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2. Installation

wguo-research edited this page May 11, 2020 · 17 revisions

System Requirements

  • R version: >= 3.5.0


Firstly, please install or update the package devtools by running


Then the scCancer can be installed via


Hint: ❗ ❗ ❗

  1. A dependent package NNLM was removed from the CRAN repository recently, so an error about it may be reported during the installation. If so, you can install its a formerly available version by following codes or install manually from its archive.
install.packages('', type='source')
  1. Some dependent packages on GitHub (as follows) may not be able to install automatically, if you encounter such errors, please refer to their GitHub and install them via corresponding commands.
  • SoupX: devtools::install_github("constantAmateur/SoupX")
  • harmony: devtools::install_github("immunogenomics/harmony")
  • liger: devtools::install_github("MacoskoLab/liger")

Any questions about installation, please contact the author.

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