIO !(IO (Result a))
                  | Failed !SomeException

Example: Reading a line of input

readLine :: Iter (Maybe L.ByteString)
readLine = Iter (go L.empty)
    where go acc (Chunk input eof)
              | not (L.null b) = Done (Just acca) (Chunk btail eof)
              | not eof        = NeedInput (Iter (go acca))
              | otherwise      = Done Nothing (Chunk acca eof)
              where (a, b) = L8.break (== '\n') input
                    acca = L.append acc a
                    btail = L.tail b
  • readLine returns Just next input line, or Nothing if no more '\n'
    • Processes input one Chunk at a time
    • L8.break (== '\n') splits input at first newline (if any)
    • acc :: L.ByteString keeps accumulating input while no '\n' found


  • An enumerator feeds data to an iteratee to get a result

    type Enumerator a = Iter a -> IO (Result a)
    • Or with Rank2Types might use forall a. Iter a -> IO (Result a)
  • For example, could feed the contents of a file like this:

    enumerateFile :: FilePath -> Enumerator a
    enumerateFile path iter0 =
        bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose $ \h ->
        let go iter = do
              input <- S.hGetSome h 32752
              if S.null input
                then return (NeedInput iter)
                else check $ runIter iter $
                     Chunk (L.fromChunks [input]) False
            check (NeedInput iter) = go iter
            check (NeedIO iter)    = iter >>= check
            check result           = return result
        in go iter0
    • Leave chunkAtEOF False to keep possibility of concatenating files

Make Iter into a Monad!

instance Monad Iter where
    return a = Iter $ Done a
    m >>= k = Iter $ \c -> check (runIter m c)
        where check (Done a c)     = runIter (k a) c
              check (NeedInput m') = NeedInput (m' >>= k)
              check (NeedIO io)    = NeedIO (liftM check io)
              check (Failed e)     = Failed e
    fail msg = iterThrow (ErrorCall msg)

instance MonadIO Iter where
    liftIO io = Iter $ \c -> NeedIO $ try io >>= mkResult c
        where mkResult _ (Left e)  = return (Failed e)
              mkResult c (Right a) = return (Done a c)

iterThrow :: (Exception e) => e -> Iter a
iterThrow e = Iter $ \_ -> Failed (toException e)
  • Each Iter action consumes some input and returns a result

  • Monads let us completely hide the details of residual input!

    nlines1 :: Iter Int
    nlines1 = go 0
        where go n = readLine >>= check n
              check n (Just _) = go $! n + 1
              check n Nothing  = return n
    *Main> enumerateFile "/etc/resolv.conf" nlines1 >>= getResult0

Inner pipeline stages

  • Unix pipelines can consist of more than two stages

    find /usr/include -type f -print | xargs cat | wc -l
    • xargs cat takes filenames as input and produces contents as output

    • So it's both an iteratee and an enumerator. Call it an Inum:

    type Inum a = Iter a -> Iter (Result a)
  • Let's get rid of Enumerator as Inum is more general

    • For example, an Inum that enumerates a file is just an Iter that happens to consume no input:
    inumFile0 :: FilePath -> Inum a
    inumFile0 path iter = liftIO $ enumerateFile path iter

Inum examples

  • cat

    cat :: Inum a -> Inum a -> Inum a
    cat a b iter = a iter >>= check
        where check (NeedInput iter') = b iter'
              check (NeedIO io)       = liftIO io >>= check
              check r                 = return r
    • (Actually works for Enumerators too if we get rid of type signature)
  • Example: an Inum that acts like xargs cat command

    xargsCat :: Inum a
    xargsCat iter = do
      mpath <- readLine
      case mpath of
        Nothing   -> return (NeedInput iter)
        Just path -> inumFile (L8.unpack path) `cat` xargsCat $ iter
    • Because nextFile is an Iter, it can consume input
    • But it also generates output that it feeds to an Iter

Building pipelines

  • getResult

    getResult :: (MonadIO m) => Result a -> m a
    getResult (Done a _)           = return a
    getResult (NeedInput (Iter f)) = getResult (f chunkEOF)
    getResult (NeedIO io)          = liftIO io >>= getResult
    getResult (Failed e)           = liftIO $ throwIO e
  • Now let's define a pipe operator to hook pipeline stages together

    (.|) :: Inum a -> Iter a -> Iter a
    (.|) inum iter = inum iter >>= getResult
    infixr 4 .|
  • And a function to let us run an Iter in any MonadIO monad

    run :: (MonadIO m) => Iter a -> m a
    run = getResult . NeedInput
  • Wow this is starting to look more like command pipelines!

    *Main> run $ inumFile "/etc/mtab" .| countLines1

Exception handling

  • Let's write exception functions analogous to standard IO ones
iterCatch :: Iter a -> (SomeException -> Iter a) -> Iter a
iterCatch (Iter f0) handler = Iter (check . f0)
    where check (NeedInput (Iter f)) = NeedInput (Iter (check . f))
          check (NeedIO io)          = NeedIO (liftM check io)
          check (Failed e)           = NeedInput (handler e)
          check done                 = done

onFailed :: Iter a -> Iter b -> Iter a
onFailed iter cleanup = iter `iterCatch` \e -> cleanup >> iterThrow e

iterBracket :: Iter a -> (a -> Iter b) -> (a -> Iter c) -> Iter c
iterBracket before after action = do
  a <- before
  b <- action a `onFailed` after a
  after a
  return b

inumBracket :: Iter a -> (a -> Iter b) -> (a -> Inum c) -> Inum c
inumBracket before after inum iter =
    iterBracket before after (flip inum iter)

Simplifying Inum construction

  • Inums still hard to write... why not build them from Iters?

    • Introduce a Codec which returns data and an optional next 'Inum'
    type Codec a = Iter (L.ByteString, Maybe (Inum a))
    inumPure :: L.ByteString -> Inum a
    inumPure buf (Iter f) = return (f (Chunk buf False))
    runCodec :: Codec a -> Inum a
    runCodec codec iter = do
      (input, mNext) <- codec
      maybe (inumPure input) (inumPure input `cat`) mNext $ iter
  • Example:

    inumFile  :: FilePath -> Inum a
    inumFile path = inumBracket (liftIO $ openFile path ReadMode)
                    (liftIO . hClose) $ \h ->
        let inum = runCodec $ do
              input <- liftIO $ S.hGetSome h 32752
              let next = if S.null input then Nothing else Just inum
              return (L.fromChunks [input], next)
        in inum

Parsing and continuations

Parsec and attoparsec

How do the two differ?

  • It's optimized for fast stream and file parsing, so it works with the ByteString type. Parsec is more general: it can parse String or Text, or other more exotic token types.

  • attoparsec does not attempt to give friendly error messages (no file names or line numbers). Parsec might be a better choice for e.g. parsing source files, where the friendliness/performance tradeoff is a little different.

Getting started with attoparsec

All of our examples will assume this language extension:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

This extension generalizes the type of quoted string constants:

>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>> import Data.String
>> :type "foo"
"foo" :: IsString a => a

With OverloadedStrings enabled, we can write a string literal of any of the common string-like types:

>> import Data.ByteString.Char8
>> :info IsString
class IsString a where
    fromString :: String -> a
instance IsString [Char]
instance IsString ByteString

Parsing a request line

What does an HTTP request line consist of?

GET /foo HTTP/1.1

As a data type:

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

data Request = Request {
      requestMethod  :: ByteString
    , requestUri     :: ByteString
    , requestVersion :: ByteString
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

A word about imports

With functions that deal in ByteString values, you'll often see imports like these:

import qualified Data.Attoparsec as P
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as P8

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8

The reason for this is that we'll often have two versions of a function, one specialized for Word8 (a byte) and another for "let's cheat, and pretend this Word8 is really a Char":

B.count  :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Int
B8.count :: Char  -> ByteString -> Int

Of course cheating is unsafe. Let's see when we can get away with it.

Bytes, characters, and cheating

If you're using the ByteString type, you must know when it's reasonably tolerable to cheat and pretend that Word8 is Char.

  • For a protocol such as HTTP 1.1 where the headers are pretty much always 7-bit ASCII text, it's generally okay.

  • Even so, many of these protocols (including HTTP 1.1) have exceptions, so you still have to be careful.

  • Otherwise, you should either always work with Word8, or use a more appropriate type such as Text or String.

HTTP Accept header

Accept         = "Accept" ":"
		 #( media-range [ accept-params ] )
media-range    = ( "*/*"
		 | ( type "/" "*" )
		 | ( type "/" subtype )
		 ) *( ";" parameter )
type           = token
subtype        = token
accept-params  = ";" "q" "=" qvalue *( accept-extension )
accept-extension = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]

And here are a couple of simple and more complex examples:

Accept: audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic

Accept: text/plain; q=0.5, text/html,
	text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c

What is this I don't even

Let's play around in ghci again.

>> :type P.parse
P.parse :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Result a
>> P.parse responseLine "HTTP/1.1"
Partial _

What's that Result type?

It's all about results

There are many applications where we are fed partial pieces of input, and can produce a final parse only when we've been given enough input.

  • Common case: a TCP connection where we're receiving small segments of input at a time, fragmented on unknown boundaries.
data Result r = Fail ByteString [String] String
              | Partial (ByteString -> Result r)
              | Done ByteString r

instance Functor Result
instance Show r => Show (Result r)

The Partial constructor captures that behaviour.

  • It contains a function that indicates that we cannot give an answer until the function is fed more input.

  • We can start feeding the parser input as soon as we have some, and if it doesn't return Fail or Done, we can "refill" it once more input arrives.

  • Completely separates the concern of parsing from those of connection management, buffering (not needed at all), timeouts, and the like.

Behind the scenes

attoparsec achieves this magical-seeming behaviour by being built entirely (and invisibly!) using continuations.

At any time, there are two continuations in play:

-- What to do if the current parse fails.
type Failure   r = Input -> Added -> More -> [String] -> String 
                -> Result r
-- The Strings above are for reporting an error message.

-- What to do if the current parse succeeds.
type Success a r = Input -> Added -> More -> a 
                -> Result r

What are those other types that they refer to?

-- The current input.
newtype Input = I {unI :: B.ByteString}

-- Input that was fed to us when we returned a Partial result.
newtype Added = A {unA :: B.ByteString}

-- Have we reached the end of all input?
data More = Complete | Incomplete
            deriving (Eq, Show)

What's in a parser

The scoped type parameter r represents "the rest of the parse".

Remember that a scoped type variable effectively lets the callee of a function decide what the concrete type to be used is.

Here, we've scoped r because we want attoparsec (and not its callers) to decide what the concrete type of the continuation is.

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

newtype Parser a = Parser {
      runParser :: forall r. Input -> Added -> More
                -> Failure   r
                -> Success a r
                -> Result r

Games coders play

The implementation of fmap is simple, and representative of the low-level internals of attoparsec.

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
fmap f m = Parser $ \i0 a0 m0 kf ks ->
           let ks' i1 a1 m1 a = ks i1 a1 m1 (f a)
           in  runParser m i0 a0 m0 kf ks'

Throughout the library, much of the code simply replaces either the failure or the success continuation with a different one.

The case above looks a little daunting, but all we've done is replace the success continuation. The rest is just plumbing.

Running and ending a parse

As is usually the case with monads, the user-visible "run this monad" function is quite simple.

parse :: Parser a -> B.ByteString -> Result a
parse m s = runParser m (I s) (A B.empty) Incomplete failK successK

The only slight complication is that we need to create "terminal continuations", i.e. continuations that do not chain up yet another continuation, but instead return us to our usual mode of computation.

failK :: Failure a
failK i0 _a0 _m0 stack msg = Fail (unI i0) stack msg

successK :: Success a a
successK i0 _a0 _m0 a = Done (unI i0) a


Measuring time performance

module Length where

len0 :: [a] -> Int
len0 (_:xs) = 1 + len0 xs
len0 _      = 0

The standard Haskell tool for timing measurement is a package named criterion.

import Criterion.Main
import Length

main = defaultMain [ bench "len0" $ whnf len0 [0..100000] ]

If we compile this to an executable, we'll have a fully usable benchmark program.

The moving parts

The defaultMain function accepts a list of benchmarks to run.

It parses a standard set of command line arguments, then runs the benchmarks.

The bench function describes a single benchmark.

  • Its first argument is the name to print for the benchmark.

  • The second is a description of the actual function to benchmark.

The whnf function describes how to run a benchmark.

How to run a benchmark

criterion provides several ways to run a benchmark.

For pure functions:

  • whnf accepts two arguments, a function and the last argument to pass to the function. It supplies the argument to the function, then evaluates the result to weak head normal form (WHNF).

  • nf is similar, but evaluates the result to normal form (NF).

For impure IO actions:

  • whnfIO accepts an IO action, runs it, and evaluates the result to WHNF.

  • nfIO accepts an IO action, runs it, and evaluates the result to NF.

Why scrutinize the clock so closely?

criterion works hard to be fully automatic.

It considers clock resolution, the smallest unit by which the wallclock timer will increment.


  • If a function takes on the order of the same amount of time (or less) to evaluate, we must evaluate it many times to get a reliable measurement.

It also considers clock cost, i.e. how long it takes to ask the clock the current time.

Reporting numbers

What about these numbers?

benchmarking len0
mean: 1.490665 ms, lb 1.458564 ms, ub 1.531022 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 183.9797 us, lb 151.8929 us, ub 242.1031 us, ci 0.950

How come we're giving bounds (lb and ub) on the mean and standard deviation?

Measuring is a noisy business. These are estimates of the range within which 95% of measurements are falling.

GC Stats, part 1 of 4

Let's break it all down, from top to bottom.

   160,394,496 bytes allocated in the heap
   104,813,280 bytes copied during GC
    15,228,592 bytes maximum residency (9 sample(s))
       328,112 bytes maximum slop
	    36 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

Key statistics to look at:

  • allocated in the heap: total memory allocated during entire run

  • copied during GC: amount of memory that had to be copied because it was alive

  • maximum residency: largest amount of memory in use at one time

Stats, part 2 of 4

Time spent in the garbage collector:

				  Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max pause
Gen  0       297 colls,     0 par    0.10s    0.10s     0.0003s    0.0021s
Gen  1         9 colls,     0 par    0.08s    0.10s     0.0113s    0.0350s
  • GHC uses a generational GC, so we get a GC breakdown by generation. Gen 0 is the nursery.

  • par is the number of GC passes that used multiple CPUs in parallel.

Stats, part 3 of 4

Where the program spent its time:

INIT    time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
MUT     time    0.12s  (  0.13s elapsed)
GC      time    0.18s  (  0.20s elapsed)
EXIT    time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
Total   time    0.31s  (  0.33s elapsed)
  • INIT: starting the program

  • MUT: "mutation", the part where the program was doing useful work

  • GC: garbage collection

  • EXIT: shutdown

There are two columns of numbers in case we're running on multiple cores.

Stats, part 4 of 4

These are really the most useful numbers to look at:

%GC     time      59.1%  (60.7% elapsed)

Alloc rate    1,280,768,615 bytes per MUT second

Productivity  40.9% of total user, 37.6% of total elapsed
  • If GC time is high and productivity is low, we're spending a lot of time doing GC, which leaves less for real work.

  • Are the numbers above healthy? NO!

There were problems in our code - but what were they?

Next step: basic heap profiling

Another standard RTS option:

./WordFreq foo.txt +RTS -hT

This generates a file named WordFreq.hp, which contains a heap profile, a time-based snapshot of what was in the heap and when, categorized by data constructor.

We can't easily read a heap profile, so we use hp2ps to convert it to a PostScript file.

hp2ps -c WordFreq.hp

This will give us, which we can open in a suitable viewer.

Full heap profiling

Basic heap profiling is useful, but GHC supports a much richer way to profile our code.

This richer profiling support has a space and time cost, so we don't leave it turned on all the time.

To use it, we must compile both libraries and programs with -prof.

If you're using cabal, see the --enable-library-profiling and --enable-executable-profiling options.

  • As mentioned in an early lecture, simply leave library-profiling set to True in your $HOME/.cabal/config.

  • With library profiling enabled, cabal will generate both normal and profiled libraries, and will use the right one at the right time.

More about full heap profiling

The basics of full heap profiling are similar to what we saw with -hT and hp2ps a moment ago.

The full profiler is a powerful facility, so it's worth reading the profiling chapter of the GHC manual.

In particular, to get much out of the profiler, you'll need to know about cost centres, which are annotated expressions used for book-keeping when profiling.

In many cases, you can simply use the -auto-all option to get GHC to annotate all top-level bindings with cost centres.

You'll also want to use the -P RTS option, which writes a human-readable time and space profile into a file ending with a .prof extension.

  • Caveat lector: adding too many cost centres to your code, particularly on hot code paths, will cause the profiler's book-keeping to perturb your performance!

Welcome to Core

Given our earlier definition of the function len0, suppose were to try this on the command line:

ghc -c -ddump-simpl Length.hs

And we'll see GHC dump a transformed version of our code in a language named Core.

Rec {
Length.len0 [Occ=LoopBreaker]
  :: forall a_abp. [a_abp] -> GHC.Types.Int
[GblId, Arity=1]
Length.len0 =
  \ (@ a_aov) (ds_dpn :: [a_aov]) ->
    case ds_dpn of _ {
      [] -> GHC.Types.I# 0;
      : ds1_dpo xs_abq ->
          @ GHC.Types.Int
          (GHC.Types.I# 1)
          (Length.len0 @ a_aov xs_abq)
end Rec }

From the outside in

Rec {
Length.len0 [Occ=LoopBreaker]
  :: forall a_abp. [a_abp] -> GHC.Types.Int
{- ... -}
end Rec }
  • Rec { ... } indicates that we're looking at a recursive binding.

  • Notice that the forall that we're used to not seeing in Haskell is explicit in Core (bye bye, syntactic sugar!).

  • Notice also that the type parameter named a in Haskell got renamed to a_abp, so that it's unique.

  • If a crops up in a signature for another top-level function, it will be renamed to something different. This "uniqueness renaming" can sometimes make following types a little confusing.

  • Type names are fully qualified: GHC.Types.Int instead of Int.

Function annotations

[GblId, Arity=1]
  • This is a global identifier, and is a function that takes one parameter.

Type application

Length.len0 =
  \ (@ a_aov) (ds_dpn :: [a_aov]) ->

The '@' annotation here is a type application: GHC is applying the type a_aov (another renaming of a) to the function.

Type applications are of little real interest to us right here, but at least we know what this notation is (and we'll see it again soon).

Case analysis, part 1

    case ds_dpn of _ {
      [] -> GHC.Types.I# 0;

This looks like regular Haskell. Hooray!

Since that's hardly interesting, let's focus on the right hand side above, namely this expression:

GHC.Types.I# 0

The I# above is the value constructor for the Int type.

This indicates that we are allocating a boxed integer on the heap.

Case analysis, part 2

      : ds1_dpo xs_abq ->

Normal pattern matching on the list type's : constructor. In Core, we use prefix notation, since we've eliminated syntactic sugar.

          @ GHC.Types.Int

We're calling the + operator, applied to the Int type.

The use of GHC.Num.$fNumInt is a dictionary.

  • It indicates that we are passing the Num dictionary for the Int type to +, so that it can determine which function to really call.

In other words, dictionary passing has gone from implicit in Haskell to explicit in Core. This will be really helpful!

The actual parameters to +

Finally, we allocate an integer on the heap.

We'll add it to the result of calling len0 on the second argument to the : constructor, where we're applying the a_aov type again.

          (GHC.Types.I# 1)
          (Length.len0 @ a_aov xs_abq)

Strictness in Core

In System FC, all evaluation is controlled through case expressions. A use of case demands that an expression be evaluated to WHNF, i.e. to the outermost constructor.

Some examples:

-- Haskell:
foo (Bar a b) = {- ... -}

-- Core:
foo wa = case wa of _ { Bar a b -> {- ... -} }
-- Haskell:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
let !a = 2 + 2 in foo a

-- Core:
case 2 + 2 of a { __DEFAULT -> foo a }
-- Haskell:
a `seq` b

-- Core:
case a of _ { __DEFAULT -> b }

The evaluation stack

There is no such thing as a regular "call stack" in Haskell, no analogue to the stack you're used to thinking of in C or Python or whatever.

When GHC hits a case expression, and must evaluate a possibly thunked expression to WHNF, it uses an internal stack.

This stack has a fixed size, which defaults to 8MB.

The size of the stack is fixed to prevent a program that's stuck in an infinite loop from consuming all memory.

Most of the time, if you have a thunk that requires anywhere close to 8MB to evaluate, there's likely a problem in your code.

Pro tips

If you're using GHC 7.2 or newer and want to read simplifier output, consider using options like -dsuppress-all to prevent GHC from annotating the Core.

It makes the dumped Core more readable, but at the cost of information that is sometimes useful.

There's a handful of these suppression options (see the GHC man page), so you can gain finer control over suppressions.

Also, try installing and using the ghc-core tool to automate some of the pain:

cabal install ghc-core

Johan Tibell has great slide decks.


The Par monad

The monad-par package provides a library that makes parallelism easier to achieve and reason about.

cabal install monad-par

It gives us a type named Par:

newtype Par a

instance Functor Par
instance Applicative Par
instance Monad Par

To evaluate a Par computation, we use runPar:

runPar :: Par a -> a

Notice that this has no side effects, so it will run deterministically.

Building blocks

To start a parallel computation, we use the fork action:

fork :: Par () -> Par ()

Forked tasks need a way to communicate with each other, for which we use the IVar type:

data IVar a
    deriving (Eq)

new :: Par (IVar a)
get :: IVar a -> Par a
put :: (NFData a) => IVar a -> a -> Par ()

The IVar type is a write-once mutable reference. The get function blocks until a put has been performed.

Higher level operations

An extremely common pattern is for a thread to fork several children and wait for them to finish.

We can easily capture this idea with a suitable combinator.

spawn :: (NFData a) => Par a -> Par (IVar a)
spawn act = do
  i <- new
  fork (put i =<< act)
  return i

In fact, usually all we want is to simply wait for all children and return a list of their results.

parMapM :: (NFData b) => (a -> Par b) -> [a] -> Par [b]
parMapM f acts = do 
  ivars <- mapM (spawn . f) acts
  mapM get ivars

Questionable numbers

Supposing we have a set of sample data that we know little about, in particular its precision and variance.

This is exactly the kind of problem that the criterion benchmarking library faces: we have performance data, but it's dirty and doesn't follow any particular statistical distribution.

A technique called the jackknife lets us estimate these parameters.

We successively recompute a function (such as mean) over subsets of a sample, each time with a sliding window cut out.

For a $w$-width window and $k$ samples, the jackknife has a cost of $O((k-w)^2)$.

jackknife :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
jackknife f = map f . resamples 500


It's easy to write a resampling function using familiar building blocks.

resamples :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
resamples k xs =
    take (length xs - k) $
    zipWith (++) (inits xs) (map (drop k) (tails xs))

Our function resamples a list with a window size of k.

>> resamples 2 [0..5]
[[    2,3,4,5],
 [0,    3,4,5],
 [0,1,    4,5],
 [0,1,2,    5]]

Speeding up the jackknife

The nice thing about the jackknife is that each element of the result list is independent, so it's an "embarrassingly parallel" problem.

The monad-par package is very helpful in making this trivial to parallelize.

import Control.Monad.Par (runPar, parMap)

jackknifeP f = runPar . parMap f . resamples 500

A test program

import System.Random.Mersenne

crud = zipWith (\x a -> sin (x / 300)**2 + a) [0..]

main = do
  (xs,ys) <- splitAt 1500 . take 6000 <$> (randoms =<< getStdGen)
  let rs = crud xs ++ ys
  putStrLn $ "sample mean:    " ++ show (mean rs)

  let j = jackknifeP mean rs
  putStrLn $ "jack mean min:  " ++ show (minimum j)
  putStrLn $ "jack mean max:  " ++ show (maximum j)


Core in one slide

variables, literals, let, case, lambda abstraction, application
data Expr b -- "b" for the type of binders, 
  = Var    Id
  | Lit   Literal
  | App   (Expr b) (Arg b)
  | Lam   b (Expr b)
  | Let   (Bind b) (Expr b)
  | Case  (Expr b) b Type [Alt b]

  | Type  Type
  | Cast  (Expr b) Coercion
  | Coercion Coercion

  | Tick  (Tickish Id) (Expr b)

data Bind b = NonRec b (Expr b)
            | Rec [(b, (Expr b))]

type Arg b = Expr b

type Alt b = (AltCon, [b], Expr b)

data AltCon = DataAlt DataCon | LitAlt  Literal | DEFAULT

Functions -> Core


idChar :: Char -> Char
idChar c = c

id :: a -> a
id x = x

idChar2 :: Char -> Char
idChar2 = id


idChar :: GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char
[GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs]
idChar = \ (c :: GHC.Types.Char) -> c

id :: forall a. a -> a
id = \ (@ a) (x :: a) -> x

idChar2 :: GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char
idChar2 = id @ GHC.Types.Char
  • [GblId...] specifies various metadata about the function
  • Functions are all lambda abstractions
  • Explicit passing and instantiation of type variables
    • type variables are proceeded by @ symbol (read them as 'at type ...')
    • they are passed abstracted and passed around just like value variables
    • this is known as second order lambda calculus
    • GHC uses this representation because it makes preserving type information during optimization easy


map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs


map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map =
  \ (@ a) (@ b) (f :: a -> b) (xs :: [a]) ->
    case xs of _ {
      []     -> GHC.Types.[] @ b;
      : y ys -> GHC.Types.: @ b (f y) (map @ a @ b f ys)
  • case statements are only place evaluation happens, read them as 'evaluate'
    • they take an extra variable just after of that captures the return value of the scrutinee
  • names are fully qualified

Data -> Core


data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

none = Nothing
some = Just (1 :: Int)


none :: forall a. Maybe a
none = Nothing

n :: GHC.Types.Int
n = GHC.Types.I# 1

some :: Maybe GHC.Types.Int
some = Just @ GHC.Types.Int n
  • Data types don't explicitly appear in Core
    • Core supports datatype but just no syntax for them at this level
  • Can see how GHC lifts constants out to the top level (CAFs)
  • Can also see boxing and primitive types
    • In general Core follows same syntactic rules as Haskell (e.g Uppercase = Data constructor, # = unboxed value / type)

Sharing & Updating


sum100 :: Int -> Int
sum100 n = n * (foldr (+) 0 [1..100])


-- Unoptimized
sum100n = \ (n :: Int) -> * n (foldr (I# 0) (enumFromTo (I# 1) (I# 100)))

-- Optimized
sum100n = \ (n :: Int) -> GHC.Base.timesInt n sum100n1

sum100n1 = case $wgo 1 of r { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# r }

$wgo :: Int# -> Int#
$wgo = \ (w :: Int#) ->
    case w of w'
      __DEFAULT -> case $wgo (GHC.Prim.+# w' 1) of r
                      __DEFAULT -> GHC.Prim.+# w' r
      100 -> 100
  • For the optimized case GHC lifts the constant expression out so its only computed once and then shared
  • Optimized version creates a new function called $wgo which means 'worker'. This version works with unboxed types for efficiency.
  • The __DEFAULT alternative must appear first. This makes finding a DEFAULT alternative easy, when it exists.

Partial Evaluation -> Core


add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

add2 :: Int -> Int
add2 = add 2

Core (unoptimized)

add :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
add =
  \ (x :: GHC.Types.Int) (y :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
    GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt x y

x :: GHC.Types.Int
x = GHC.Types.I# 2

add2 :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
add2 =
  \ (y :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
    GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt x y
  • (+) function used is the polymorphic GHC.Num.+ variant
    • GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumtInt means, select the (+) field from the GHC.Types.Int dictionary (which is retrieved from GHC.Num.$fNumInt) for the GHC.Num type class

Core (optimized)

add :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
Hs2Core.add = GHC.Base.plusInt

x :: GHC.Types.Int
x = GHC.Types.I# 2

add2 :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
add2 = GHC.Base.plusInt x
  • type class dictionary method has been inlined.

The function GHC.Base.plusInt is implemented as:

+ :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ = \ a b -> case a of _
                 I# a_ -> case b of _
                              I# b_ -> I# (GHC.Prim.+# a_ b_)
  • Notice the evaluation and unboxing of each argument, followed finally by reboxing.

Type Classes -> Core


typeclass MyEnum a where
   toId  :: a -> Int
   fromId :: Int -> a

instance MyEnum Int where
   toId = id
   fromId = id

instance (MyEnum a) => MyEnum (Maybe a) where
   toId (Nothing) = 0
   toId (Just n)  = 1 + toId n
   fromId 0       = Nothing
   fromId n       = Just (fromId $ n - 1)


toId :: forall a. MyEnum a => a -> GHC.Types.Int
toId =
  \ (@ a) (d :: MyEnum a) ->
    case d of _ { D:MyEnum f1 _ -> f1 }

fromId :: forall a. MyEnum a => GHC.Types.Int -> a
fromId =
  \ (@ a) (d :: MyEnum a) ->
    case d of _ { D:MyEnum _ f2 -> f2 }

$fMyEnumInt :: MyEnum GHC.Types.Int
$fMyEnumInt = D:MyEnum @ GHC.Types.Int (id @ GHC.Types.Int) (id @ GHC.Types.Int)

$fMyEnumMaybe :: forall a. MyEnum a => MyEnum (Maybe a)
$fMyEnumMaybe =
  \ (@ a) ($dMyEnum_arR :: MyEnum a) ->
    D:MyEnum @ (Maybe a_acF)
      ($fMyEnumMaybe_$ctoId @ a $dMyEnum_arR)
      ($fMyEnumMaybe_$cfromId @ a $dMyEnum_arR)

$fMyEnumMaybe_$ctoId :: forall a. Hs2Core.MyEnum a => Hs2Core.Maybe a -> GHC.Types.Int
$fMyEnumMaybe_$ctoId =
  \ (@ a) ($dMyEnum_arR :: MyEnum a) (ds :: Maybe a) ->
    case ds of _
      Nothing -> GHC.Types.I# 0
      Just n  -> case toId @ a $dMyEnum_arR n of _ 
                    GHC.Types.I# y -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# 1 y)
  • Typeclasses are implemented via dictionaries
    • Just a data structure storing the various functions for each field
    • Functions that have type class constraints take an extra dictionary argument
    • GHC will optimize away this dictionary passing when it can

Core Summary

  • Look at Core to get an idea of how your code will perform
    • Lots of noise in Core, so best to clean up manually (or play with various flags to suppress some of the noise)
  • Some rules:
    • Pattern matching and guards are translated to case statements
    • where statements become let statements
    • language still lazy but looking for let and case gives you a good idea of evaluation order
    • case means evaluation. (e.g seq is translated to case)
    • let statements are allocation of closures
    • function application is a thunk
    • operations involving unboxed types are eager

Some standard optimisations

  • GHC does some stock standard optimisations: Inlining, Common Subexpression Elimination, Dead Code Elimination
  • A large set of simple, local optimisations (e.g constant folding) are done in one pass called the simplifier. It is run repeatedly until no further changes can be done (with a fixed maximum number of iterations).
  • These are only the basic, big win ones. All the other standard stuff (e.g strength reduction, loop induction...) are missing.
  • We get a lot of this for free though if we use the LLVM backend.

Rest of the optimisations GHC does are fairly specific to a functional language. Lets look at a few of them.

Fun Fact: Estimated that functional languages gain 20 - 40%
improvement from inlining Vs. imperative languages which gain 10 - 15%

STG Code

  • STG is very similar to Core but has one nice additional property:

    • laziness is 'explicit'
    • case = evaluation and ONLY place evaluation occurs (true in Core)
    • let = allocation and ONLY place allocation occurs (not true in Core)
    • So in STG we can explicitly see thunks being allocated for laziness using let
  • To view STG use:

    ghc -ddump-stg A.hs > A.stg

Naive compilation of factorial

Consider this factorial implementation in Haskell:

fac :: Int -> Int -> Int
fac a 0 = a
fac a n = fac (n*a) (n-1)


fac = \ a n -> case n of 
                   I# n# -> case n# of
                                0# -> a
                                _  -> let one = I# 1;
                                          x = n - one
                                          y = n * a;
                                      in  fac y x
  • We allocate thunks before the recursive call and box arguments
  • But fac will immediately evaluate the thunks and unbox the values!
  • With this strictness knowledge, the boxing and thunk creation are unnecessary overhead

GHC with strictness analysis and unboxing

If we compile in GHC with optimisations turned on:

one = I# 0#

-- worker :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wfac = \ a# n# -> case n# of
                     0#  -> a#
                     n'# -> case (n'# -# 1#) of
                                m# -> case (n'# *# a#) of
                                           x# -> $wfac x# m#

-- wrapper :: Int -> Int -> Int
fac = \ a n -> case a of
                    I# a# -> case n of
                                 I# n# -> case ($wfac a# n#) of
                                              r# -> I# r#
  • Strictness analysis has discovered that fac is strict in both arguments
  • So creates a new 'worker' variant of fac that uses unboxed types and no thunks
  • Keeps original function fac though, referred to as the 'wrapper' to supply the correct type interface for other code.
  • As the wrapper uses unboxed types and is tail recursive, this will compile to a tight loop in machine code!


The idea of the SpecConstr pass is to extend the strictness and unboxing from before but to functions where arguments aren't strict in every code path.

Consider this Haskell function:

drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop n []     = []
drop 0 xs     = []
drop n (x:xs) = drop (n-1) xs
  • Would like to pass n unboxed but it isn't strict in the first pattern

So we get this code in STG:

drop n xs = case xs of
              []     -> []
              (y:ys) -> case n of 
                          I# n# -> case n# of
                                      0 -> []
                                      _ -> drop (I# (n# -# 1#)) xs
  • Notice how after the first time this function is called and we start recursing, we could pass n unboxed

The SpecConstr pass takes advantage of this to create a specialised version of drop that is only called after we have passed the first check where we may not want to evaluate n.

Basically we aren't specialising the whole function but a particular branch of it that is heavily used (ie. recursive)

drop n xs = case xs of
              []     -> []
              (y:ys) -> case n of 
                          I# n# -> case n# of
                                      0 -> []
                                      _ -> drop' (n# -# 1#) xs

-- works with unboxed n
drop' n# xs = case xs of
               []     -> []
               (y:ys) -> case n# of
                           0# -> []
                           _  -> drop (n# -# 1#) xs
  • To stop the code size blowing up GHC limits the amount of specialized functions it creates, specified with the -fspec-constr-threshold and -fspec-constr-count flags

STG -> Cmm

So what has been handled and what is left to handle?

  • By the STG stage we have:

    • Simplified Haskell to a handful of constructs (variables, literal, let, lambda, case and application)
    • type classes, monads have all been dealt with
    • laziness is nearly explicit through let constructs for allocation and case for evaluation
  • So we still have to deal with:

    • Compiling these constructs efficiently, big focus will be handling closures and garbage collection (lazy functional languages involve a lot of allocation of short lived objects)
    • Call convention & partial application (only remaining implicit allocation)
    • Evaluating thunks and handling updates
    • Heap and Stack layout
    • Graph reduction: thunks, update frames and black holes
    • Case statements
    • Pointer tagging and evaluation

Closure Representation

The STG machine represents function and data values as heap allocated closures. In GHC all Heap objects have the same layout:

ClosureInfo Table
![](heap-object.png) ![](basic-itbl.png)
  • Header differs depending on closure type, all contain a pointer to code though (even if it represents a value!)
  • Payload contains the closures environment (e.g free variables, function arguments)
  • Layout describes the layout of payload for the garbage collector
  • Notice how the pointer for the info table points to both the info table and the code that will evaluate the closure

Closure Representation

  • Data Constructors:

    data G = G (Int -> Int) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    • [Header | Pointers... | Non-pointers...]
    • Payload is the values for the constructor
    • Closure types of: CONSTR, CONSTR_p_n, CONSTR_STATIC
    • Entry code for a constructor just returns
  • Thunks:

    range = between 1 10
    f = \x -> let ys = take x range
              in sum ys
    • [Header | Pointers... | Non-pointers...]
    • Payload contains the free variables of the expression
    • Differ from function closure in that they can be updated
    • Clousre types of: THUNK, THUNK_p_n, THUNK_STATIC (range is a static thunk, ys is a dynamic thunk)
    • Entry code is the code for the expression
  • Function Closures:

    f = \x -> let g = \y -> x + y
              in g x
    • [Header | Pointers... | Non-pointers...]
    • Payload is the bound free variables (e.g in example above, g is the function closure and x would be in its payload)
    • Function types of: FUN, FUN_p_n, FUN_STATIC
    • Entry code is the function code
  • Partial Applications (PAP):

    foldr (:)
    • [Header | Arity | Payload size | Function closure | Payload]
    • Arity of the PAP (function of arity 3 with 1 argument applied gives PAP of arity 2)
    • Function closure is the function that has been partially applied
    • PAPs should never be entered so the entry code is some failure code

Heap & Stack Layout

GHC has a very nice uniform way of managing the heap and stack.

  • Heap:

    • Heap at the lowest level is a linked list of blocks.
    • All objects in the heap are represented by closure objects
    • Even when for some of them the entry code doesn't make sense
    • When entry code doesn't make sense, the code will either be code that simply returns or code that throws and error
  • Stack:

    • The stack consists of a sequence of frames
    • Each frame has the same layout as a heap object! So the stack and the heap can often be treated uniformily
    • Stacks until very recently were a single contiguous block of memory. They are now a linked list of stack chunks.
    • chunked stacks can be grown far easier but also are quicker to traverse during GC since we can avoid entire chunks of the stack if they haven't been touched since last GC.
  • TSO (thread state object):

    • Represents the complete state of a thread including it stack
    • Are ordinary objects that live in the heap
    • Important benefit of this approach is the GC can detect when a blocked thread is unreachable and so will never be runnable again

Call Convention

  • GHC compiles code into a form called Continuation Passing Style:
    • The idea here is that no function ever returns
    • Instead a function returns by jumping to the closure at the top of the stack
    • Basically the code is always jumping from closure to closure so before calling a function we simply setup the stack correctly to have the control chain on it we want.
  • Call convention is simple: first n arguments in registers, rest on the stack
  • When entering a closure (a common case) the first argument is always a pointer to the closures heap object (node) so it can access its environment
    • entering: In the context of a closure it means evaluating it
    • node: Node in the context of the entry code for a closure is a pointer to the environment for the closure
  • Return convention is also simple, return is made by jumping to the entry code associated with the info table of the topmost stack frame OR in some cases we set the R1 register to point to the return closure
id' x = x
    R1 = R2;
    jump stg_ap_0_fast ();
stg_ap_0_fast { 

#define ENTER()
  // ...
    // ...
    PAP:     { jump %ENTRY_CODE(Sp(0)); }
    default: { info = %INFO_PTR(UNTAG(R1)); jump %ENTRY_CODE(info); }

Calling a known Haskell function:


x :: Int -> Int
x z = (+) 2 (id z)


I64[Hp - 8] = spH_info;                  // create thunk on heap
I64[Hp + 0] = R2;                        // R2 = z, store argument in closure
R2 = stg_INTLIKE_closure+289;            // first argument (static closure for '2')
R3 = Hp - 16;                            // second argument (closure pointer)
jump base_GHCziBase_plusInt ();          // call (+) function

What happens though when we are calling an unknown function?


unknown_app :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
unknown_app f x = f x


unknownzuapp_entry() {
        R1 = R2;
        Sp = Sp + 4;
        jump stg_ap_p_fast ();
  • Here we don't call the function directly as we don't statically known the arity of the function.

  • To deal with this, the STG machine has several pre-compiled functions that handle 'generic application'

  • Generic application has three cases to deal with:

    • The functions arity and number of arguments match! So we simply make a tail call to the functions entry code.
    • The functions arity is greater than the number of supplied argumnts. In this case we build a PAP closure and return that closure to the continuation at the top of the stack
    • The functions arity is less than the number of supplied arguments. Here we push the number of arguments matching the functions arity onto the stack, followed by a new continuation that uses another generic apply function to deal with the remaining arguments and the function that should be returned by the first function.

Data Constructors




section "data" {
        const ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_static_info;
        const 10;
  • Pointer to Constructor (I#)
  • arguments to constructor (10)

Pointer Tagging

  • An optimization that GHC does is pointer tagging. The trick is to use the final bits of a pointer which are usually zero (last 2 for 32bit, 3 on 64) for storing a 'tag'.

  • GHC uses this tag for:

    • If the object is a constructor, the tag contains the constructor number (if it fits)
    • If the object is a function, the tag contains the arity of the function (if it fits)
  • One optimization tag bit enable is that we can detect if a closure has already been evaluated (by the presence of tag bits) and avoid entering it

Data Constructors


build_just :: a -> Maybe a
build_just x = Just x


        Hp = Hp + 16;
        if (Hp > HpLim) goto crt;                        // Allocte heap space
        I64[Hp - 8] = base_DataziMaybe_Just_con_info;    // Just constructor tag
        I64[Hp + 0] = R2;                                // store x in Just
        R1 = Hp - 6;                                     // setup R1 as argument to continuation
                                                         //     (we do '- 6' and not '8' to set the pointer tag)
        jump (I64[Sp + 0]) ();                           // jump to continuation
        R1 = buildzujust_closure;
        jump stg_gc_fun ();
        HpAlloc = 16;
        goto cru;

Case Statements


mycase :: Maybe Int -> Int
mycase x = case x of Just z -> z; Nothing -> 10


mycase_entry()                          // corresponds to forcing 'x'
        R1 = R2;                        // R1 = 'x'
        I64[Sp - 8] = src_info;         // setup case continuation
        Sp = Sp - 8;
        if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto crL;      // check pointer tag to see if x eval'd
        jump I64[R1] ();                // x not eval'd, so eval
        jump src_info ();               // jump to case continuation

src_ret()                               // case continuation
        v::I64 = R1 & 7;                // get tag bits of 'x' and put in local variable 'v'
        if (_crD::I64 >= 2) goto crE;   // can use tag bits to check which constructor we have
        R1 = stg_INTLIKE_closure+417;   // 'Nothing' case
        Sp = Sp + 8;                    // pop stack
        jump (I64[Sp + 0]) ();          // jump to continuation ~= return
        R1 = I64[R1 + 6];               // get 'z' thunk inside Just
        Sp = Sp + 8;                    // pop stack
        R1 = R1 & (-8);                 // clear tags on 'z'
        jump I64[R1] ();                // force 'z' thunk

Graph Reduction: Thunks, Updates & Indirections

Lets take a look at the code for the (x + 1) thunk:

build_data :: Int -> Maybe Int
build_data x = Just (x + 1)


        if (Sp - 24 < SpLim) goto cxc;
        I64[Sp - 16] = stg_upd_frame_info;  // setup update frame (closure type)
        I64[Sp -  8] = R1;                  // set thunk to be updated (payload)
        I64[Sp - 24] = sut_info;            // setup continuation (+) continuation
        Sp = Sp - 24;                       // increase stack
        R1 = I64[R1 + 16];                  // grab 'x' from environment
        if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto cxd;          // check if 'x' is eval'd
        jump I64[R1] ();                    // not eval'd so eval
    cxc: jump stg_gc_enter_1 ();
    cxd: jump sut_info ();                  // 'x' eval'd so jump to (+) continuation

        Hp = Hp + 16;
        if (Hp > HpLim) goto cx5;
        v::I64 = I64[R1 + 7] + 1;           // perform ('x' + 1)
        I64[Hp - 8] = ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_con_info; // setup Int closure
        I64[Hp + 0] = v::I64;               // setup Int closure
        R1 = Hp - 7;                        // point R1 to computed thunk value (with tag)
        Sp = Sp + 8;                        // pop stack
        jump (I64[Sp + 0]) ();              // jump to continuation ('stg_upd_frame_info')
    cx6: jump stg_gc_enter_1 ();
        HpAlloc = 16;
        goto cx6;
  • The interesting thing here is that once the thunk is forced and computes (x + 1) it doesn't return to the continuation at the top of the stack
I64[Sp - 16] = stg_upd_frame_info;  // setup update frame (closure type)
I64[Sp -  8] = R1;                  // set thunk to be updated (payload)
  • Instead it returns to the stg_upd_frame_info function
  • This function is reponsible for taking the thunks computed value and replacing the thunk with this computed value to avoid it being recomputed
  • The replacing is done by changing the entry code for the thunk to be an 'indirection' which is simply code that returns a pointer to another closure.
  • The GC will remove indirections during copying, changing code that pointed to a indirection (evaluated thunk) to the actual value closure.

RTS & Garbage Collection

  • Block Allocator is at the base of the GC:

    • Uses a linked list of blocks where within a block we allocate using a simple bump pointer (heap and stack mangaged this way)
    • Bump pointer is where we simply have a current block to allocate with a pointer to the next free space to allocate in. To allocate we check there is enough space left in the block and if so bump the pointer
    • Block size is chosen such that it's rare we need to allocate an object larger than a block
        _v = R2                        // collect arguments
        _w = R3
        if (Sp - 40 < SpLim) goto spL  // check enough stack free
        Hp = Hp + 20                   // allocate heap space
        if (Hp > HpLim) goto hpL       // check allocation is ok
        [... funtion code now we have stack and heap space needed ...]
        Sp = Sp - 32                   // bump stack pointer to next free word
        jump ...                       // jump to next continuation
        HpAlloc = 20                   // inform how much hp space we need
        R1 = AMod_abc_closure;         // set return point
        jump stg_gc_fun                // call GC
    • Above is the Cmm code typically generated for functions that need to allocate. Notice we simply bump the Hp and Sp registers for allocation after we check there is enough space.
    • We don't need to tell the GC how much stack to allocate as it just allocates the stack in fixed block sizes

Resources & References

Here are some resources to learn about GHC, they were also used to create these slides:

Library level optimization


This business of getting rid of intermediate data structures is called deforestation.

For almost 20 years, GHC has been able to deforest compositions of foldr-style primitive recursion.

It does so using a special building block function:

build :: (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
build g = g (:) []

This is called a list producer, and it's never used in real code. Instead, it's a hint to GHC's inliner.

Controlling the inliner

We use a special pragma to give instructions to GHC's inliner:

{-# INLINE [1] build #-}

The simplifier is run repeatedly to perform Core-to-Core transformations.

Each run of the simplifier has a different phase number. The phase number decreases towards zero.

You can use -dverbose-core2core to see the sequence of phase numbers for successive runs of the simplifier.

So INLINE[k] f means "do not inline f until phase k, but from phase k down to zero, be very keen to inline it".

foldr and the inliner

There's a pragma associated with the definition of foldr too:

{-# INLINE [0] foldr #-}

This ensures that foldr will not be inlined until the last stage of the simplifier.

Why would we care about that?

Enter the rewrite rule

GHC allows us to take advantage of Haskell's purity in a novel way: it exposes a rewrite engine that we can use.

{-# RULES "map/map"
    forall f g xs.  map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs

This tells GHC:

  • The name of the rule is map/map (can be anything, only used when debugging rewrite rules).

  • When you see two uses of map composed, combine them into a single map with the two functions composed.

Thus we eliminate an intermediate list. Nice!

A rewrite rule for map

{-# RULES "map" [~1]
    forall f xs.
    map f xs = build $ \c n -> foldr (mapFB c f) n xs

The ~ phase annotation is new. INLINE[~k] f means "be very keen to inline f until (but not including) phase k, but from phase k onwards do not inline it".

(Rewrite rules and the inliner use the same phase annotations.)

What's mapFB?

Η (eta) expansion and mapFB

There's a really simple equivalence we've never talked about:

\x -> f x  == f

This is called η-equivalence (Greek letter "eta").

  • If we rewrite from left to right, it's called η-contraction.

  • Rewriting from right to left is called η-expansion.

mapFB :: (elt -> lst -> lst) 
      -> (a -> elt)
      -> a -> lst -> lst
mapFB c f = \x ys -> c (f x) ys
{-# INLINE [0] mapFB #-}

This mapFB function η-expands (c . f).

(If my recollection is correct) we care about the η-expansion of x and ys because the rewrite engine needs to see all arguments to an expression before it will fire a rule.

The rewrite rule for mapFB

Once we've rewritten map to mapFB, we can fuse repeated map-based traversals together.

{-# RULES "mapFB" 
    forall c f g.
    mapFB (mapFB c f) g = mapFB c (f.g)

And back to a list again

{-# RULES "mapList" [1] 
    forall f.
    foldr (mapFB (:) f) []  = map f

This reverses the foldr/mapFB rule from a few slides back.

Okay, but where are we going with all this?

The foldr/build rule

Here's the critical rule to make this rewrite stuff work.

{-# RULES "foldr/build"
    forall k z (g :: forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) . 
    foldr k z (build g) = g k z

By now we've seen 4 rewrite rules spread across even more slides. Confused yet? You ought to be!

How it all works

The rules for map work like this (straight from the GHC commentary, no less).

  • Up to (but not including) phase 1, we use the "map" rule to rewrite all saturated applications of map with its build/foldr form, hoping for fusion to happen.

  • In phases 1 and 0, we switch off that rule, inline build, and switch on the "mapList" rule, which rewrites the foldr/mapFB thing back into plain map.

  • It's important that these two rules aren't both active at once (along with build's unfolding) else we'd get an infinite loop in the rules. Hence the activation control below.

  • The "mapFB" rule optimises compositions of map.

This same pattern is followed by many other functions: append, filter, iterate, repeat, etc.

A worked example

Let's manually apply our rewrite rules to this expression:

map toUpper (map toLower xs)

Applying "map" to the inner expression:

-- RULES "map"

map toUpper (build (\c n -> foldr (mapFB c toLower) n xs))

Applying "map" again, this time to the outer expression:

-- RULES "map"

build (\c1 n1 -> 
       foldr (mapFB c1 toUpper) n1 
	     (build (\c0 n0 -> 
		     foldr (mapFB c0 toLower) n0 xs)))

Applying "foldr/build":

-- RULES "foldr/build"

build (\c1 n1 -> (\c0 n0 -> foldr (mapFB c0 toLower) n0 xs)
                 (mapFB c1 toUpper) n1)

-- Substitute for c0 and n0

build (\c1 n1 -> foldr (mapFB (mapFB c1 toUpper) toLower) n1 xs)

Applying "mapFB":

-- RULES "mapFB"

build (\c1 n1 -> foldr (mapFB c1 (toUpper . toLower) n1 xs)

Inlining build:

-- INLINE build

foldr (mapFB (:) (toUpper . toLower) [] xs)

Applying "mapList":

-- RULES "mapList"

map (toUpper . toLower) xs


This foldr/build business is pretty sweet, BUT... only works for foldr-style loops.'s pretty fragile.

But we know that (strict) left folds are actually very common:

  • length, sum, mean, etc.

So what's to be done?


A list is an inductively-defined type:

  • The base case is []

  • The $n+1$ case is (:)

It tells us how to produce more data.

Turning data upside down: coinduction

Here's another way of dealing with the data:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

data Stream a =
    forall s. Stream
    (s -> Step s a)   -- observer function
    !s                -- current state

data Step s a = Done
              | Skip !s
              | Yield !a !s

The Stream type is coinductive. It tells us how to consume more data.

The implementor of the Stream type provides two things:

  • The current state of the stream (invisible to consumers, since it's an existential type)

  • An observation function, which a consumer uses to get another element from the stream

From lists to streams, and back again

It's easy to convert between lists and streams.

streamList :: [a] -> Stream a
streamList s  = Stream next s
    where next []       = Done
          next (x:xs)   = Yield x xs

{-# INLINE [0] streamList #-}
unstreamList :: Stream a -> [a]
unstreamList (Stream next s0) = unfold s0
  where unfold !s = case next s of
                      Done       -> []
                      Skip s'    -> unfold s'
                      Yield x s' -> x : unfold s'

{-# INLINE [0] unstreamList #-}

Left folds over streams

Not only can we easily write a right fold:

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> b
foldr f z (Stream next s0) = go s0
    go !s = case next s of
              Done -> z
              Skip s' -> go s'
              Yield x s' -> f x (go s')

{-# INLINE [0] foldr #-}

We can just as simply write a left fold:

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> b
foldl' f z0 (Stream next s0) = go z0 s0
    go !z !s = case next s of
                 Done       -> z
		 Skip s'    -> go z s'
		 Yield x s' -> go (f z x) s'

{-# INLINE [0] foldl' #-}

Streams vs lists

This stream representation is used internally by several modern Haskell packages:

  • vector - fast packed and unpacked arrays

  • text - efficient support for Unicode text

But why?


We use rewrite rules to eliminate intermediate conversions.

stream :: Text -> Stream Char
{-# INLINE [0] stream #-}

unstream :: Stream Char -> Text
{-# INLINE [0] unstream #-}

{-# RULES "STREAM stream/unstream fusion" 
    forall s.
    stream (unstream s) = s 

Mapping once again

The map function for Text is defined in terms of the map function over a Stream Char.

import qualified Data.Text.Fusion as S

map :: (Char -> Char) -> Text -> Text
map f t = unstream ( f (stream t))
{-# INLINE [1] map #-}

Why? So we can fuse the intermediate data structures away.

{-# RULES "STREAM map/map fusion" 
    forall f g s. f ( g s) = (\x -> f (g x)) s

But why?

We can turn multiple traversals, with intermediate data structures, into a single traversal, with no intermediate structures.

  • The "stream/unstream" rule leaves only compositions of non-recursive functions behind

  • We can combine streams using simpler rules, such as "map/map" above

  • The final array will be fused from the combined single-pass stream pipeline

The keys to good performance with streams

We have to get the inliner and rewrite rules firing at exactly the right times, or we lose these nice properties.

That's a subtle business. Fortunately, it's the library writer's job, not that of the user of the library.

On the other hand, users of the library will see the best performance if they know how to exploit its behaviour.

  • For instance, single-pass algorithms and pipelines win big.

Is stream fusion awesome? Coding

The programming model is most definitely a pain in the ass.

data I s = I1 !s
         | I2 !s {-# UNPACK #-} !Char
         | I3 !s

intersperse :: Char -> Stream Char -> Stream Char
intersperse c (Stream next0 s0) = Stream next (I1 s0)
      next (I1 s)   = case next0 s of
        Done           -> Done
        Skip s'        -> Skip (I1 s')
        Yield x s'     -> Skip (I2 s' x)
      next (I2 s x) = Yield x (I3 s)
      next (I3 s)   = case next0 s of
        Done           -> Done
        Skip s'        -> Skip    (I3 s')
        Yield x s'     -> Yield c (I2 s' x)
{-# INLINE [0] intersperse #-}

Is stream fusion awesome? Performance

In quite a few cases, for the text library, I ended up writing hand-rolled loops because GHC wasn't doing a good enough job at eliminating heap allocation.

For instance:

drop :: Int -> Text -> Text
drop n t@(Text arr off len)
    | n <= 0    = t
    | n >= len  = empty
    | otherwise = loop 0 0
  where loop !i !cnt
            | i >= len || cnt >= n   = Text arr (off+i) (len-i)
            | otherwise              = loop (i+d) (cnt+1)
            where d = iter_ t i
{-# INLINE [1] drop #-}

    "TEXT drop -> fused" [~1] 
    forall n t.
    drop n t = unstream (S.drop n (stream t))

    "TEXT drop -> unfused" [1]
    forall n t.
    unstream (S.drop n (stream t)) = drop n t


Language extensions

Recursion and monadic bindings

  • By contrast, monadic bindings are not recursive

    do fibList <- return $ 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibList (tail fibList)
       ...     -- error, fibList not in scope  ^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^
  • But monads in the MonadFix class have a fixed-point combinator

    class Monad m => MonadFix m where
        mfix :: (a -> m a) -> m a
    • mfix can be used to implement recursive monadic bindings [Erkök00], e.g.:
    mfib :: (MonadFix m) => Int -> m Integer
    mfib n = do
      fibList <- mfix $ \l -> return $ 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) l (tail l)
      return $ fibList !! n -- ^^^^^
  • Why? E.g., might want to simulate circuits with monads

    • Need recursion if there is a loop in your circuit
    • Might want recursion anyway to avoid worrying about order of statements

The DoRec extension

  • New rec keyword introduces recursive bindings in a do block [Erkök02]

    • Monad must be an instance of MonadFix (rec desugars to mfix calls)
    oneTwo'' :: (MonadFix m) => m (Int, Int)
    oneTwo'' = do
      rec x <- return (1, snd y)
          y <- return (fst x, 2)
      return (fst y, snd x)
    • Desugars to:
    oneTwo''' :: (MonadFix m) => m (Int, Int)
    oneTwo''' = do
      (x, y) <- mfix $ \ ~(x0, y0) -> do x1 <- return (1, snd y0)
                                         y1 <- return (fst x0, 2)
                                         return (x1, y1)
      return (fst y, snd x)
  • Note: In practice DoRec helps structure thinking, not shipped that much

    • Can manually desugar rather than require a language extension
    • But mfix on its own is quite useful

Example uses of mfix and rec

  • Create recursive data structures in one shot

    data Link a = Link !a !(MVar (Link a)) -- note ! is okay
    mkCycle :: IO (MVar (Link Int))
    mkCycle = do
      rec l1 <- newMVar $ Link 1 l2        -- but $! would diverge
          l2 <- newMVar $ Link 2 l1
      return l1
  • Call non-strict methods of classes (easy access to return-type dictionary)

    class MyClass t where
        myTypeName :: t -> String        -- non-strict in argument
        myDefaultValue :: t
    instance MyClass Int where
        myTypeName _ = "Int"
        myDefaultValue = 0
    getVal :: (MyClass t) => IO t
    getVal = mfix $ \t -> do      -- doesn't use mfix's full power
      putStrLn $ "Caller wants type " ++ myTypeName t
      return myDefaultValue

Implementing mfix

  • Warm-up: The Identity monad

    newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
    instance Monad Identity where
        return = Identity
        m >>= k = k (runIdentity m)
    • newtype compiles to nothing, so basically same as fix:
    instance MonadFix Identity where
        mfix f = let x = f (runIdentity x) in x
  • For IO, mfix = fixIO (recalling IORef from laziness lecture):

    fixIO :: (a -> IO a) -> IO a
    fixIO k = do
        ref <- newIORef (throw NonTermination)
        ans <- unsafeInterleaveIO (readIORef ref)
        result <- k ans
        writeIORef ref result
        return result
    • This is quite similar to what the compiler does for pure fix

A generic mfix is not possible

  • What if we tried to define an mfix-like function for all monads?

    mbroken :: (Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> m a -- equivalent to mfix?
    mbroken f = fix (>>= f)
    • This is equivalent to
    mbroken f = mbroken f >>= f
    • But >>= is strict in its first argument for many monads, so
    *Main> mfix $ const (return 0)
    *Main> mbroken $ const (return 0)
    *** Exception: stack overflow
  • So mfix needs to take fixed point over value, not over monadic action

    • How to do this is monad-specific
    • Doesn't work for all monads (ContT, ListT)

MonadFix instance for StateT

  • What about the StateT monad?

    newtype StateT s m a = StateT { runStateT :: s -> m (a,s) }
    instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT s m) where
        return a = StateT $ \s -> return (a, s)
        m >>= k  = StateT $ \s0 -> do          -- in monad m
                     ~(a, s1) <- runStateT m s0
                     runStateT (k a) s1
    • Possibly easiest to see using rec notation
    instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (StateT s m) where
        mfix f = StateT $ \s0 -> do            -- in monad m
                   rec ~(a, s1) <- runStateT (f a) s0 -- ~ redundant?
                   return (a, s1)
    • But easily implemented with no language extensions
    instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (StateT s m) where
        mfix f = StateT $ \s -> mfix $ \ ~(a, _) -> runStateT (f a) s
  • A Haskell 2010 instance declaration has the form:

    instance [context =>] ClassName (TypeCon v1 ... vk) where ...
    • Note v1 ... vk are all variables and all distinct, ruling out, e.g., instance C (a,a) or instance C (Int a) or instance [[a]]
  • Allows more specific type paremeters (relatively safe extension)

    • E.g., now we can say:
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    instance Convert Int [Char] where
        convert = show
    • And we can make all types convert to themselves:
    instance Convert a a where convert a = a
    *Main> convert () :: ()
    *Main> convert ([1,2,3]::[Int]) :: [Integer]
    *Main> convert ([1,2,3]::[Int]) :: [Int]
        Overlapping instances for Convert [Int] [Int]
          instance Convert a a
          instance Convert a b => Convert [a] [b]
    • Oops, two instances apply; GHC doesn't know which to choose

Most specific instances

  • What is the most specific instance?

    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
    instance Convert a a where ...
    instance (Convert a b) => Convert [a] [b] where ...
    *Main> convert ([1,2,3]::[Int]) :: [Int]
        Overlapping instances for Convert [Int] [Int]
          instance [overlap ok] Convert a a
          instance [overlap ok] Convert a b => Convert [a] [b]
    • Neither instance is most specific!
    • We have to add a third instance to break the tie--one that can be created by substituting for variables in either of the other two overlapping instances
    instance Convert [a] [a] where convert = id
    *Main> convert ([1,2,3]::[Int]) :: [Int]

A case against OverlappingInstances

module Help where
    class MyShow a where
      myshow :: a -> String
    instance MyShow a => MyShow [a] where
      myshow xs = concatMap myshow xs

    showHelp :: MyShow a => [a] -> String
    showHelp xs = myshow xs     -- doesn't see overlapping instance

module Main where
    import Help

    data T = MkT
    instance MyShow T where
      myshow x = "Used generic instance"
    instance MyShow [T] where
      myshow xs = "Used more specific instance"

    main = do { print (myshow [MkT]); print (showHelp [MkT]) }
*Main> main
"Used more specific instance"
"Used generic instance"
  • MultiParamTypeClasses leads to inexpressible types

    toInt val = convert val :: Int
    • What is the type of function toInt? Would like to write:
    toInt :: (Convert a Int) => a -> Int
    • But (Convert a Int) => is an illegal context, as Int not a type variable
  • FlexibleContexts extension makes the above type legal to write

    • Is a relatively safe extension to use
  • Still a couple of restrictions

    • Each type variable in context must be "reachable" from a type variable in type
      (Reachable = explicitly used, or in another constraint with a reachable variable.)

      sym :: forall a. Eq a => Int   -- illegal
    • Every constraint must have a type variable

      sym :: Eq Int => Bool          -- illegal
  • FunctionalDependencies extension allows arbitrary computation at the type level [Hallgren]

    • But language committee wants compilation to be decidable and deterministic
    • So need to add some restrictions
  • Anatomy of an instance: instance [context =>] head [where body]

    • context consists of zero or more comma-separated assertions
  1. The Paterson Conditions: for each assertion in the context

    a. No type variable has more occurrences in the assertion than in the head

    ~~~~ {.haskell}
    class Class a b | a -> b
    instance (Class a a) => Class [a] Bool  -- bad: 2 * a => 1 * a
    instance (Class a b) => Class [a] Bool  -- bad: 1 * b => 0 * b

    b. The assertion has fewer constructors and variables than the head

    ~~~~ {.haskell}
    instance (Class a Int) => Class a Integer   -- bad: 2 => 2
  2. The Coverage Condition: For each fundep left -> right, the types in right cannot have type variables not mentioned in left

    class Class a b | a -> b
    instance Class a (Maybe a)       -- ok: a "covered" by left
    instance Class Int (Maybe b)     -- bad: b not covered
    instance Class a (Either a b)    -- bad: b not covered

Undecidable vs. exponential -- who cares?

  • Editorial: maybe decidability of language is overrated

    • Computers aren't Turing machines with infinite tapes, after all
  • This legal, decidable program will crash your Haskell compiler

    crash = f5 ()
        where f0 x = (x, x)      -- type size 2^{2^0}
              f1 x = f0 (f0 x)   -- type size 2^{2^1}
              f2 x = f1 (f1 x)   -- type size 2^{2^2}
              f3 x = f2 (f2 x)   -- type size 2^{2^3}
              f4 x = f3 (f3 x)   -- type size 2^{2^4}
              f5 x = f4 (f4 x)   -- type size 2^{2^5}
  • While plenty of not provably decidable programs happily compile

    • The conditions of the last slide are sufficient, not necessary
    • Might have other ways of knowing your program can compile
    • Or maybe figure it out from trial and error?
  • Lifts the Paterson and Coverage conditions

    • Also enables FlexibleContexts when enabled
  • Instead, imposes a maximum recursion depth

    • Default maximum depth is 20

    • Can increase with -fcontext-stack=n option, e.g.:

      {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fcontext-stack=1024 #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
  • A bit reminiscent of C++ templates

    • gcc has a -ftemplate-depth= option
    • Note C++0x raises minimum depth from 17 to 1024
    • Similarly, people have talked of increasing GHC's default context-stack

MonadIO revisited

  • Recall definition of MonadIO

    class (Monad m) => MonadIO m where
        liftIO :: IO a -> m a
    instance MonadIO IO where
        liftIO = id
  • Currently must define an instance for every transformer

    instance MonadIO (StateT s) where liftIO = lift . liftIO
    instance MonadIO (ReaderT t) where liftIO = lift . liftIO
    instance MonadIO (WriterT w) where liftIO = lift . liftIO
  • With UndecidableInstances, one instance can cover all transformers!

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    -- undecidable: assertion Monad (t m) no smaller than head
    instance (MonadTrans t, MonadIO m, Monad (t m)) =>
        MonadIO (t m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO

Summary of extensions

  • We've seen 6 typeclass-related extensions

    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}  -- very conservative
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}      -- conservative
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}       -- conservative
    {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} -- frowned upon
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}   -- very frowned upon
    {-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}   -- the most controversial
    • Not all of these are looked upon kindly by the community
    • But if you enable all six, can be very powerful ([Hlist][] and [OOHaskell][])

Computing over types

  • Can we compute whether two types are equal? First attempt:

    class TypeEq a b c | a b -> c where typeEq :: a -> b -> c
    instance TypeEq a a HTrue where typeEq _ _ = HTrue
    instance TypeEq a b HFalse where typeEq _ _ = HFalse
    • Problem: TypeEq a a HTrue not more specific than TypeEq a b HFalse
    • ... but it is more specific than TypeEq a b c
  • Recall that context is never consulted for instance selection

    • Only afterwards to reject failed assertions or infer types from fundeps
    • Solution: compute c after instance selection with another fundep
    class TypeCast a b | a -> b where typeCast :: a -> b
    instance TypeCast a a where typeCast = id
    instance TypeEq a a HTrue where typeEq _ _ = HTrue -- as before
    instance (TypeCast HFalse c) => TypeEq a b c where
        typeEq _ _ = typeCast HFalse

The utility of TypeEq

  • Editorial: TypeEq is kind of the holy grail of fundeps

    • Means you can program recursively at the type level
    • If you can implement TypeEq, you can distinguish base and recursive cases
    • But relies deeply on OverlappingInstances...
  • Example: Let's do for MonadState what we did for MonadIO

    instance (Monad m) => MonadState s (StateT s m) where
        get :: m s
        put :: s -> m ()
    instance (MonadTrans t, MonadState s m, Monad (t m)) =>
        MonadState s (t m) where
            get = lift get
            put = lift . put
    • MonadIO was easier because type IO can't match parameter (t m)
    • Unfortunately, StateT s m matches both of above instance heads
    • So need OverlappingInstances to select first instance for StateT s m

Heterogeneous lists

  • Last extension: TypeOperators allows infix types starting with ":"

    data a :*: b = Foo a b
    type a :+: b = Either a b
  • Let's use an infix constructor to define a heterogeneous list

    data HNil = HNil deriving Show
    data (:*:) h t = h :*: !t deriving Show
    infixr 9 :*:
    -- Example:
    data A = A deriving Show
    data B = B deriving Show
    data C = C deriving Show
    foo = (A, "Hello") :*: (B, 7) :*: (C, 3.0) :*: HNil
    *Main> foo
    (A,"Hello") :*: ((B,7) :*: ((C,3.0) :*: HNil))
    *Main> :t foo
    foo :: (A, [Char]) :*: ((B, Integer) :*: ((C, Double) :*: HNil))

Operations on heterogeneous lists

  • Notice our list consisted of pairs

    foo :: (A, [Char]) :*: (B, Integer) :*: (C, Double) :*: HNil
    foo = (A, "Hello") :*: (B, 7) :*: (C, 3.0) :*: HNil
    • View first element's type as a key or tag, second as a value--How to look up value?
    class Select k h v | k h -> v where
        (.!) :: h -> k -> v
    instance Select k ((k, v) :*: t) v where
        (.!) ((_, v) :*: _) _ = v
    instance (Select k h v) => Select k (kv' :*: h) v where
        (.!) (kv' :*: h) k = h .! k
    *Main> foo .! A
  • Once again, note the importance of OverlappingInstances

    • Needed to break recursion when type of lookup tag matches head of list
  • Can use to implement all sorts of other features (concatenation, etc.)

Object-oriented programming

  • Heterogeneous can implement object-oriented programming!

    returnIO :: a -> IO a
    returnIO = return
    data GetVal = GetVal deriving Show
    data SetVal = SetVal deriving Show
    data ClearVal = ClearVal deriving Show
    mkVal n self = do
      val <- newIORef (n :: Int)
      returnIO $ (GetVal, readIORef val)
               :*: (SetVal, writeIORef val)
               :*: (ClearVal, self .! SetVal $ 0)
               :*: HNil
    test = do               -- prints 7, then 0
      x <- mfix $ mkVal 7
      x .! GetVal >>= print
      x .! ClearVal
      x .! GetVal >>= print
  • But why mfix?

"Tying the recursive knot"

  • mfix allows you to override methods with inheritance

    • Example, create a "const val" that ignores SetVal messages
    mkConstVal n self = do
      super <- mkVal n self
      returnIO $ (SetVal, const $ return ())
               :*: super
    test2 = do
      x <- mfix $ mkConstVal 7
      x .! GetVal >>= print
      x .! ClearVal
      x .! GetVal >>= print
    *Main> test
    *Main> test2
  • mkVal's call to SetVal was properly overridden by mkConstVal

Generic Programming

  • Haskell allows six classes to be automatically derived

    • Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum
  • DeriveDataTypeable extension adds two more: Typeable, Data

    data MyType = Con1 Int | Con2 String deriving (Typeable, Data)
    • These types encode run-time type information in various ways
    • Require that inner types (Int, String above) also have instances
    • Okay to use parameterized types, though
    data MyTyCon a = MyTyCon a deriving (Typeable, Data)
    • Most standard library types have Typeable and Data instances
  • Provide programming approach known as "scrap your boilerplate"

The Typeable class

  • import Data.Typeable to get Typeable class:

    class Typeable a where
        typeOf :: a -> TypeRep -- Note: never evaluates argument
    data TypeRep -- Opaque, but instance of Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable
  • This allows us to compare types for equality

    rtTypeEq :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> b -> Bool
    rtTypeEq a b = typeOf a == typeOf b
    *Main> rtTypeEq True False
    *Main> rtTypeEq True 5
  • Big Whoop!

    • Couldn't we already do this at compile time with OverlappingInstances?
    • Doing it dynamically is less exciting, but different
    • And allows one very important function...

Type Casting

  • GHC has a function unsafeCoerce

    unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
    • And note: it doesn't just return $\bot$
    • If the name doesn't scare you, the type signature should
  • Let's use Typeable to make a safe cast function

    cast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
    cast a = fix $ \ ~(Just b) -> if typeOf a == typeOf b
                                  then Just $ unsafeCoerce a
                                  else Nothing
    *Main> cast "hello" :: Maybe String
    Just "hello"
    *Main> cast "hello" :: Maybe Int
    • Safe if typeOf on two different types always returns different TypeReps
    • Guaranteed by deriving (Typeable); SafeHaskell disallows manual instances

Generalized casting

  • To cast monadic computations, etc., use generalized cast, gcast:

    import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
    gcast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => c a -> Maybe (c b)
    gcast ca = mcr
      where mcr = if typeOf (unc ca) == typeOf (unc $ fromJust mcr)
                  then Just $ unsafeCoerce ca
                  else Nothing
            unc :: c x -> x
            unc = undefined
    *Main> fromJust $ gcast (readFile "/etc/issue") :: IO String
    "\nArch Linux \\r  (\\n) (\\l)\n\n"
    *Main> fromJust $ gcast (readFile "/etc/issue") :: IO Int
    *** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
  • Note undefined function unc in definition of gcast

    • Common idiom--poses no problem because typeOf is not strict
    • Recall context Typeable b => is like a hidden argument; often use undefined functions with type signatures to unpack types and get dictionaries

Using Typeable: mkT [Boilerplate1]

  • Write a function that behaves like id except on one type

    mkT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (b -> b) -> a -> a
    mkT f = case cast f of
              Just g -> g
              Nothing -> id
    • mkT stands for "make transformation"
  • Example:

    newtype Salary = Salary Double deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
    raiseSalary :: (Typeable a) => a -> a
    raiseSalary = mkT $ \(Salary s) -> Salary (s * 1.04)
    *Main> raiseSalary ()
    *Main> raiseSalary 7
    *Main> raiseSalary (Salary 7)
    Salary 7.28

Using Typeable: mkQ [Boilerplate1]

  • Function that computes over one type or returns default val:

    mkQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => r -> (b -> r) -> a -> r
    mkQ defaultVal fn a = case cast a of
                            Just b -> fn b
                            Nothing -> defaultVal
    • mkQ stands for "make query"
  • Example

    salaryVal :: Typeable a => a -> Double
    salaryVal = mkQ 0 $ \(Salary s) -> s
    *Main> salaryVal ()
    *Main> salaryVal 7
    *Main> salaryVal (Salary 7)

Functions on multiple types: extQ

  • mkQ only works for one type

    • Let's extend mkQ's output to work on another type [Boilerplate1]
    extQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) =>
            (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> a -> r
    extQ q f a = case cast a of
                   Just b -> f b
                   Nothing -> q a
  • Now can cascade multiple one-type query functions

    myShow :: Typeable a => a -> Maybe String
    myShow = mkQ Nothing (Just . show :: Int -> Maybe String)
             `extQ` (Just . show :: Bool -> Maybe String)
             `extQ` (Just . show :: Integer -> Maybe String)
             `extQ` (Just . show :: Double -> Maybe String)
  • Lets you introduce type variables on right side of data declaration

    {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
    data Step s a = Done | Skip !s | Yield !a !s
    data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> Step s a) !s                
    • Given a value of type Stream a, there exists a type s such that...
      But syntax uses forall, not exists, to avoid introducing new keyword
    • Very safe extension (Control.Exception relies on it)
  • Don't confuse with Rank2Types, where forall means for all types s:

    data Stream a = Stream (forall s. s -> Step s a)
  • Contexts on existential variables like hidden dictionary fields

    data Showable = forall a. (Show a) => Showable a
    instance Show Showable where
        show (Showable a) = "Showable " ++ show a
    • A Showable value has both a value of type a, and a dictionary for Show

Example: Dynamic type

  • Data.Dynamic has type Dynamic, which can hold anything Typeable

    data Dynamic  -- opaque type
    toDyn :: Typeable a => a -> Dynamic
    fromDynamic :: Typeable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a
  • Actual implementation slightly gross

    • Uses unsafeCoerce to coerce everything to a placeholder Obj type
  • But easy to implement safely with ExistentialQuantification:

    data Dynamic = forall a. Typeable a => Dynamic a
    toDyn :: Typeable a => a -> Dynamic
    toDyn = Dynamic
    fromDynamic :: Typeable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a
    fromDynamic (Dynamic a) = cast a

Example: Extensible exceptions [Marlow]

  • GHC runtime implements primitive, unsafe exceptions

    raise# :: a -> b
    catch# :: IO a -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a  -- slight simplification
    • Must ensure that, as used, b is always same type, otherwise get unsafe coercion
  • In reality, want many exception types, organized into a hierarchy

  • Control.Exception implements safe, hierarchical exceptions

    • raise# and catch# only ever called with one type: SomeException
    class (Typeable e, Show e) => Exception e where
        toException :: e -> SomeExceptionSource
        toException = SomeException                 -- default impl
        fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe e
        fromException (SomeException e) = cast e    -- default impl
    data SomeException = forall e. Exception e => SomeException e
        deriving Typeable  -- note use of ExistentialQuantification
    instance Show SomeException where
        show (SomeException e) = show

Throwing and catching exceptions

class (Typeable e, Show e) => Exception e where
    toException :: e -> SomeExceptionSource
    fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe e
  • To throw an exception, first convert it to type SomeException

    throw :: Exception e => e -> a
    throw e = raise# (toException e)
  • To catch an exception, must ensure it matches desired type

    -- Define catchX because catch#'s real type more complicated
    catchX :: IO a -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a
    catchX (IO a) handler = IO $ catch# a (unIO . handler)
    catch :: (Exception e) => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
    catch action handler = catchX action handler'
        where handler' se | Just e <- fromException se = handler e
                          | otherwise                  = throwIO se
    • Note calling handler e makes fromException se uses e's Exception dictionary, because Just e is fromException's return value

Making hierarchical exceptions

  • Easy to add your own top-level exception type

    data MyException = MyException deriving (Show, Typeable)
    instance Exception MyException -- use default methods
  • But you can also create a hierarchy of exception types

    data AppError = forall e. Exception e => AppError e
                    deriving (Typeable)
    instance Show AppError where show (AppError e) = show e
    instance Exception AppError
    data Error1 = Error1 deriving (Show, Typeable)
    instance Exception Error1 where
        toException = toException . AppError
        fromException se = do  -- using Maybe as a Monad here
          AppError e <- fromException se
          cast e
    -- Now can do the same for Error2, and catch both as AppError
    • Let's you catch just Error1, or any AppError

The Data class

class Typeable a => Data a where ...
  • In addition to Typeable, can also derive Data

    • Allows generic traversal and construction of data structures
    • We will build it up one method at a time, using the following example
    import Data.Data
    data T a b = C1 a b | C2 deriving (Typeable, Data)
  • deriving Data will cause this gfoldl method to be defined

    gfoldl k z (C1 a b) = z C1 `k` a `k` b
    gfoldl k z C2       = z C2
    • This allows us to implement functions working over all sized tuples
  • Two limitations:

    1. Once you introduce types, things get uglier [cosmetic]
    2. The only dictionaries available are Data and Typeable [fundamental]

gfoldl traversals

  • The actual type of gfoldl:

    -- Recall:  gfoldl k z (C1 a b) = ((z C1) `k` a) `k` b
    -- Note the Rank 2 Type
    gfoldl  :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b)  -- k
            -> (forall g. g -> c g)                            -- z
            -> a
            -> c a
  • If you ignore the c parameter, looks like re-applying constructor

    • E.g., call gfoldl ($) id x, where b type of partially applied constructor
    • Can wrap Identity monad (applicative functor) around values to ignore c
    raiseSalaries :: (Data x) => x -> x
    raiseSalaries x = runIdentity $ gfoldl step return (raiseSalary x)
        where step cdb d = cdb <*> (pure $ raiseSalaries d)
    • Function only bumps salaries, leaves other data fields alone
    *Main> raiseSalaries $ Just (1, Salary 4, True, (Salary 7, ()))
    Just (1,Salary 4.16,True,(Salary 7.28,()))

gfoldl queries

  • Can use a different type c to ignore constructor/arg types

    newtype Q r a = Q { unQ :: r }
    qappend :: (Monoid r) => Q r a -> Q r b -> Q r c
    qappend (Q r1) (Q r2) = Q $ mappend r1 r2
    • Notice we completely ignore second type argument (a)
  • Now say we want to sum all salaries in a structure

    sumSalaries :: (Data x) => x -> Double
    sumSalaries x = getSum $ unQ $ gfoldl step (\_ -> toQ x) x
        where step tot d = tot `qappend` (Q $ Sum $ sumSalaries d)
              toQ = mkQ (Q $ Sum 0) $ \(Salary s) -> Q $ Sum s
    *Main> sumSalaries (Salary 7, Salary 9, True, Just (Salary 4))

Unfolding [Boilerplate2]

  • We've seen how to traverse, modify, and reduce data structures

    • Could, for instance, use gfoldl to serialize a data structure
    • What about unserializing a data structure?
  • Data contains two more useful methods

    • Again, assume example type
    data T a b = C1 a b | C2 deriving (Typeable, Data)
    • And Data will contain the following methods for T:
    toConstr (C1 _ _) = ...     -- encodes constructor number
    toConstr C2       = ...
    gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
                        1 -> k (k (z C1))
                        2 -> z C2
    • This is the dual of gfoldl--instead of supplying the values to k, now k has a chance to feed values to the constructor

Type of gunfold

class (Typeable a) => Data a where
    dataTypeOf :: a -> DataType -- non-strict, return has [Constr]
    toConstr :: a -> Constr
    gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
            -> (forall r. r -> c r)
            -> Constr
            -> c a

dataTypeConstrs :: DataType -> [Constr]
indexConstr :: DataType -> Int -> Constr
maxConstrIndex :: DataType -> Int
  • Now you can use cast to produce values to feed into constructor
  • Can use to implement generic read/unmarshal functions

The generic-deriving package

  • All this boilerplate stuff happens at runtime

    • Slows your program down, doesn't catch errors at compile time
  • Another approach is to do it all statically [Magalhães]

    • Define a single Generic class that converts any datatype to a Rep that can be computed over generically:
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    class Generic a where
      type Rep a :: * -> *
      from :: a -> Rep a x
      to :: Rep a x -> a
    • type Rep is an extension called TypeFamilies. Can read above as:

      class Generic a rep | a -> rep where
      from :: a -> rep x
      to :: rep x -> a
  • But what is a generic representation?

generic-deriving classes

  • Need to be able to deconstruct/query Rep; let's use classes for that

    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, KindSignatures #-}
    class Datatype d where
      datatypeName :: t d (f :: * -> *) a -> String
      moduleName   :: t d (f :: * -> *) a -> String
    class Selector s where
      selName :: t s (f :: * -> *) a -> String
    class Constructor c where
      conName :: t c (f :: * -> *) a -> String
    • For example:
    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    import Generics.Deriving
    import Generics.Deriving.TH
    data T a b = C1 a b | C2 deriving (Show)
    deriveAll ''T -- creates a Generic instance for T
    *Main> datatypeName $ from (C1 () ())

generic-deriving types

-- Nullary constructor (e.g., C2 in data T = ... | C2)
data U1 p = U1

-- Constructor with multiple arguments
data (:*:) f g p = f p :*: g p
infixr 6 :*:

-- Type with multiple constructors
data (:+:) f g p = L1 { unL1 :: f p } | R1 { unR1 :: g p }
infixr 5 :+:

newtype K1 i c p = K1 { unK1 :: c }
type Rec0 = K1 R

newtype M1 i c f p = M1 { unM1 :: f p }
data D; type D1 = M1 D -- c instance of Datatype, f is C1 or :+:
data C; type C1 = M1 C -- c instance of Constructor, f is S1 or :*:
data S; type S1 = M1 S -- c instance of Selector, f is Rec0 or U1
  • Ignore parameter p (reserved to support type parameters of kind ∗ → ∗)
  • M1 exists so a single traversal method can skip over D1, C1, and S1
  • Could say newtype Rec0 c p = K1 c, but some instances use K1 P

Example deriveAll output

data T a b = C1 a b | C2 deriving (Show)

-- deriveAll ''T spit out:
data T_
instance Datatype T_ where
    datatypeName _ = "T"
    moduleName _ = "Main"

data T_C1_
data T_C2_
instance Constructor T_C1_ where conName _ = "C1"
instance Constructor T_C2_ where conName _ = "C2"

type Rep0T_ a_0 b_1 = D1 T_
  (C1 T_C1_ (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 a_0) :*: S1 NoSelector (Rec0 b_1))
   :+: (C1 T_C2_ (S1 NoSelector U1)))

instance Generic (T a_0 b_1) where
    type Rep (T a_0 b_1) = Rep0T_ a_0 b_1
    from (C1 f0 f1) = M1 (L1 (M1 (M1 (K1 f0) :*: M1 (K1 f1))))
    from (C2)       = M1 (R1 (M1 (M1 U1)))
    to (M1 (L1 (M1 (M1 (K1 f0) :*: M1 (K1 f1))))) = C1 f0 f1
    to (M1 (R1 (M1 (M1 (U1)))))                   = C2

How can we use this?

  • Say we are defining our own Show-like class

    class MyShow a where myShow :: a -> String
    instance MyShow [Char] where myShow = show
    instance MyShow Int where myShow = show
  • Want it to work with all user-defined data types

    • Let's define a class Show1 to deal with annoying p parameters
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances,
      OverlappingInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators,
      TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
    class MyShow1 f where myShow1 :: f p -> String
    • And let's define generic traversal methods
    instance (MyShow1 f) => MyShow1 (M1 i c f) where  -- for D1, S1
        myShow1 m1 = myShow1 (unM1 m1)
    instance (MyShow1 f, MyShow1 g) => MyShow1 (f :+: g) where
        myShow1 (L1 a) = myShow1 a
        myShow1 (R1 a) = myShow1 a

Non-generic instances of MyShow1

  • When we hit a constructor, want to print the name

    instance (Constructor c, MyShow1 f) => MyShow1 (C1 c f) where
        myShow1 m1 = conName m1 ++ myShow1 (unM1 m1)
    • We're using OverlappingInstances, since already have M1 instance
  • When we have no constructor args, don't show anything

    instance MyShow1 U1 where myShow1 _ = ""
  • When we have multiple constructor args, show them all

    instance (MyShow1 f, MyShow1 g) => MyShow1 (f :*: g) where
        myShow1 (fp :*: gp) = myShow1 fp ++ myShow1 gp
  • When you hit the actual value, show it

    instance (MyShow c) => MyShow1 (K1 i c) where
        myShow1 k1 = ' ' : myShow (unK1 k1)
    • Now we're calling myShow, which we haven't yet defined for many types

Implementing a generic MyShow

  • Now can define generic MyShow in terms of MyShow1

    instance (Generic a, MyShow1 (Rep a)) => MyShow a where
        myShow a = myShow1 $ from a
  • Can we avoid OverlappingInstances?

    • Could have defined separate D1, S1 instances of Show1 (easy)
    • Could have avoided completely generic instance
      Recommended use is just to define a function myShowDefault, then
    myShowDefault :: (Generic a, MyShow1 (Rep a)) => a -> String
    myShowDefault a = myShow1 $ from a
    instance MyShow T1 where myShow = myShowDefault
    instance MyShow T2 where myShow = myShowDefault
    instance MyShow T3 where myShow = myShowDefault
    • There's still the problem of different behavior for [Char] vs. [a]...
      I don't see how to fix this one, but might be possible

GHC support for generic deriving

  • GHC 7.2 supports Generic deriving through two new language extensions

  • DeriveGenerics extension

    • Just add deriving (Generic) to the end of declarations
  • DefaultSignatures extension

    • Allows default methods that don't work for all instances
    class MyShow a where
        myShow :: a -> String
        default myShow :: (Generic a, MyShow1 (Rep a)) => a -> String
        myShow = myShowDefault
    • Makes it easier to declare instances
    instance MyShow T    -- no need for a where clause


Selected notes and homework for cs240h






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